



The PNG format is supposed to be a lossless format, but when you save an image as a PNG file, you are asked to choose a compression level. Does this mean that the PNG format is actually not lossless after all? Today’s SuperUser Q&A post helps clear up the confusion for a curious reader.

PNG格式应该是无损格式,但是将图像另存为PNG文件时,会要求您选择压缩级别。 这是否意味着PNG格式实际上并不是无损的? 今天的“超级用户”问答页面有助于消除好奇读者的困惑。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader pkout wants to know if the quality of a PNG image is affected by the compression level chosen:


As I understand it, PNG files use lossless compression. However, when I am using an image editor such as Gimp and try to save an image as a PNG file, it asks for a compression level ranging between 0 and 9.

据我了解,PNG文件使用无损压缩。 但是,当我使用图像编辑器(例如Gimp)并尝试将图像另存为PNG文件时,它要求的压缩级别为0到9。

If it has a compression parameter that affects the visual precision of the compressed image, how is PNG lossless then? Can someone please explain this to me? Do I get lossless behavior only when I set the compression level to 9?

如果压缩参数会影响压缩图像的视觉精度,那么PNG如何无损? 有人可以向我解释一下吗? 仅当将压缩级别设置为9时,我才会获得无损行为吗?

Is there a difference in the quality of the image depending on the compression level you choose?


答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributors LordNeckbeard and jjlin have the answer for us. First up, LordNeckbeard:

超级用户贡献者LordNeckbeard和jjlin为我们找到了答案。 首先,领颈长:

PNG is Compressed, but Lossless


The compression level is a trade-off between file size and encoding/decoding speed. To overly generalize, even non-image formats such as FLAC have similar concepts.

压缩级别是文件大小和编码/解码速度之间的权衡。 为了过度概括,甚至非图像格式(例如FLAC)也具有类似的概念。

Different Compression Levels, Same Decoded Output


Although the file sizes are different due the the different compression levels, the actual decoded output will be identical. You can compare the MD5 hashes of the decoded outputs with ffmpeg using the MD5 muxer. This is best shown with some examples.

尽管由于压缩级别不同,文件大小也不同,但是实际的解码输出将是相同的。 您可以使用MD5多路复用器将解码输出的MD5哈希与ffmpeg进行比较。 最好通过一些示例来说明。

Create PNG Files


  • By default, ffmpeg will use -compression_level 100 for PNG output.

    默认情况下,ffmpeg将使用-compression_level 100进行PNG输出。
  • A quick, sloppy test showed that 100 (the highest compression level) took roughly three times longer to encode and five times longer to decode than 0 (the lowest compression level) in this example.


Compare File Size



Decode the PNG Files and Show MD5 Hashes



Since both hashes are the same, you can be assured that the decoded outputs (the uncompressed raw files) are exactly the same.


Followed by the answer from jjlin:


PNG is lossless. GIMP is most likely not using the best choice of wording in this case.

PNG是无损的。 在这种情况下,GIMP很可能没有使用最佳的措词选择。

Think of it as quality of compression or level of compression. With lower compression, you get a bigger file, but it takes less time to produce, whereas with higher compression, you get a smaller file that takes longer to produce.

将其视为压缩质量压缩 级别 。 使用较低的压缩率,您可以获得较大的文件,但是生成时间较短,而使用较高的压缩率,则文件较小,而生成时间更长。

Typically you get diminishing returns, i.e. not as much decrease in size compared to the increase in time it takes when going up to the highest compression levels, but it is up to you.


Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/203979/is-the-png-format-lossless-since-it-has-a-compression-parameter/
