



If you haven’t gotten around to organizing your Google Drive and need to find something in a hurry, you might have difficulty finding a particular file. Here’s how to quickly search Google Drive.

如果您还没有整理好自己的Google云端硬盘,并且需要急忙查找某些内容,则可能很难找到特定的文件。 以下是快速搜索Google云端硬盘的方法。

Google云端硬盘快速访问 (Google Drive Quick Access)

Google Drive has a feature that sits at the top of the homepage with suggestions of recently opened or edited and potentially relevant files. This feature is called Quick Access, and it’s one of the easiest ways to find a file you regularly open. You can enable Quick Access from the Settings at any time.

Google云端硬盘具有位于首页顶部的功能,其中包含有关最近打开或编辑的文件以及可能相关的文件的建议。 此功能称为快速访问,它是查找经常打开的文件的最简单方法之一。 您可以随时从“设置”中启用“快速访问”。

From the Drive homepage, click the Settings cog in the top-right corner, and then click “Settings.”

云端硬盘首页上 ,点击右上角的“设置”齿轮,然后点击“设置”。


Scroll down to the “Suggestions” section, check the box next to “Make Relevant Files Handy When You Need Them in Quick Access,” and then click “Done.”



After you enable Quick Access, the next time you open your Drive, you’ll see a section at the top of the page with a few suggestions of relevant files.



搜索您的驱动器 (Search Your Drive)

If your file didn’t appear under Quick Access, then one of the next things you might try is to search your Drive for a specific item. You can do this directly from the search bar at the top of the page.

如果您的文件没有出现在“快速访问”下,那么您可能要尝试的另一件事是在云端硬盘中搜索特定项目。 您可以直接从页面顶部的搜索栏中执行此操作。

From the search bar, start to type the name of the file and Drive will start to parse all your files for a match dynamically. Click on the file when you see it listed in the results to open it.

在搜索栏中,开始输入文件名,然后云端硬盘将开始动态分析所有文件以进行匹配。 当文件显示在结果中时,请单击该文件以将其打开。


过滤搜索结果 (Filter Search Results)

As of February 2019, Google implemented a more advanced way to filter files in your Drive. It uses a list of file types you can isolate out of your entire Drive and then skim through the results until you find the file you’ve been looking for.

自2019年2月起,Google实施了更高级的方法来过滤云端硬盘中的文件。 它使用了一系列文件类型,您可以将它们从整个云端硬盘中隔离出来,然后浏览结果,直到找到所需的文件。

From your Google Drive homepage, click the search bar, and a list of file types will appear. You can choose from PDFs, documents, spreadsheets, presentations, photos and images, and videos.

在您的Google云端硬盘主页上,点击搜索栏,然后会显示文件类型列表。 您可以选择PDF,文档,电子表格,演示文稿,照片和图像以及视频。


Click on the type you want to filter out.



As soon as you click the file type, all the files that match will be displayed. To open the file, all you have to do is double-click it.

单击文件类型后,将显示所有匹配的文件。 要打开文件,只需双击它。


进阶筛选结果 (Advanced Filter Results)

If you still can’t find the file you’ve been looking for, you can use the advanced search filter to narrow things down even further.


This time, when you click the search bar, click “More Search Tools” at the bottom of the list.



When you click “More Search Tools,” a new pane will open with a more granular way to find the exact file you’ve been searching. The additional fields to fill out are:

当您单击“更多搜索工具”时,将打开一个新窗格,以更精细的方式查找您一直在搜索的确切文件。 要填写的其他字段是:

  • Type: File types such as documents, images, PDFs, audio, folders, or zipped files.


  • Owner: The person the file belongs to. You can choose anyone, me, not me, or type in a specific person’s name or email address.

    所有者:文件所属的人。 您可以选择任何人,而不是我,也可以输入特定人的姓名或电子邮件地址。

  • Location: Whether the file is in a specific folder, “Trash,” or “Starred.” You can also search for files available to people in your organization.

    位置:文件位于特定的文件夹中,是“已删除邮件”还是“已加星标”。 您也可以搜索组织中的人员可用的文件。

  • Date modified: The date a file was last edited.


  • Item name: The title or term that matches part of the file name.


  • Has the words: Searches for words and phrases found within the file.


  • Shared with: The name or email of the person the file is shared with.


  • Follow up: If the file has action items assigned to you or suggestions in files you own.


Fill out any of the fields that could help yield more accurate results and then click “Search.”



Just like before, all of the files that match your search term are listed below the search bar. To open the file, double-click it and Drive will do the rest.

与以前一样,所有与您的搜索词匹配的文件都在搜索栏下方列出。 要打开文件,请双击它,然后驱动器将执行其余操作。


按大小搜索文件 (Search for a File by Size)

Should you need to find something in your Drive based on file size, you can sort files depending on how big they are. You can display items from largest to smallest or smallest to largest, depending on what you’re looking for.

如果您需要根据文件大小在云端硬盘中找到某些内容,则可以根据文件大小对文件进行排序。 您可以根据需要显示从最大到最小或从最小到最大的项目。

From the left pane, under Storage, click your storage amount—1.6 GB of 17 GB used—and all your files will be listed in the main section of your Drive. By default, everything is shown from biggest to smallest.

在左侧窗格的“存储”下,单击您的存储量(已使用的17 GB中的1.6 GB),所有文件都将列在云端硬盘的主要部分。 默认情况下,所有内容均按从大到小的顺序显示。


To sort everything from smallest to biggest, click “Storage Used.” The arrow next to the text will switch directions, signifying that the sorting order has been reversed.

要从最小到最大排序所有内容,请单击“已用存储”。 文本旁边的箭头将切换方向,表示排序顺序已颠倒。


