unity vuforia_Unity中的Vuforia:构建跨平台的AR应用

unity vuforia_Unity中的Vuforia:构建跨平台的AR应用

unity vuforia

Unity 2017.3 offers out-of-the-box support for Vuforia 7. Developers can build cross-platform AR apps that blend 3D graphics with all types of physical objects and environments directly from the Unity editor. Learn what’s new with Unity and Vuforia, how to get started, and where to get assets.

Unity 2017.3为Vuforia 7提供开箱即用的支持。开发人员可以直接从Unity编辑器中构建将3D图形与所有类型的物理对象和环境融合在一起的跨平台AR应用程序。 了解Unity和Vuforia的新增功能,入门方法以及从何处获取资产。

Vuforia provides cross-platform Augmented Reality support for Android, iOS, and UWP devices, through a single API, allowing developers to write their apps once and run them using the best available core technology.


Starting with Unity 2017.2, Unity Developers have been able to create Vuforia-enabled apps using a simple authoring workflow and event-driven scripting directly in the Unity Editor. The Vuforia integration included performance optimizations, tight ongoing synchronization of features and fixes, and a native Unity workflow that enables developers to focus on creating the best AR experiences.

从Unity 2017.2开始,Unity开发人员已经能够使用简单的创作工作流程和事件驱动脚本直接在Unity Editor中创建启用Vuforia的应用程序。 Vuforia集成包括性能优化,功能和修复的紧密持续同步,以及原生的Unity工作流,​​使开发人员能够专注于创建最佳的AR体验。

With Unity 2017.3, we introduce support for Vuforia 7 enabling developers to attach digital content to even more types of objects and environments using Model Targets and Ground Plane, while ensuring the best possible experiences on the broadest range of devices and operating systems.

借助Unity 2017.3,我们引入了对Vuforia 7的支持,使开发人员可以使用模型目标和地平面将数字内容附加到更多类型的对象和环境,同时确保在最广泛的设备和操作系统上获得最佳体验。

要在Unity中充分利用Vuforia,请不要忘记将Unity 2017.3下载或升级到Unity 2017.3.0补丁2 (To make the most of Vuforia in Unity, don’t forget to download or upgrade your Unity 2017.3 to Unity 2017.3.0 patch 2)

While ARCore and ARKit introduced baseline capabilities to enable AR at scale, Unity 2017.3 and Vuforia 7, provides the building blocks to create cutting edge AR experiences and unlock new categories of interactive applications. Developers can now reach millions of additional users and enhance AR experiences with advanced computer-vision capabilities. We could never had imagined so many core technologies coming together to orchestrate such a beautiful symphony of easy-to-use workflows. This represents the true democratization of AR – all from within the Unity Editor!

虽然ARCore和ARKit引入了基本功能以实现大规模AR,但Unity 2017.3和Vuforia 7提供了构建前沿AR体验并解锁交互式应用程序新类别的基础。 开发人员现在可以通过高级计算机视觉功能吸引数百万其他用户,并增强AR体验。 我们从来没有想过会有这么多核心技术汇聚在一起,精心编排如此简单易用的工作流程。 这代表了AR的真正*化-全部来自Unity编辑器!

If you are an expert AR developer or just someone that is getting started with AR, you should learn more about Vuforia’s new capabilities, check out all the resources and assets provided below.  Keep calm, and Read on!

如果您是专业的AR开发人员或刚开始使用AR的人员,则应了解有关Vuforia的新功能的更多信息,并查看下面提供的所有资源和资产。 保持冷静,然后继续阅读!

Vuforia 7的新功能: (Vuforia 7 new features:)

Vuforia Ground Plane (available for free) enables you to attach digital content to horizontal surfaces, like floors and tabletops, in everyday environments. It’s an an ideal solution for creating games and product visualization apps that interact within the real world.

Vuforia地面飞机 (免费提供)使您可以在日常环境中将数字内容附加到水平表面,例如地板和桌面。 这是用于创建在现实世界中进行交互的游戏和产品可视化应用程序的理想解决方案。

Developers can get started building AR experiences with Ground Plane for ARKit enabled iOS devices in Unity 2017.3. In Unity 2017.3 Patch 2, Ground Planes extends support to the broadest range of popular Android and iOS devices allowing you to reach millions of additional users.

开发人员可以开始在Unity 2017.3中为支持ARKit的iOS设备使用Ground Plane构建AR体验。 在Unity 2017.3补丁2中,“地面飞机”将支持范围扩展到最广泛的流行Android和iOS设备,使您可以吸引数百万其他用户。

Model Targets is the latest evolution of Vuforia’s Object Recognition capabilities. With Model Targets you no longer need a detailed visual design to attach digital content, instead, you can attach content to objects based on their shape. Model Targets also offers real-time 360º tracking and outstanding tracking robustness across a range of environments, lighting conditions, distances.

Model Targets是Vuforia的对象识别功能的最新发展。 使用“模型目标”,您不再需要详细的视觉设计来附加数字内容,而是可以根据对象的形状将内容附加到对象。 Model Targets还可以在各种环境,照明条件和距离范围内提供实时360º跟踪和出色的跟踪鲁棒性。

Imagine creating an AR experiences using objects like automobiles, appliances and industrial equipment and machinery. With Model Targets, you can do things like replacing a user manual with visual instructions overlaid on the object.

想象一下使用汽车,家电,工业设备和机械等对象创建AR体验。 使用模型目标,您可以执行诸如将用户手册替换为覆盖在对象上的可视化说明之类的操作。

Unity 2017.3中提供的其他Vuforia功能 (Additional Vuforia features available in Unity 2017.3)

All of the features of the Vuforia AR app development platform are integrated natively in Unity. You can find them in the GameObject menu. Vuforia’s Game Objects enable you to recognize and track images, objects, and surfaces in your environment.

Vuforia AR应用程序开发平台的所有功能都本地集成在Unity中。 您可以在GameObject菜单中找到它们。 Vuforia的游戏对象使您能够识别和跟踪环境中的图像,对象和表面。

Below, you can learn more about Vuforia 7 features integrated into Unity. Plus, don’t forget that all the assets demoed below are available for free in the Unity Asset Store!

在下面,您可以了解有关集成到Unity中的Vuforia 7功能的更多信息。 另外,别忘了以下演示的所有资产均可在Unity Asset Store中免费获得!

Vuforia功能: (Vuforia features:)

Image Targets are the easiest way to put AR content on flat objects, such as magazine pages, trading cards, and photographs.


unity vuforia_Unity中的Vuforia:构建跨平台的AR应用

Image Target from Vuforia free Core Sample Asset pack


Cloud Targets enable you to manage large collections of Image Targets from your own CMS. They are the best way to support product catalogs, print advertising, and any other application that benefits from easy versioning of large image sets.

Cloud Targets使您能够从自己的CMS管理大量Image Targets。 它们是支持产品目录,印刷广告以及可从大型图像集的轻松版本控制中受益的任何其他应用程序的最佳方法。

Multi Targets are the best way to put AR content on objects with flat surfaces that may be viewed from multiple sides, or that contain multiple images. Product packaging, posters, and murals all make great Multi Targets.

多目标是将AR内容放置在可以从多个侧面查看或包含多个图像的平面对象上的最佳方法。 产品包装,海报和壁画都是出色的“多目标”。

unity vuforia_Unity中的Vuforia:构建跨平台的AR应用

Multi Target from Vuforia free Core Sample Asset pack


Cylinder Targets enable you to put AR content on objects with cylindrical and conical shapes. Soda cans, bottles, and tubes with printed designs are great candidates for Cylinder Targets.

圆柱目标使您可以将AR内容放置在具有圆柱和圆锥形状的对象上。 苏打罐,瓶子和带有印刷设计的试管是圆柱靶的理想选择。

unity vuforia_Unity中的Vuforia:构建跨平台的AR应用

Cylinder Target from Vuforia free Core Sample Asset pack

来自Vuforia的Cylinder Target免费核心样本资产包

User Defined Targets enable you to place content in the real world using a camera image shot at runtime as the target. Users can create targets from images and surfaces found in their environment.

用户定义的目标使您可以使用在运行时拍摄的摄像机图像作为目标来将内容放置在现实世界中。 用户可以从在其环境中找到的图像和表面创建目标。

Object Targets are 3D objects that can be recognized and tracked 3D objects when scanned. Object Recognition works best with objects that are geometrically stable and have surface details.

对象目标是3D对象,可以在扫描时识别和跟踪3D对象。 对象识别最适合几何稳定且具有表面细节的对象。

unity vuforia_Unity中的Vuforia:构建跨平台的AR应用

Object Target from Vuforia free Core Sample Asset pack


VuMarks are custom-designed AR markers that can encode data to support Unique IDs as well as text and byte data. VuMarks are a great way to identify unique instances of an object, which are part of a series or collection. They’re a popular solution for unlocking digital experiences for toys and retail products.

VuMark是自定义设计的AR标记,可以对数据进行编码以支持唯一ID以及文本和字节数据。 VuMark是识别对象的唯一实例的好方法,这些实例是系列或集合的一部分。 它们是用于解锁玩具和零售产品数字体验的流行解决方案。

unity vuforia_Unity中的Vuforia:构建跨平台的AR应用

VuMark from Vuforia free Core Sample Asset pack


Vuforia 7的其他功能 (Additional Vuforia 7 capabilities)

Vuforia supports the broadest range of Android, iOS, and UWP handheld and headworn devices with functionality like head and hand tracking as well as stereo rendering.


Device Tracking – provides a robust inside-out device tracker for rotational head and hand tracking on standard devices.

设备跟踪 –为标准设备上的旋转头和手跟踪提供强大的由内而外的设备跟踪器。

Digital Eyewear – Vuforia enables developers to create content for optical see-through headworn devices, such as the Microsoft HoloLens, ODG R7 and the Vuzix m300.

数字眼镜 – Vuforia使开发人员能够为光学透明头戴式设备(例如Microsoft HoloLens,ODG R7和Vuzix m300)创建内容。

AR+VR Stereo Rendering – Vuforia provides simple APIs to create immersive experiences that transition between Augmented and Virtual Reality.

AR + VR立体声渲染 – Vuforia提供了简单的API,以创建在增强现实和虚拟现实之间过渡的沉浸式体验。

unity vuforia_Unity中的Vuforia:构建跨平台的AR应用

AR+VR Stereo Rendering from Vuforia’s free Stereo Rendering asset pack

Vuforia的免费立体声渲染资产包中的AR + VR立体声渲染

入门 (Getting started)

  1. Download Unity 2017.3.0p2

    下载Unity 2017.3.0p2

  2. During installation, be sure to select “Vuforia Augmented Reality Support” when choosing components.

    在安装过程中,选择组件时,请确保选择“ Vuforia Augmented Reality Support”。

  3. Create a new Unity project.

  4. Under PlayerSettings/XR, check Vuforia Augmented Reality Support.

    在PlayerSettings / XR下,选中Vuforia增强现实支持。
  5. Replace the default Main Camera with an AR Camera (GameObject Menu> Vuforia>AR Camera).

    将默认的主摄像机替换为AR摄像机(“游戏对象”菜单>“ Vuforia”>“ AR摄像机”)。
  6. Add an Image Target to your scene (GameObject Menu> Vuforia> Image).

    将图像目标添加到场景中(GameObject菜单> Vuforia>图像)。
  7. Make your content a child of the Image Target.

  8. Print out the Astronaut card in Editor/Vuforia/ForPrint/ImageTargets/.

    在编辑器/ Vuforia / ForPrint / ImageTargets /中打印出宇航员卡。
  9. Press Play and use your WebCam to see your content appear in the real world!


Note: for AR+VR and Stereo Rendering apps, you’ll also need to enable VR Support in the XR Settings and to add Vuforia at the top of the list of VR SDKs. Add HoloLens at the top of that list if you are building a Vuforia app for HoloLens.

注意:对于AR + VR和Stereo Rendering应用程序,您还需要在XR设置中启用VR支持,并将Vuforia添加到VR SDK列表的顶部。 如果要为HoloLens构建Vuforia应用,请在该列表的顶部添加HoloLens。

It really is that simple. Vuforia also provides a collection of high quality assets you can download for free from the Asset Store to help you learn the basics in augmented reality development and familiarize yourself with some of the keystone interactions.

真的就是这么简单。 Vuforia还提供了一系列高质量的资产,您可以从Asset Store免费下载这些资产,以帮助您学习增强现实开发的基础知识并熟悉一些关键的交互作用。

资源资源 (Resources)

  1. Live Training Session. If you are just getting started to explore AR development, we also recommend you sign up to the Live Unity training Session, “Creating AR Content with Vuforia”.

    现场培训 。 如果您刚刚开始探索AR开发,我们还建议您注册Live Unity培训课程“使用Vuforia创建AR内容”。

  2. Vuforia Core Samples provide complete Unity scenes that show how to create AR experiences for objects and environments using Vuforia targets and trackers.


  3. Vuforia AR+VR Sample illustrates best practices for transitioning between Augmented and Virtual reality using Vuforia’s Mixed Reality Controller and Device Tracker.

    Vuforia AR + VR示例说明了使用Vuforia的Mixed Reality Controller和Device Tracker在增强现实和虚拟现实之间进行转换的最佳实践。

  4. Vuforia Stereo Rendering for Digital Eyewear shows developers how to create Augmented Reality experiences for optical see-through head-worn devices like the ODG R-7.

    Vuforia数字眼镜立体声渲染向开发人员展示了如何为ODG R-7等光学透明头戴式设备创建增强现实体验。

  5. Occlusion Management demonstrates an advanced rendering technique used to make augmentations appear inside of objects.


  6. Background Texture Access shows how to access and apply shaders to the AR video background


  7. Vuforia Developer Library is a comprehensive work of reference developers can refer to for the Vuforia platform.


  8. Vuforia in the Unity forum  Is for any technical questions related to the Vuforia Augmented Reality application development. Vuforia and Unity engineers will also be posting news and announcements here.

    Unity论坛中的Vuforia是有关Vuforia Augmented Reality应用程序开发的任何技术问题。 Vuforia和Unity工程师还将在这里发布新闻和公告。

要在Unity中充分利用Vuforia,请不要忘记将Unity 2017.3下载或升级到Unity 2017.3.0补丁2 (To make the most of Vuforia in Unity, don’t forget to download or upgrade your Unity 2017.3 to Unity 2017.3.0 patch 2)

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/01/15/vuforia-in-unity-build-cross-platform-ar-apps/

unity vuforia