修复windows修复引导_如何在Windows 7中修复无航空透明度

修复windows修复引导_如何在Windows 7中修复无航空透明度


The Aero feature in Vista and Windows 7 is an awesome new enhancement, but sometimes it doesn’t display correctly and there is no transparency effect. Here are some quick steps you can take to repair it.

Vista和Windows 7中的Aero功能是一项令人敬畏的新增强功能,但有时无法正确显示并且没有透明效果。 您可以按照以下一些快速步骤进行维修。

No Transparency Effect


You may have run into this problem, where Aero is enabled but transparency isn’t working (As shown in the examples below). It seems I’ve found this happening after running games, watching video, or updating a video card driver.

您可能会遇到此问题,其中启用了Aero,但透明度不起作用(如下例所示)。 在运行游戏,观看视频或更新视频卡驱动程序之后,我似乎发现了这种情况。

修复windows修复引导_如何在Windows 7中修复无航空透明度
修复windows修复引导_如何在Windows 7中修复无航空透明度

Troubleshoot and Fix No Transparency


To get everything working again, right-click an empty area on the the desktop and select Personalize.


修复windows修复引导_如何在Windows 7中修复无航空透明度

Now in the Personalization window underneath the Aero Themes, click on the link Troubleshoot problems with transparency and other Aero effects.


Note: This link is only present where there is a problem going on with Aero. We also show how to get to the troubleshooting tool at any time below.

注意:仅当Aero出现问题时,此链接才存在。 我们还在下面随时显示了如何使用故障排除工具。

修复windows修复引导_如何在Windows 7中修复无航空透明度

In the next window click the Advances link and make sure and check the box next to Apply repairs automatically.

在下一个窗口中,单击“高级”链接,并确保并选中“ 自动应用修复 ”旁边的框。

修复windows修复引导_如何在Windows 7中修复无航空透明度

If you don’t select to Apply repairs automatically, after the troubleshooting process has completed you will get a report showing what needs to be fixed. I’ve found it’s just faster to have it repair issues automatically.

如果您未选择自动应用修复,则在故障排除过程完成后,您将获得一份报告,其中显示需要修复的问题。 我发现自动修复问题速度更快。

修复windows修复引导_如何在Windows 7中修复无航空透明度

Windows begins looking for what is causing the problem with the display.


修复windows修复引导_如何在Windows 7中修复无航空透明度

Here you can see the transparency was fixed automatically and now shows what the problem was.


修复windows修复引导_如何在Windows 7中修复无航空透明度

Click the link View detailed information to pull up a report of what tests were ran and their results that you can print out if needed.


修复windows修复引导_如何在Windows 7中修复无航空透明度

Alternate Fix Method for no Transparency


You can also fix the no transparency issue by going by stopping and restarting the Desktop Window Manager Session Manager service. We found this method to be easiest in Vista. To do it, type services.msc into the search box on the Start menu.

您也可以通过停止并重新启动Desktop Window Manager Session Manager服务来解决无透明性问题。 我们发现此方法在Vista中最简单。 为此,请在“开始”菜单上的搜索框中键入services.msc

修复windows修复引导_如何在Windows 7中修复无航空透明度

Scroll down until you see Desktop Window Manager Session Manager and right-click and choose Stop…after it stops, right-click and restart it. After it restarts, transparency should be back and then close out of Services.

向下滚动,直到看到Desktop Window Manager会话管理器,然后单击鼠标右键,然后选择“停止...”。停止后,右键单击并重新启动它。 重新启动后,应恢复透明性,然后关闭服务。

修复windows修复引导_如何在Windows 7中修复无航空透明度

Check for Aero Problems Anytime


The steps above are meant for troubleshooting no transparency specifically. You can troubleshoot or check for other Aero problems by typing troubleshooting into the search box in the Start menu and hit Enter.

上面的步骤仅用于解决透明性问题。 您可以通过在“开始”菜单的搜索框中键入疑难解答 ,然后按Enter键来解决或检查其他Aero问题。

修复windows修复引导_如何在Windows 7中修复无航空透明度

Then in the following screen click on Display Aero desktop effects under Appearance and Personalization.

然后在以下屏幕中,在“ 外观和个性化”下单击“ 显示Aero”桌面效果

修复windows修复引导_如何在Windows 7中修复无航空透明度

Give it a moment to come up, then follow through the wizard as shown above.


修复windows修复引导_如何在Windows 7中修复无航空透明度

That is all there is too it. The next time Aero isn’t running correctly on your Windows 7 machine, these tips should help you get it back to how it was.

这就是全部。 下次Aero在Windows 7机器上无法正确运行时,这些提示应有助于您恢复到原来的状态。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/7955/how-to-fix-no-aero-transparency-in-windows-7/
