如何使用Microsoft Edge在网页上做笔记

如何使用Microsoft Edge在网页上做笔记

Microsoft Edge, the new replacement for Internet Explorer, lets you take notes, write, doodle, and highlight directly on web pages as a note. Afterwards, you can save or share the web note. In this article we’ll show you how to take notes in Microsoft Edge.

Microsoft Edge是Internet Explorer的新替代产品,使您可以将笔记,书写,涂鸦以及直接在网页上突出显示为笔记。 之后,您可以保存或共享Web笔记。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何在Microsoft Edge中做笔记。

如何使用标记工具 (How to Use Markup Tools )

Open Start Menu and click on “Microsoft Edge”. Tap or click “Make a web note” at the top right corner to start adding to the webpage you’re on. The web note menu shows up on top, replacing the address bar. If the toolbar and tab are purple and maroon in color, then it indicates that you are currently viewing or making a web note on that specific webpage.

打开开始菜单,然后单击“ Microsoft Edge”。 点击或单击右上角的“制作网络笔记”以开始添加到您所在的网页。 Web注释菜单显示在顶部,代替地址栏。 如果工具栏和选项卡为紫色和栗色,则表明您当前正在该特定网页上查看或制作网页注释。

如何使用Microsoft Edge在网页上做笔记

You get two tools to make notes—a pen and a highlighter. Click or tap on the “Pen” and “Highlighter” icon to write or highlight what you like on the webpage. Click or tap the tools again to bring up a small dialog showing ink colors and nib sizes, choose the color and size according to your needs.

您有两种做笔记的工具-笔和荧光笔。 单击或点击“笔”和“突出显示”图标以写或突出显示您在网页上想要的内容。 再次单击或点击工具,将弹出一个小对话框,显示墨水颜色和笔尖尺寸,并根据需要选择颜色和尺寸。

如何使用Microsoft Edge在网页上做笔记

If you want to erase some or all of the scribblings you’ve made on the webpage, then click or tap on the “Eraser” icon once to clear single pen or highlighter marks you want. To clear all pen and highlighter marks on the webpage at once, click or tap on the “Eraser” icon and select “Clear all ink.”

如果您要擦除在网页上所做的部分或全部划线,请单击或单击一次“橡皮擦”图标以清除所需的单笔或荧光笔标记。 要一次清除网页上的所有笔和荧光笔标记,请单击或点击“橡皮擦”图标,然后选择“清除所有墨水”。

如何使用Microsoft Edge在网页上做笔记

Click or tap on the “Type” icon to write a note in the box. You can add your comments anywhere on the webpage.

单击或点击“类型”图标以在框中写笔记。 您可以在网页上的任何位置添加评论。

如何使用Microsoft Edge在网页上做笔记

Click or tap on the “Clip” icon to clip a copy of an outlined area of the webpage to the clipboard. To do this, left click and hold on mouse or touchpad to outline the area you want on the webpage. Release the mouse, and paste the image where you like.

单击或点击“剪辑”图标以将网页轮廓区域的副本剪辑到剪贴板。 为此,请左键单击并按住鼠标或触摸板以勾勒您要在网页上显示的区域。 释放鼠标,然后将图像粘贴到您喜欢的位置。

如何使用Microsoft Edge在网页上做笔记

保存并共享您的笔记 (Save and Share Your Notes )

If you click “Exit,” all your annotations are lost and you return back to browsing mode, so you want to save or share them immediately, so click or tap on the “Save” icon and select your location of the web note.


You can store the annotated pages in OneNote, Favorites or Reading List in Microsoft Edge. Type a name, select a folder, or create a new folder to save web notes (Favorites only), and click or tap on “Add.” You can open the web note anytime from your “Favorites” or “Reading List” to be able to update or remove them. You can also share your web notes through Mail, Facebook, or OneNote.

您可以将带注释的页面存储在Microsoft Edge的OneNote,“收藏夹”或“阅读列表”中。 输入名称,选择一个文件夹,或创建一个新文件夹以保存Web注释(仅限“收藏夹”),然后单击或点击“添加”。 您可以随时从“收藏夹”或“阅读列表”中打开网络笔记,以进行更新或删除。 您还可以通过Mail,Facebook或OneNote共享Web笔记。

如何使用Microsoft Edge在网页上做笔记

With Microsoft Edge, it’s really easy to doodle and make notes on the Web. While you can use OneNote Clipper to save a webpage in OneNote, the markup tools in Microsoft Edge are a big addition.

使用Microsoft Edge,可以很容易地在网络上涂鸦和做笔记。 虽然可以使用OneNote Clipper在OneNote中保存网页,但是Microsoft Edge中的标记工具是一个很大的补充。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/226270/how-to-make-notes-on-web-pages-with-microsoft-edge/