swiper 指示点样式_返回Windows 7中的经典样式网络活动指示器

swiper 指示点样式_返回Windows 7中的经典样式网络活动指示器

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Are you looking for a Network Activity Indicator that shows more life than the default one in Windows 7? Now you can get the classic dual monitor icon style version back and see when network activity is occurring.

您是否正在寻找一种网络活动指示器,该指示器显示的寿命比Windows 7中的默认寿命更长? 现在,您可以重新获得经典的双监视器图标样式版本,并查看何时发生网络活动。



Here is the default “Network Activity Indicator” in one of our example systems…regardless of what is going on it looks pretty lifeless (and boring).


swiper 指示点样式_返回Windows 7中的经典样式网络活动指示器
swiper 指示点样式_返回Windows 7中的经典样式网络活动指示器



When you download the app it will be in a zip file and contain only three files. Once you have unzipped the contents you will need to create a “Program Files” folder, place the contents inside, and create a convenient shortcut. Now you are ready to “replace” the default “Network Activity Indicator” and enjoy some classic goodness.

当您下载该应用程序时,它将是一个zip文件,仅包含三个文件。 解压缩内容后,需要创建“ Program Files”文件夹,将内容放在其中,并创建方便的快捷方式。 现在,您可以“替换”默认的“网络活动指示器”,并享受一些经典的好处。

swiper 指示点样式_返回Windows 7中的经典样式网络活动指示器


As soon as you start the app you will have two “Network Activity Indicator” icons temporarily displaying in your “System Tray”.


swiper 指示点样式_返回Windows 7中的经典样式网络活动指示器

Time to make the default “Network Activity Indicator” disappear. Use the “Customize Command” to open the “Notification Area Icons Window”.

使默认的“网络活动指示器”消失的时间。 使用“自定义命令”打开“通知区域图标窗口”。

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Scroll through and set the default “Network Activity Indicator” to “Hide icon and notifications”…


swiper 指示点样式_返回Windows 7中的经典样式网络活动指示器

And set “NetworkIndicator.exe” to “Show icon and notifications”. Click “OK” when you are finished.

并将“ NetworkIndicator.exe”设置为“显示图标和通知”。 完成后单击“确定”。

swiper 指示点样式_返回Windows 7中的经典样式网络活动指示器

Now you can easily see when network activity is occurring.


swiper 指示点样式_返回Windows 7中的经典样式网络活动指示器
swiper 指示点样式_返回Windows 7中的经典样式网络活动指示器

Menus & Settings


This is the “Right Click Menu” for the app… You can access the settings from here and to close it you will actually need to click on “Close Menu”.


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Here are the settings. You can customize the “Blink Duration” and set the app to automatically load when Windows starts.

这是设置。 您可以自定义“闪烁持续时间”,并将应用设置为在Windows启动时自动加载。

swiper 指示点样式_返回Windows 7中的经典样式网络活动指示器



If you have been wanting a “Network Activity Indicator” that shows more life than the default built into Windows 7, then you should definitely give this app a try.

如果您想要的“网络活动指示器”显示的寿命比Windows 7中内置的默认寿命更长,那么您绝对应该尝试一下该应用程序。



Download the Network Activity Indicator for Windows 7 (version 1.7)

下载Windows 7(版本1.7)的网络活动指示器

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/7230/get-the-classic-style-network-activity-indicator-back-in-windows-7/

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