如何在您的Apple Watch中添加第三方并发症

如何在您的Apple Watch中添加第三方并发症

With the release of Watch OS 2.0 you can now add custom complications from native Apple Watch apps to your watch face which opens up a whole new world of instant on-your-wrist information. Read on as we show you how to customize your Apple Watch’s complications.

随着Watch OS 2.0的发布,您现在可以将Apple Watch本机应用程序中的自定义复杂功能添加到您的表盘上,这为您提供了即时的实时腕上信息的全新世界。 请继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何自定义Apple Watch的复杂性。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)

The Apple Watch has had complications since the beginning, bits of information on the Utility and Modular watch faces like the sunrise/set schedule, weather, and so on, but only recently with the update to Watch OS 2.0 has the Apple Watch supported third-party application integration into watch face.

从一开始,Apple Watch便遇到了一些麻烦,实用工具和模块化表盘上的信息有些少,例如日出/日落时间表,天气等,但直到最近,随着Watch OS 2.0的更新,Apple Watch才支持第三种功能。派对应用程序集成到表盘中。

Now, as long as the app developers have updated with support for it, you can inject whatever information you want into the complication system for a more tailored-to-your-liking information experience. As long as your favorite Apple Watch app supports complications, there’s really no limit to the kind of information you could park on your watch via the complication system.

现在,只要应用程序开发人员已经更新了对它的支持,就可以将所需的任何信息注入到复杂系统中,以获得更适合您的喜好的信息体验。 只要您最喜欢的Apple Watch应用程序支持复杂功能,通过复杂系统可将数据存储在手表上的种类实际上就没有限制。

我需要什么? (What Do I Need?)

To customize your Apple Watch complications you’ll need three things. First, you’ll need an iPhone updated to iOS 9 or above. Second you’ll need an Apple Watch updated to Watch OS 2.0 or above. Third, you’ll need an application that supports native watch functionality/complications.

要自定义Apple Watch并发症,您需要三件事。 首先,您需要将iPhone更新为iOS 9或更高版本。 其次,您需要将Apple Watch更新为Watch OS 2.0或更高版本。 第三,您需要一个支持本机监视功能/功能的应用程序。

If you need to update your Apple Watch, check out our guide How to Update Your Apple Watch to Watch OS 2.0 before proceeding. If you’re looking for a freshly updated app that supports the new updated complications system, you can always browse the App Store via the Apple Watch app on your iPhone or you can just grab the very app we’re using for this tutorial: Carrot Weather.

如果需要更新Apple Watch,请先阅读我们的指南“ 如何将Apple Watch更新为Watch OS 2.0” 。 如果您正在寻找一个支持新的复杂系统更新的应用程序,则可以随时通过iPhone上的Apple Watch应用程序浏览App Store,也可以仅使用我们在本教程中使用的应用程序: Carrot天气

自定义表盘并发症 (Customizing Your Watch Face Complications)

To customize your Apple Watch’s complications you need, as we just mentioned, an app that supports complications and that app needs to be installed on your Apple Watch. If you don’t have apps set to automatically install on the Apple Watch if there is a companion watch app, you’ll need to open the watch app on your iPhone and navigate to My Watch -> [App Name] and check “Show App on Apple Watch”.

如前所述,要自定义Apple Watch的并发症,您需要一个支持并发症的应用程序,并且该应用程序需要安装在Apple Watch上。 如果您没有将应用程序设置为在有配套手表应用程序的情况下自动安装在Apple Watch上,则需要在iPhone上打开手表应用程序,然后导航至我的手表-> [应用程序名称],然后选中“显示Apple Watch上的应用”。

With that little detail taken care of it’s time to customize the watch face. While technically there are two default Apple watch faces that support complications the Utility and the Modular face, we’ll only be showcasing the Modular face as it offers more information and a better customization experience.

有了这些小细节,就可以定制表盘了。 从技术上讲,有两种默认的Apple Watch面支持Utility和Modular面的复杂性,但我们仅展示Modular面,因为它提供了更多信息和更好的自定义体验。

如何在您的Apple Watch中添加第三方并发症

To customize the watch face press and hold on the watch face for a few seconds to activate the selection screen as seen above, left. Select the “Modular” watch face if you are not already using it. Tap the “Customize” button, again as seen above and left. Swipe left on the selection screen, seen above and center, to enable the customization screen seen on the far right.

要自定义表盘,请按住表盘几秒钟以**选择屏幕,如左上方所示。 如果您尚未使用“标准”表盘,请选择它。 再次点击“自定义”按钮,如上图和左图所示。 在上方和中间看到的选择屏幕上向左滑动,以启用最右边的自定义屏幕。

如何在您的Apple Watch中添加第三方并发症

Select the complication you want to change. We selected the largest central complication, as seen above on the far left. Use the digital crown to scroll through the available complications until you see the new complication you wish to use. In the central image above you can see what the updated watch face looks like with the Carrot Weather complication active (note, also, that because we switched to a weather related complication we changed the smaller existing weather complication to the moon phase complication instead). If you tap on the complication it takes you, just like with the default Apple complications, to the source application, seen in the far right screen image.

选择您要更改的并发症。 我们选择了最大的*并发症,如最左上方所示。 使用数字表冠滚动浏览可用的并发症,直到看到要使用的新并发症。 在上方的*图像中,您可以看到处于**状态的Carrot Weather复杂功能更新后的表盘外观(另请注意,由于我们切换到与天气相关的复杂功能,因此将较小的现有天气复杂功能改为月相复杂功能)。 如果您点击复杂功能,则就像默认的Apple复杂功能一样,它会将您带到源应用程序,如右图所示。

That’s all there is to it! Armed with an app that supports complications, you just need to install it, tweak your watch face, and you can view third-party complications with ease. Have a pressing question about your Apple Watch? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to answer it.

这里的所有都是它的! 配备支持并发症的应用程序,您只需安装它,调整表盘表面,就可以轻松查看第三方并发症。 对您的Apple Watch有紧迫的问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至[email protected],我们将尽力答复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/229577/how-to-add-third-party-complications-to-your-apple-watch/