论文笔记:Selective Search for Object Recognition


  • 论文发布于2012年,主要是用于解决目标坚持任务中候选框该如何选择的问题
  • 该算法大大减少了穷举法选择出来的候选框数目,这可以机器学习算法更powerful


  • 图片本质上是可以分成各个层次。比如说图1,碗里盛的有食物,而碗又站在桌子上
    论文笔记:Selective Search for Object Recognition

images are intrinsically hierarchical: In Figure 1a the salad and spoons are inside the salad bowl, which in turn stands on the table

论文笔记:Selective Search for Object Recognition
论文笔记:Selective Search for Object Recognition
论文笔记:Selective Search for Object Recognition

  • 穷搜法缺点很明显,就是效率太低。遍历搜索所有可能存在物体的box显然是不现实的,而且搜索框还会受到大小、长宽比等因素的影响

aim to combine the best of the intuitions of seg- mentation and exhaustive search and propose a data-driven selec- tive search

  • 本文提出的select search就是为了将区域分割和穷搜法结合起来

aim to combine the best of the intuitions of seg- mentation and exhaustive search and propose a data-driven selec- tive search

  • 受到穷搜法启发,算法目标就是捕获所有可能存在物体的区域。但是,在进行采样的时候,不只是使用单一的方法,而是使用多样化的采样技术从而考虑不同条件下的图片

Inspired by exhaustive search, we aim to capture all possible object locations. Therefore, instead of using a single sampling technique, we aim to diversify the sampling techniques to account for as many image conditions as possible >>

  • 作者使用多种策略来进行区域分割,比如使用将图像转换到多种颜色空间中、使用多种合并策略。该算法主要应用于目标检测

Specifically, we use a data-driven grouping- based strategy where we increase diversity by using a variety of complementary grouping criteria and a variety of complementary colour spaces with different invariance properties

  • 有哪些好的分割和合并策略 ?

  • select search算法的时间复杂度如何?

  • 我们能不能将select search算法应用到更power到目标检测分类器中

Exhaustive Search

  • 因为搜索的空间太大,所以穷搜法是非常昂贵的

the visual search space is huge, making an exhaustive search computationally expensive

  • 目前来说,绝大多数的滑动窗口技术都使用了比较粗糙的搜索网格,并且固定了长宽比

Hence most of these sliding window techniques use a coarse search grid and fixed aspect ratios

Selective Search


  • 对图像使用不同的颜色空间
  • 使用多种相似度计算方法

论文笔记:Selective Search for Object Recognition
论文笔记:Selective Search for Object Recognition

论文笔记:Selective Search for Object Recognition

论文笔记:Selective Search for Object Recognition

论文笔记:Selective Search for Object Recognition


论文笔记:Selective Search for Object Recognition


  1. 首先使用过分割算法将原始图像分割成一个个区域
  2. 然后提取各个区域的neighbor,并且计算他们之间的相似度
  3. 进行循环,首先取出相似度最大的两个区域,进行合并,合并之后再找出合并之后区域的neighbors,并且计算他们的相似度并且加入到相似度集合中,并且加入到区域集合中
  4. 最终如果相似度集合为空,则跳出循环,得到的R集合,即为我们要找的候选框



(1) 一、评测了多种strategy下,selective search算法运行的效果

(2) 二、评测了该算法location的质量好坏

(3) 三、评测了将该算法用于目标检测获得的效果

论文笔记:Selective Search for Object Recognition

论文笔记:Selective Search for Object Recognition
Overlap这个指标就是检测两个region相互覆盖的比例,其计算方式很简单,就是region1 并上 region2的面积 除以region1和region2的面积之和

Individual Diversification Stragies
  • 这部分主要是评估了单一策略对算法的影响

  • 论文为了多样化策略,提供了三种方法,第一种就是改变颜色空间,第二种就是改变相似度计算方式,但三种就是改变过分割算法的参数

(1) In this paper we propose three diversification strategies to obtain good quality object hypotheses: varying the colour space, vary- ing the similarity measures, and varying the thresholds to obtain the starting regions

论文笔记:Selective Search for Object Recognition

上图即为实验结果。 图片左部是改变相似度计算方法对MABO的影响,可以看出使用texture相似度效果是最差的。 图片右上部指的是颜色空间对MABO算法的影响,其中HSV效果是最好的,RGB效果也还行。 图片的右下部是过分割算法参数对MABO的影响,可以看到50是最好的

Combinations of Diversification Startegies


论文笔记:Selective Search for Object Recognition



(i) Single Strategy:HSV颜色空间、四种相似度、k=100 >>

(ii) Fast Startegy:HSV、Lab颜色空间,CTSF、TSF两种相似度计算,k=50、100 >>

(iii) Quality Strategy:HSV、Lab、rgI三种颜色空间;H、I 两种颜色通道;CTSF、TSF、F、S四种计算相似度策略;k=50、100、150、300 >>

Box-based Location

论文笔记:Selective Search for Object Recognition

  • 上图为selective-search算法产生的box-location与样本标记的location的对比(其中绿色为真实标签),可以看出效果是非常好的

(a) As shown in Table 5, our “Fast” and “Quality” selective search methods yield a close to optimal recall of 98% and 99% respec- tively. In terms of MABO, we achieve 0.804 and 0.879 respec- tively. To appreciate what a Best Overlap of 0.879 means, Figure 5 shows for bike, cow, and person an example location which has an overlap score between 0.874 and 0.884. This illustrates that our selective search yields high quality object locations

论文笔记:Selective Search for Object Recognition


论文笔记:Selective Search for Object Recognition

  • 上图显示了使用不同算法来检测不同物体时,其ABO的变化。可以看出,综合起来selective search是比较好的

论文笔记:Selective Search for Object Recognition

第一张图片,除了select search算法,其他算法分割的结果都不太好,这是因为selective search算法有fill相似度的加持

In the first image, the other methods have problems keeping the white label of the bottle and the book apart. In our case, one of our strategies ignores colour while the “fill” similarity (Eq. 5) helps grouping the bottle and label together >>


The second image is an example of a dark image on which our algo- rithm has generally strong results due to using a variety of colour spaces >>


our method sometimes generates segments with an irregular border, which is illustrated by the third image of a cat


The final image shows a very difficult example, for which only [4] provides an accurate segment >>

论文笔记:Selective Search for Object Recognition

上图可以看到,selective—search 运行速度与其他算法相比是快的多。