
本文为美国密苏里大学(作者:SEAN LANDER)的硕士论文,共35页。



Introduced in 2006, Deep Learning has made large strides in bothsupervised an unsupervised learning. The abilities of Deep Learning have beenshown to beat both generic and highly specialized classification and clusteringtechniques with little change to the underlying concept of a multi-layerperceptron. Though this has caused a resurgence of interest in neural networks,many of the drawbacks and pitfalls of such systems have yet to be addressedafter nearly 30 years: speed of training, local minima and manual testing ofhyper-parameters.Inthis thesis we propose using an evolutionary technique in order to work toward solvingthese issues and increase the overall quality and abilities of Deep Learning Networks.In the evolution of a population of autoencoders for input reconstruction, we areable to abstract multiple features for each autoencoder in the form of hiddennodes, scoring the autoencoders based on their ability to reconstruct theirinput, and finally selecting autoencoders for crossover and mutation withhidden nodes as the chromosome. In this way we are able to not only quicklyfind optimal abstracted feature sets but also optimize the structure of theautoencoder to match the features being selected. This also allows us toexperiment with different training methods in respect to data partitioning and selection,reducing overall training time drastically for large and complex datasets. Thisproposed method allows even large datasets to be trained quickly andefficiently with little manual parameter choice required by the user, leadingto faster, more accurate creation of Deep Learning Networks.

1 引言
2 研究方法
3 性能测试
4 结果
5 讨论
6 结论
7 未来工作展望
8 小结
