oculus go_如何在Oculus Go上删除下载的文件

oculus go_如何在Oculus Go上删除下载的文件

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oculus go_如何在Oculus Go上删除下载的文件

So you downloaded something really embarrassing on your Oculus Go headset, like a Linux fan club movie. Now you need to clean up your tracks, but where do you go? Here’s how to delete downloaded videos (or other files) on your Oculus Go.

因此,您在Oculus Go耳机上下载了真正令人尴尬的内容,例如Linux粉丝俱乐部电影。 现在您需要清理曲目,但是您要去哪里? 这是在Oculus Go上删除下载的视频(或其他文件)的方法。

This is a good time to point out that if you’re going to be browsing Linux fan sites on the web using your Oculus headset, you should use the built-in Oculus private browsing mode, or at least clear your browser history when you’re done. Nobody needs to see footage of Linux fans.

这是一个指出的好时机,如果您打算使用Oculus耳机浏览网络上Linux粉丝网站,则应使用内置的Oculus私有浏览模式,或者至少在您使用浏览器清除浏览器历史记录。重做。 没人需要看Linux爱好者的镜头。

It’s also worth noting that even if you are using private browsing mode, if you download media instead of streaming it, you’re going to need to delete the files manually using this technique.


删除Oculus Go耳机上的下载媒体 (Deleting Downloaded Media on the Oculus Go Headset)

First, you’ll want to head into the Gallery, using the menu on the bottom of the home screen. You probably already knew how to get there, but you’re the one reading this, not me, so you get a screenshot.

首先,您需要使用主屏幕底部的菜单进入图库。 您可能已经知道如何到达那里,但是您是读此书的人,而不是我,因此您获得了屏幕截图。

oculus go_如何在Oculus Go上删除下载的文件

Once you’re there, hover over the item that you want to delete, and then click on the 3 dot menu to see the Delete option. Click it, and your troubles are over. Unless you have like 942 of these files, in which case it might be easier to delete them from your computer. Keep reading for that.

到达那里后,将鼠标悬停在要删除的项目上,然后单击3点菜单以查看“删除”选项。 单击它,麻烦就过去了。 除非您喜欢这些文件中的942,在这种情况下,从计算机中删除它们可能会更容易。 继续阅读。

oculus go_如何在Oculus Go上删除下载的文件

通过PC或Mac删除下载的Oculus Media (Deleting Downloaded Oculus Media via Your PC or Mac)

It’s a heck of a lot easier to delete a ton of files from your computer, and if you plug your Oculus into your computer, you can delete files much quicker that way as well. So use the included USB cable and plug it right into your PC or Mac. You’ll be prompted on the Oculus with a question on whether you trust your computer, which we’ll assume that you do, so click Accept. It’s your computer, after all.

从计算机中删除大量文件要容易得多,而且如果将Oculus插入计算机,也可以更快地删除文件。 因此,请使用随附的USB电缆并将其直接插入PC或Mac。 在Oculus上,系统将提示您有关是否信任计算机的问题,我们假设您会信任该计算机,因此请单击“接受”。 毕竟是您的计算机。

If you’re using a Mac, you’ll need to download the Android File Transfer tool from the official Android website, install it, and then open it up. You’ll immediately see the embarrassing files, and you can delete them all by selecting and right-clicking or using CMD + Delete. You might want to check Movies as well while you’re at it, depending on what apps you were using.

如果您使用的是Mac,则需要从Android官方网站下载Android File Transfer工具,进行安装,然后将其打开。 您将立即看到令人尴尬的文件,并且可以通过选择并右键单击或使用CMD + Delete来删除它们。 您可能还需要在看电影的同时检查电影,具体取决于您所使用的应用程序。

oculus go_如何在Oculus Go上删除下载的文件

If you’re using a Windows PC, you’ll find the headset in File Explorer mounted under Computer as VR-Headset. Head into Download, and you can delete files from there. You might want to check Movies as well while you’re at it, depending on what apps you were using.

如果您使用的是Windows PC,则会在“文件资源管理器”中的“ VR耳机”下找到该耳机。 进入下载,您可以从那里删除文件。 您可能还需要在看电影的同时检查电影,具体取决于您所使用的应用程序。

oculus go_如何在Oculus Go上删除下载的文件

You can also use the same technique to transfer movies to your Oculus headset that you might want to watch. It’s a heck of a lot easier to download stuff from your PC, after all.

您还可以使用相同的技术将可能想要观看的电影传输Oculus耳机。 毕竟,从PC上下载内容要容易得多。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/351327/how-to-delete-downloaded-files-on-oculus-go/

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