0302--iOS之阅读View Controller Programming Guide for iOS---(一)the Role of view Controller

The Role of View Controllers                                                                     --vc扮演的角色


View controllers are the foundation of your app’s internal structure. Every app has at least one view controller, and most apps have several. Each view controller manages a portion of your app’s user interface as well as the interactions between that interface and the underlying data. View controllers also facilitate transitions between different parts of your user interface.


Because they play such an important role in your app, view controllers are at the center of almost everything you do. The UIViewController class defines the methods and properties for managing your views, handling events, transitioning from one view controller to another, and coordinating with other parts of your app. You subclass UIViewController (or one of its subclasses) and add the custom code you need to implement your app’s behavior.


There are two types of view controllers:


  • Content view controllers manage a discrete piece of your app’s content and are the main type of view controller that you create.


  • Container view controllers collect information from other view controllers (known as child view controllers) and present it in a way that facilitates navigation or presents the content of those view controllers differently.


Most apps are a mixture of both types of view controllers.




View Management                                                                                        --视图的管理


The most important role of a view controller is to manage a hierarchy of views. Every view controller has a single root view that encloses all of the view controller’s content. To that root view, you add the views you need to display your content. Figure 1-1 illustrates the built-in relationship between the view controller and its views. The view controller always has a reference to its root view and each view has strong references to its subviews.


Figure 1-1Relationship between a view controller and its views


0302--iOS之阅读View Controller Programming Guide for iOS---(一)the Role of view Controller


It is common practice to use outlets to access other views in your view controller’s view hierarchy. Because a view controller manages the content of all its views, outlets let you store references to the views that you need. The outlets themselves are connected to the actual view objects automatically when the views are loaded from the storyboard.



A content view controller manages all of its views by itself. A container view controller manages its own views plus the root views from one or more of its child view controllers. The container does not manage the content of its children. It manages only the root view, sizing and placing it according to the container’s design. Figure 1-2 illustrates the relationship between a split view controller and its children. The split view controller manages the overall size and position of its child views, but the child view controllers manage the actual contents of those views.

          --内容vc管理它自己的所有view,容器vc管理除了自己的所有view外,还管理所有子vc的根view。★ 但是容器vc并不管理它的子vc,而仅仅是管理子vc的根view只负责各个子vc的根view的尺寸和位置

Figure 1-2View controllers can manage content from other view controllers


0302--iOS之阅读View Controller Programming Guide for iOS---(一)the Role of view Controller

For information about managing your view controller’s views, see Managing View Layout. --后面章节


Data Marshaling                                                                                     --数据的封送处理


A view controller acts as an intermediary between the views it manages and the data of your app. The methods and properties of the UIViewController class let you manage the visual presentation of your app. When you subclass UIViewController, you add any variables you need to manage your data in your subclass. Adding custom variables creates a relationship like the one in Figure 1-3, where the view controller has references to your data and to the views used to present that data. Moving data back and forth between the two is your responsibility.


Figure 1-3 A view controller mediates between data objects and views


0302--iOS之阅读View Controller Programming Guide for iOS---(一)the Role of view Controller


You should always maintain a clean separation of responsibilities within your view controllers and data objects. Most of the logic for ensuring the integrity of your data structures belongs in the data objects themselves. The view controller might validate input coming from views and then package that input in the format that your data objects require, but you should minimize the view controller’s role in managing the actual data.


A UIDocument object is one way to manage your data separately from your view controllers. A document object is a controller object that knows how to read and write data to persistent storage. When you subclass, you add whatever logic and methods you need to extract that data and pass it to a view controller or other parts of your app. The view controller might store a copy of any data it receives to make it easier to update views, but the document still owns the true data.



User Interactions                                                                               --用户交互


View controllers are responder objects and are capable of handling events that come down the responder chain. Although they are able to do so, view controllers rarely handle touch events directly. Instead, views usually handle their own touch events and report the results to a method of an associated delegate or target object, which is usually the view controller. So most events in a view controller are handled using delegate methods or action methods.


For more information about implementing action methods in your view controller, see Handling User Interactions. For information about handling other types of events, see Event Handling Guide for iOS.  --后面章节


Resource Management                                                                                                          --资源管理


A view controller assumes all responsibility for its views and any objects that it creates. The UIViewController class handles most aspects of view management automatically. For example, UIKit automatically releases any view-related resources that are no longer needed. In your UIViewController subclasses, you are responsible for managing any objects you create explicitly.


When the available free memory is running low, UIKit asks apps to free up any resources that they no longer need. One way it does this is by calling the didReceiveMemoryWarning method of your view controllers. Use that method to remove references to objects that you no longer need or can recreate easily later. For example, you might use that method to remove cached data. It is important to release as much memory as you can when a low-memory condition occurs. Apps that consume too much memory may be terminated outright by the system to recover memory.



Adaptivity                                                                                                            --自适应性


View controllers are responsible for the presentation of their views and for adapting that presentation to match the underlying environment. Every iOS app should be able to run on iPad and on several different sizes of iPhone. Rather than provide different view controllers and view hierarchies for each device, it is simpler to use a single view controller that adapts its views to the changing space requirements.


In iOS, view controllers need to handle coarse-grained changes and fine-grained changes. Coarse-grained changes happen when a view controller’s traits change. Traits are attributes that describe the overall environment, such as the display scale. Two of the most important traits are the view controller’s horizontal and vertical size classes, which indicate how much space the view controller has in the given dimension. You can use size class changes to change the way you lay out your views, as shown in Figure 1-4. When the horizontal size class is regular, the view controller takes advantage of the extra horizontal space to arrange its content. When the horizontal size class is compact, the view controller arranges its content vertically.


Figure 1-4  Adapting views to size class changes


0302--iOS之阅读View Controller Programming Guide for iOS---(一)the Role of view Controller

Within a given size class, it is possible for more fine-grained size changes to occur at any time. When the user rotates an iPhone from portrait to landscape, the size class might not change but the screen dimensions usually change. When you use Auto Layout, UIKit automatically adjusts the size and position of views to match the new dimensions. View controllers can make additional adjustments as needed.

      --在给定的size类中,随时都可能发生 细粒度的大小(可能性大)变化。当用户将iPhone从纵向旋转到横向时,尺寸类可能不会改变,但屏幕尺寸通常会改变。当你使用自动布局时,UIKit会自动调整视图的大小和位置以匹配新的尺寸。vc也可以根据需要进行额外的调整。

For more information about adaptivity, see The Adaptive Model.



The View Controller Hierarchy                                 --vc的层次结构



The relationships among your app’s view controllers define the behaviors required of each view controller. UIKit expects you to use view controllers in prescribed ways. Maintaining the proper view controller relationships ensures that automatic behaviors are delivered to the correct view controllers when they are needed. If you break the prescribed containment and presentation relationships, portions of your app will stop behaving as expected.



The Root View Controller                                                                             --根vc


The root view controller is the anchor of the view controller hierarchy. Every window has exactly one root view controller whose content fills that window. The root view controller defines the initial content seen by the user. Figure 2-1 shows the relationship between the root view controller and the window. Because the window has no visible content of its own, the view controller’s view provides all of the content.


Figure 2-1 The root view controller


0302--iOS之阅读View Controller Programming Guide for iOS---(一)the Role of view Controller

The root view controller is accessible from the rootViewController property of the UIWindow object. When you use storyboards to configure your view controllers, UIKit sets the value of that property automatically at launch time. For windows you create programmatically, you must set the root view controller yourself.




Container View Controllers                                                                        --容器vc


Container view controllers let you assemble sophisticated interfaces from more manageable and reusable pieces. A container view controller mixes the content of one or more child view controllers together with optional custom views to create its final interface. For example, a UINavigationController object displays the content from a child view controller together with a navigation bar and optional toolbar, which are managed by the navigation controller. UIKit includes several container view controllers, including UINavigationController, UISplitViewController, and UIPageViewController.

          --容器vc使您可以将 更易于管理和可重用的部件 组装成复杂的用户界面。

A container view controller’s view always fills the space given to it. Container view controllers are often installed as root view controllers in a window (as shown in Figure 2-2), but they can also be presented modally or installed as children of other containers. The container is responsible for positioning its child views appropriately. In the figure, the container places the two child views side by side. Although it depends on the container interface, child view controllers may have minimal knowledge of the container and any sibling view controllers.


Figure 2-2 A container acting as the root view controller


0302--iOS之阅读View Controller Programming Guide for iOS---(一)the Role of view Controller

Because a container view controller manages its children, UIKit defines rules for how you set up those children in custom containers. For detailed information about how to create a custom container view controller, see Implementing a Container View Controller.




Presented View Controllers                                                                -- 显示vc的内容      


Presenting a view controller replaces the current view controller’s contents with those of a new one, usually hiding the previous view controller’s contents. Presentations are most often used for displaying new content modally. For example, you might present a view controller to gather input from the user. You can also use them as a general building block for your app’s interface.


When you present a view controller, UIKit creates a relationship between the presenting view controller and the presented view controller, as shown in Figure 2-3. (There is also a reverse relationship from the presented view controller back to its presenting view controller.) These relationships form part of the view controller hierarchy and are a way to locate other view controllers at runtime.


Figure 2-3 Presented view controllers


0302--iOS之阅读View Controller Programming Guide for iOS---(一)the Role of view Controller

When container view controllers are involved, UIKit may modify the presentation chain to simplify the code you have to write. Different presentation styles have different rules for how they appear onscreen—for example, a full-screen presentation always covers the entire screen. When you present a view controller, UIKit looks for a view controller that provides a suitable context for the presentation. In many cases, UIKit chooses the nearest container view controller but it might also choose the window’s root view controller. In some cases, you can also tell UIKit which view controller defines the presentation context and should handle the presentation.

           --当涉及到容器视图控制器时,UIKit可能会修改“表示链”来简化你必须写的代码。不同的演示风格对它们在屏幕上的显示方式有不同的规则。当您呈现vc时,UIKit会查找为演示提供 合适上下文 的vc。在许多情况下,UIKit会选择最近的vc,但它也可能选择window的vc。在某些情况下,你也可以告诉UIKit哪个vc定义了 “演示的上下文” 并且处理  演示。

Figure 2-4 shows why containers usually provide the context for a presentation. When performing a full-screen presentation, the new view controller needs to cover the entire screen. Rather than requiring the child to know the bounds of its container, the container decides whether to handle the presentation. Because the navigation controller in the example covers the entire screen, it acts as the presenting view controller and initiates the presentation.


Figure 2-4A container and a presented view controller

0302--iOS之阅读View Controller Programming Guide for iOS---(一)the Role of view Controller

For information about presentations, see The Presentation and Transition Process.   --后面章节



Design Tips                                                                       --设计vc的tips 


View controllers are an essential tool for apps running on iOS, and the view controller infrastructure of UIKit makes it easy to create sophisticated interfaces without writing a lot of code. When implementing your own view controllers, use the following tips and guidelines to ensure that you are not doing things that might interfere with the natural behavior expected by the system.



Use System-Supplied View Controllers Whenever Possible         --尽可能使用系统提供的vc


Many iOS frameworks define view controllers that you can use as-is in your apps. Using these system-supplied view controllers saves time for you and ensures a consistent experience for the user.


Most system view controllers are designed for specific tasks. Some view controllers provide access to user data such as contacts. Others might provide access to hardware or provide specially tuned interfaces for managing media. For example, the UIImagePickerController class in UIKit displays a standard interface for capturing pictures and video and for accessing the user’s camera roll.


Before you create your own custom view controller, look at the existing frameworks to see if a view controller already exists for the task you want to perform.


  • The UIKit framework provides view controllers for displaying alerts, taking pictures and video, and managing files on iCloud. UIKit also defines many standard container view controllers that you can use to organize your content.


  • The GameKit framework provides view controllers for matching players and for managing leaderboards, achievements, and other game features.


  • The Address Book UI framework provides view controllers for displaying and picking contact information.

             --Address Book UI framework通信录框架提供了联系人相关的vc

  • The MediaPlayer framework provides view controllers for playing and managing video, and for choosing media assets from the user’s library.


  • The EventKit UI framework provides view controllers for displaying and editing the user’s calendar data.


  • The GLKit framework provides a view controller for managing an OpenGL rendering surface.


  • The Multipeer Connectivity framework provides view controllers for detecting other users and inviting them to connect.


  • The Message UI framework provides view controllers for composing emails and SMS messages.

        --Message UI框架提供了用于组合电子邮件和SMS消息的vc。

  • The PassKit framework provides view controllers for displaying passes and adding them to Passbook.


  • The Social framework provides view controllers for composing messages for Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites.


  • The AVFoundation framework provides a view controller for displaying media assets.



Never modify the view hierarchy of system-provided view controllers. Each view controller owns its view hierarchy and is responsible for maintaining the integrity of that hierarchy. Making changes might introduce bugs into your code or prevent the owning view controller from operating correctly. In the case of system view controllers, always rely on the publicly available methods and properties of the view controller to make all modifications.


For information about using a specific view controller, see the reference documentation for the corresponding framework.


Make Each View Controller an Island                                              --将每一个vc视作一个小岛 

View controllers should always be self-contained objects. No view controller should have knowledge about the internal workings or view hierarchy of another view controller. In cases where two view controllers need to communicate or pass data back and forth, they should always do so using explicitly defined public interfaces.


The delegation design pattern is frequently used to manage communication between view controllers. With delegation, one object defines a protocol for communicating with an associated delegate object, which is any object that conforms to the protocol. The exact type of the delegate object is unimportant. All that matters is that it implements the methods of the protocol.

         --委托者设计模式 是两个vc进行通信的设计模式。也就是一个vc定义了协议,指用遵循了该协议的对象才能与该vc进行通信。遵守了该协议的对象也被叫做(被)委托对象。主要是通过协议里面的方法进行通信的,可以看一下 观察者设计模式 辅助你理解。



Use the Root View Only as a Container for Other Views                --根view仅仅充当容器就够了


Use the root view of your view controller solely as a container for the rest of your content. Using the root view as a container gives all of your views a common parent view, which makes many layout operations simpler. Many Auto Layout constraints require a common parent view to lay out the views properly.



Know Where Your Data Lives                                              --必须知道你的数据存放在哪里


In the model-view-controller design pattern, a view controller’s role is to facilitate the movement of data between your model objects and your view objects. A view controller might store some data in temporary variables and perform some validation, but its main responsibility is to ensure that its views contain accurate information. Your data objects are responsible for managing the actual data and for ensuring the overall integrity of that data.


An example of the separation of data and interface exists in the relationship between the UIDocument and UIViewController classes. Specifically, no default relationship exists between the two. A UIDocument object coordinates the loading and saving of data, while a UIViewController object coordinates the display of views onscreen. If you create a relationship between the two objects, remember that the view controller should only cache information from the document for efficiency. The actual data still belongs to the document object.



Adapt to Changes                                                                                   --vc适应iPhone机型的变化

Apps can run on a variety of iOS devices, and view controllers are designed to adapt to different-sized screens on those devices. Rather than use separate view controllers to manage content on different screens, use the built-in adaptivity support to respond to size and size class changes in your view controllers. The notifications sent by UIKit give you the opportunity to make both large-scale and small-scale changes to your user interface without having to change the rest of your view controller code.


For more information about handling adaptivity changes, see The Adaptive Model.     --后面章节