SecureCRT通过SSH服务登录ubuntu出错:Password authentication failed, Please verify that the username and passw

1. 首先确保ubuntu安装ssh服务。通过ps -e | grep ssh查看,如果 sshd表示ssh已成功启动。

2. 通过SecureCRT登录ssh服务

SecureCRT通过SSH服务登录ubuntu出错:Password authentication failed, Please verify that the username and passw

提示错误:Password authentication failed, Please verify that the username and passwd are correct.

SecureCRT通过SSH服务登录ubuntu出错:Password authentication failed, Please verify that the username and passw

3. 经过一番检查,发现/etc/ssh/sshd_config配置选项中”PremitRootLogin"中禁止了Root的登录权限

SecureCRT通过SSH服务登录ubuntu出错:Password authentication failed, Please verify that the username and passw 

更改如下:PremitRootLogin yes

SecureCRT通过SSH服务登录ubuntu出错:Password authentication failed, Please verify that the username and passw

 4. 重启ssh服务

SecureCRT通过SSH服务登录ubuntu出错:Password authentication failed, Please verify that the username and passw

5. 登录成功

SecureCRT通过SSH服务登录ubuntu出错:Password authentication failed, Please verify that the username and passw