



Your Firefox profile stores your settings and personal information, such as your home page, bookmarks, extensions (add-ons), toolbars, and saved passwords. All this information is stored in a profile folder that keeps your data separate from the Firefox program, so if anything goes wrong with Firefox, your information is preserved.

您的Firefox配置文件存储您的设置和个人信息,例如您的主页,书签,扩展名(附加组件),工具栏和保存的密码。 所有这些信息都存储在一个配置文件文件夹中,该文件夹将您的数据与Firefox程序分开,因此,如果Firefox出现任何问题,则会保留您的信息。

If you ever run into any problems with Firefox, trying a new profile can help you troubleshoot. Or, if you have a customization that requires you to find your profile folder, you’ll need to go hunting.

如果您在Firefox中遇到任何问题,尝试使用新的配置文件可以帮助您进行故障排除。 或者,如果您的自定义项要求您找到个人资料文件夹,则需要进行搜索。

The default location for Firefox’s profile folder differs depending on your platform. The default locations are:

Firefox的配置文件文件夹的默认位置因平台而异。 默认位置是:

  • Windows 7, 8.1, and 10: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxxxxxxx.default

    Windows 7、8.1和10: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxxxxxxx.default

  • Mac OS X El Capitan: Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/xxxxxxxx.default

    Mac OS X El Capitan: Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/xxxxxxxx.default

  • Linux: /home/<username>/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxxxx.default

    Linux:/ /home/<username>/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxxxx.default

Just replace <username> with the name of your user folder. The default profile folder is named using eight random letters and numbers with .default on the end (hence our placeholders above, xxxxxxxx.default ). For example, one of ours was called  hfoo2h79.default .

只需将<username>替换为用户文件夹的名称。 默认配置文件文件夹使用八个随机字母和数字命名,最后以.default命名(因此,上面的占位符xxxxxxxx.default )。 例如,我们中的一个叫做hfoo2h79.default

To back up your profile(s), copy the folder(s) in the Profiles folder to an external hard drive or a cloud service. You can also delete your profile folder if you want to start Firefox from a fresh state.

要备份您的个人资料,请将“个人资料”文件夹中的文件夹复制到外部硬盘驱动器或云服务。 如果要从全新状态启动Firefox,也可以删除配置文件文件夹。

If you really want to get your hands dirty, you can set up multiple profiles with different settings, bookmarks, extensions, and toolbars in each. This is useful if you want to test things like extensions, or troubleshoot problems in Firefox without messing up your main profile. You could even have different profiles for different users, or different situations like “Work” and “Personal”.

如果您真的想弄脏手,可以设置多个配置文件,每个配置文件具有不同的设置,书签,扩展名和工具栏。 如果您想测试诸如扩展程序之类的内容,或者在不破坏您的主要配置文件的情况下解决Firefox中的问题,这将非常有用。 您甚至可以为不同的用户使用不同的个人资料,或者使用不同的情况(例如“工作”和“个人”)。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/255587/how-to-find-your-firefox-profile-folder-on-windows-mac-and-linux/
