

Part1:Action Service




  • setAccepted - After inspecting a goal, decide to start processing it

  • setRejected - After inspecting a goal, decide to never process it because it is an invalid request (out of bounds, resources not available, invalid, etc)

  • setSucceeded - Notify that goal has been successfully processed

  • setAborted - Notify that goal encountered an error during processsing, and had to be aborted

  • setCanceled - Notify that goal is no longer being processed, due to a cancel request


  • CancelRequest: The client notifies the action server that it wants the server to stop processing the goal.


as_->setAborted(move_base_msgs::MoveBaseResult(), "Aborting on goal because it was sent with an invalid quaternion");
//将move_base的结果状态status置为Aborted,并且设置text内容为Aborting on goal because it was sent with an invalid quaternion,反馈Aborted的原因;

 as_->setSucceeded(move_base_msgs::MoveBaseResult(), "Goal reached.");
//将move_base的结果状态status置为Succeeded,并且设置text内容为Goal reached.;



  • Pending - The goal has yet to be processed by the action server

  • Active - The goal is currently being processed by the action server

  • Recalling - The goal has not been processed and a cancel request has been received from the action client, but the action server has not confirmed the goal is canceled

  • Preempting - The goal is being processed, and a cancel request has been received from the action client, but the action server has not confirmed the goal is canceled


  • Rejected - The goal was rejected by the action server without being processed and without a request from the action client to cancel

  • Succeeded - The goal was achieved successfully by the action server

  • Aborted - The goal was terminated by the action server without an external request from the action client to cancel

  • Recalled - The goal was canceled by either another goal, or a cancel request, before the action server began processing the goal

  • Preempted - Processing of the goal was canceled by either another goal, or a cancel request sent to the action server



uint8 PENDING         = 0   # The goal has yet to be processed by the action server
uint8 ACTIVE          = 1   # The goal is currently being processed by the action server
uint8 PREEMPTED       = 2   # The goal received a cancel request after it started executing
                            # and has since completed its execution (Terminal State)
uint8 SUCCEEDED       = 3   # The goal was achieved successfully by the action server 
                            # (Terminal State)
uint8 ABORTED         = 4   # The goal was aborted during execution by the action server 
                            # due  to some failure (Terminal State)
uint8 REJECTED        = 5   # The goal was rejected by the action server without being 
                            # because the goal was unattainable or invalid (Terminal 
uint8 PREEMPTING      = 6   # The goal received a cancel request after it started executing
                            #    and has not yet completed execution
uint8 RECALLING       = 7   # The goal received a cancel request before it started executing,
                            #    but the action server has not yet confirmed that the goal is canceled
uint8 RECALLED        = 8   # The goal received a cancel request before it started executing
                            #    and was successfully cancelled (Terminal State)
uint8 LOST            = 9   # An action client can determine that a goal is LOST. This should not be
                            #    sent over the wire by an action server

ROS Messages中/move_base/status可以反馈以上所有状态,但是/move_base/result只会反馈最终状态!


Part2:Action Client




  • Reported [State]: Since the client is trying to track the server's state, most transitions are triggered by the server reporting its state to the ActionClient.
  • Receive Result Message: In this case, the server sends a result message to the client. Receiving a result will always signal the end of tracking a goal.



  • Cancel Goal: Request the server to stop processing this goal






  • Pending - The goal has yet to be processed by the action server

  • Active - The goal is currently being processed by the action server

  • Recalling - The goal has not been processed and a cancel request has been received from the action client, but the action server has not confirmed the goal is canceled

  • Preempting - The goal is being processed, and a cancel request has been received from the action client, but the action server has not confirmed the goal is canceled









actionlib_msgs/GoalStatus Message

ros actionlib多客户端加单服务器的同步问题


ROS actionlib学习(三)