



On Facebook, the News Feed is king. The algorithms behind it control which posts you see from your friends and your frenemies. Every little action you do on Facebook is tracked and it’s all factored in to determine which posts show up first.

在Facebook上,新闻源是国王。 其背后算法控制着您从朋友和朋友那里看到的帖子。 您在Facebook上所做的每一个小动作都会被跟踪,并且所有这些因素都被用来确定哪些帖子首先显示。

Sometimes though, Facebook gets it wrong. Your News Feed ends up clogged with articles you’re just not that interested in and posts from people you don’t really know. This does neither you nor Facebook any good. You’ll have a bad time and won’t use Facebook much so they won’t make any money serving you ads.

但是有时候,Facebook会弄错。 您的新闻Feed最终被您不感兴趣的文章和您不认识的人的帖子所阻塞。 这对您和Facebook都没有好处。 您会遇到麻烦,也不会经常使用Facebook,因此他们不会为您投放广告赚钱。

Thankfully, Facebook has developed some tools to help you sort your News Feed. Let’s look at how you can see the posts you want to see as soon as you log in without ever having to sort through the cruft.

值得庆幸的是,Facebook开发了一些工具来帮助您对新闻源进行排序。 让我们看看如何在登录后立即查看想要查看的帖子,而不必进行分类。

优先和取消关注Facebook新闻订阅偏好中的人员 (Priorize and Unfollow People from Facebook’s News Feed Preferences)

The first place to start is with Facebook’s own News Feed Preferences option. It’s a tool that lets you decide which people and pages show up first in your News Feed and unfollow people and pages you no longer want to see.

首先要开始的是Facebook自己的News Feed Preferences选项。 它是一个工具,可让您决定哪些人和页面首先出现在新闻源中,然后取消关注不再想要的人和页面。

The tool is the same on the website, iOS, and Android, so I’m going to work through using the iOS version. Use whichever one you want.

该工具在网站,iOS和Android上都相同,因此我将使用iOS版本进行操作。 使用任意一个。

To get to the tool on the website, click on the Settings Arrow and select News Feed Preferences.



On the mobile apps, go to Settings > News Feed Preferences.



This brings you to the News Feed Preferences tool.



Let’s start with “Prioritize Who to See First”. Select it and you’ll be presented with a list of all the people and pages you interact with the most. Select any of them that you want to show up at the top of your News Feed.

让我们从“优先看谁优先”开始。 选择它,您将看到与您互动最多的所有人员和页面的列表。 选择您要显示在新闻源顶部的任何一个。


If you don’t see the person or page you want to prioritize in Facebook’s list, you can use the Search or Sort functions to find them.



When you’re finished, tap Done. Now Facebook knows who you care about enough that you want to see all their posts up front.

完成后,点击完成。 现在,Facebook知道您对谁足够在意,因此您希望提前查看他们的所有帖子。

Let’s move onto getting rid of people and pages that are no longer interesting. Select “Unfollow People to Hide Their Posts”.

让我们继续摆脱不再有趣的人和页面。 选择“取消关注者以隐藏帖子”。

Rather than a list of your best friends, Facebook will show you all the people and pages in descending order based on how much they’ve posted recently.



Select any of them you want to unfollow. You can use the same search and sort functions to find a specific person or page. When you’re ready, tap Done.

选择您要取消关注的任何人。 您可以使用相同的搜索和排序功能来查找特定的人或页面。 准备就绪后,点击完成。


The last two options aren’t as useful. Reconnect the People You’ve Unfollowed shows you a list of all the people and pages you’ve unfollowed and lets you follow them again. Discover Pages That Match Your Interests shows you some pages that Facebook thinks you might like. If you’re trying to clean up your News Feed, adding people you already got rid of back in or finding new pages don’t really help.

最后两个选项没有用。 重新连接您不再关注的人会向您显示所有您不再关注的人和页面的列表,并让您再次关注它们。 “发现符合您的兴趣的页面”会显示一些Facebook认为您可能喜欢的页面。 如果您要清理新闻源,则添加已经被甩掉的人或查找新页面并没有帮助。


Have a look and see if there’s anything you want to use either one for, but they probably won’t help a lot.


随行随行 (Unfollow as You Go)

Doing one big clean-up is all well and good, but if you’re anything like me, you’re regularly adding new friends and interacting with new pages. A month after you’ve unfollowed people, there will probably be some new annoyances. The best way to make sure that doesn’t happen is to unfollow things as you go.

进行一次大的清理是件好事,但是如果您和我一样,便会定期添加新朋友并与新页面进行互动。 与人失散一个月后,可能会有一些新的烦恼。 确保这种情况不会发生的最好方法是在进行过程中取消关注。

If you see a post that annoys you from someone you’re not interested in, just unfollow them right then. Here’s how to do that.

如果您看到某条令您不感兴趣的人烦恼的帖子,请立即取消关注。 这是这样做的方法。

On the website, click on the little arrow next to any post.



Next, click Hide All From the page or person you want to unfollow.



And that’s it; they’re unfollowed.

就是这样; 他们没有关注。

In the mobile apps, the process is much the same. It just looks a little different. Tap the arrow next to any post and then tap Unfollow.

在移动应用程序中,过程大致相同。 看起来有点不同。 点击任意帖子旁边的箭头,然后点击取消关注。


If you keep on top of things and get rid of posts you no longer want to see as they appear, your News Feed will stay nice and tidy.


How much you enjoy Facebook is entirely down to the quality of your News Feed. If you see a load of stuff you’ve no interest in, you’re not going to have a very good experience. On the other hand, if you’re seeing posts from the people and pages that are important to you, it’s a useful tool.

您对Facebook的喜欢程度完全取决于新闻订阅源的质量。 如果您看到很多您不感兴趣的东西,那么您将不会有很好的体验。 另一方面,如果您看到的是来自对您很重要的人员和页面的帖子,则它是一个有用的工具。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/294944/how-to-clean-up-your-facebook-news-feed-in-just-a-few-taps/
