



The Wall Street Journal reports that Google Maps is overrun with fake business listings created by scammers, and Google says it removed more than 3 million of them in 2018. Here’s how to report any fake businesses you see.

《华尔街日报》 报道称,诈骗者创建的虚假商户列表已使Google Maps泛滥成灾,谷歌称其在2018年删除了其中的300万个。

We’ve done this before when we noticed a nearby business listing was fake and didn’t match a real business in its location. The fake business listing vanished immediately after we reported it. By reporting any scams you see, you’ll be doing everyone who uses Google Maps a big favor.

之前,我们发现附近的商家信息是虚假的,并且与所在位置的真实企业不符,因此我们已经做到了。 我们举报之后,虚假的商家信息便消失了。 通过报告您看到的任何骗局,您将为使用Google Maps的所有人提供帮助。

To report a listing, locate and select the business listing in Google Maps. Click or tap the “Suggest an Edit” button.

要报告列表,请在Google Maps中找到并选择公司列表。 单击或点击“建议编辑”按钮。


Select “Remove this place” to tell Google the listing should be removed from Google Maps. If you’re not signed into a Google account, you’ll be prompted to log in before you continue.

选择“删除此地点”以告诉Google列表应从Google Maps中删除。 如果您尚未登录Google帐户,则系统会提示您登录并继续。

(If a scammer has taken over a real business listing with a fake phone number or website, you should instead select “Change name or other details” and provide the business’s real details.)



Provide a reason for the removal—this is technically optional, but it will tell Google why the business should be removed. For example, you can select “Doesn’t exist” or “Spam, fake, or offensive” if the business is a fake listing or a scam.

提供删除的原因-从技术上讲这是可选的,但是它将告诉Google为什么应删除该业务。 例如,如果企业是虚假列表或欺诈,则可以选择“不存在”或“垃圾邮件,伪造或令人反感”。

You can also add a photo of the location, and Google can use this to verify the business doesn’t exist. However, we’ve never done this when reporting obvious scam businesses. If the scam isn’t entirely obvious, you can make your report stronger by taking a photo of that location.

您还可以添加位置的照片,Google可以使用它来验证该公司不存在。 但是,在报告明显的欺诈活动时,我们从未这样做过。 如果该骗局并不十分明显,您可以通过拍摄该地点的照片来使报告更强。

Select “Send” to send your report. Google will get back to you via email.

选择“发送”以发送报告。 Google会通过电子邮件与您联系。


The “Suggest and Edit” feature can be used for other reasons, too. You can tell Google a business has moved or closed, change its name, update its hours, or provide a new website address.

出于其他原因,也可以使用“建议和编辑”功能。 您可以告诉Google一家企业已搬迁或关闭,更改其名称,更新其营业时间或提供新的网站地址。

