Lorex IP camera URL

Lorex IP camera URL


1. Connecting to your Lorex IP camera

连接到 Lorex IP 摄像头

Try the following connection options in iSpy or Agent to connect to your Lorex IP camera. If an FFMPEG option is available we recommend you try that first as it will often be faster and include audio support. You can also try the VLC plugin in iSpy if the FFMPEG option isn’t working.
在 iSpy 或 Agent 中尝试以下连接选项以连接到 Lorex IP 摄像机。如果 FFMPEG 选项可用,我们建议您首先尝试,因为它通常会更快并包含音频支持。如果 FFMPEG 选项不起作用,您也可以在 iSpy 中尝试 VLC 插件。

agent ['eɪdʒ(ə)nt]:n. 代理人,代理商,药剂,特工 vt. 由...作中介,由...代理 adj. 代理的

The settings for Lorex cameras are built right into our open source surveillance software iSpy and our Windows Service based platform, Agent - click “Add” then “IP camera with wizard” to automatically setup your Lorex cameras. Start typing in the “Make” box to find your camera. If your camera is not listed in iSpy or Agent then click “Get Latest List” in settings or when on the add camera wizard. If you need to modify the URL then add or edit the Lorex camera and you can modify the connection type and URL in the video source dialog (button is top of the first tab).
Lorex 摄像机的设置直接内置于我们的开源监控软件 iSpy 和基于 Windows 服务的平台,代理 - 单击“添加”,然后单击“带向导的IP摄像机”,自动设置 Lorex 摄像机。 开始在“制作”框中输入以找到您的相机。如果您的相机未在 iSpy 或代理中列出,请在设置中或添加相机向导中单击“获取最新列表”。如果您需要修改 URL,则添加或编辑 Lorex 摄像头,您可以在视频源对话框中修改连接类型和 URL (按钮位于第一个选项卡的顶部)。

wizard ['wɪzəd]:n. 男巫,术士,奇才,向导程序 adj. 男巫的,巫术的
dialog ['daɪəlɒɡ]:n. 对话,会话

Tip: Click a model to generate a URL for your camera
提示:单击模型以生成相机的 URL


Lorex IP camera URL

Lorex IP camera URL

Lorex IP camera URL