
In a typical day I will use up to 8 different PC’s.  When I am on these machines I want all of my custom settings to be there for me.  Having a user profile on a Windows machine is easy.  However, what to do with all the customizations I make to my favorite web browser?  MozBackup solves this issue by allowing me to back up all Firefox settings, including extensions (although the program author does not guarantee they’ll all transfer successfully) stick them on a flash drive and restore them on a separate machine.  I have been able to use this with both Vista and XP.

通常,我每天最多会使用8台不同的PC。 当我在这些计算机上时,我希望所有自定义设置都在那里。 在Windows计算机上拥有用户配置文件很容易。 但是,如何对我最喜欢的Web浏览器进行所有自定义? MozBackup通过允许我备份所有Firefox设置(包括扩展名(尽管程序作者不保证它们都将成功传输))解决了此问题,将其粘贴在闪存驱动器上并将其还原到另一台计算机上。 我已经可以在Vista和XP上使用它。

First launch the MozBackup application which will start an easy to follow wizard and click Next. 



Next, choose the Backup a profile option.  You will notice MozBackup will locate all of your Mozilla applications including Thunderbird.  Highlight the application profile you want to backup and click Next.

接下来,选择“备份配置文件”选项。 您会注意到MozBackup将找到您的所有Mozilla应用程序,包括Thunderbird。 突出显示要备份的应用程序配置文件,然后单击“下一步”。


Here we select the profile in this example there is only one which is default.  Also browse to the location you wish to save the backup file.  I selected my flash drive.  After everything has been configured click Next.

在此示例中,我们在此选择配置文件,只有一个是默认配置文件。 同时浏览到您想要保存备份文件的位置。 我选择了闪存驱动器。 配置完所有内容后,单击“下一步”。


You will be asked if you want to password protect the file.  I choose yes because I know it is going to be staying on my flash drive … my flash drive is already encrypted, but it never hurts to have that extra layer of protection.

系统将询问您是否要用密码保护文件。 我选择“是”是因为我知道它会一直保留在我的闪存驱动器上……我的闪存驱动器已经加密,但是拥有额外的保护层也不会造成伤害。


Type in your password twice and click OK.



In the next dialogue box we are going to select what details in the Firefox profile to save or not.  Keep in mind that if you choose to save the Extensions there is no guarantee they will restore successfully, but I have not yet had an issue with them.  When your done configuring the details click Next.

在下一个对话框中,我们将选择要保存或不保存的Firefox配置文件中的详细信息。 请记住,如果选择保存扩展,则不能保证它们将成功还原,但是我还没有遇到任何问题。 完成详细信息的配置后,单击“下一步”。


You will then get a progress screen based upon the profile options we set above.



Backup successful!  Click Finish and take you’re backup settings to the next PC.  Or if you want to create a new backup of Mozilla applications check New backup or restore and follow the above steps.

备份成功! 单击“完成”,然后将您的设置备份到下一台PC。 或者,如果您要创建Mozilla应用程序的新备份,请选中“新建备份或还原”,然后执行上述步骤。


In my next post I will show the restore option. 

