

You must find out your work-life balance because without that you will burn out. It happens because work is like gas. If you don't control it then work fill all available time little by little. I.e. I used to work 11 hours per day from home. Hopefully, I understood that it had been a bad idea. Let me share some pieces of advice:

您必须找出工作与生活之间的平衡,否则您将精疲力尽。 之所以会这样,是因为工作就像气体。 如果您不控制它,那么工作将逐渐占用所有可用时间。 即我以前每天在家工作11个小时。 希望我知道这是一个坏主意。 让我分享一些建议:

  1. Find out a work-life balance.

  2. Do exercises.

  3. Eat healthy food.

  4. Create a schedule & follow it.

  5. Improve microclimate at home.


1.找出工作与生活的平衡 (1. Find out work-life balance)

First of all, you should split your work & home activities. Your brain should understand if it is working time or home time. There are some simple examples:

首先,您应该分开工作和家庭活动。 您的大脑应该了解是工作时间还是家庭时间。 有一些简单的示例:

  • Don't eat in front of the laptop. Do it in a dining room.

    不要在笔记本电脑前吃饭。 在饭厅里做。
  • Create a workspace: a comfortable chair, table, lamp, etc.

  • Walk alongside your block before work.

  • Walk during lunch.


The main idea is to create a trigger. You have to switch your mind from home mode to work mode and back. I use life hack for that: slippers. Let me clarify:

主要思想是创建触发器。 您必须将思维从家庭模式切换到工作模式,然后再切换回去。 我使用生活技巧:拖鞋。 让我澄清一下:

  • If I put on sleepers it means that I'm in the office.

  • If I take off sleepers it means I'm at home.


It's my trigger. It helps me to switch between home and work modes.

这是我的触发器。 它可以帮助我在家庭和工作模式之间切换。

2.做运动 (2. Do exercises)

There is a basal metabolic rate. It means the number of spent calories per day if you do nothing. Usually, the rate is about 1500 kilocalories. However, if you eat a chocolate bar you gain approx 500 kilocalories. As a result, there is a problem.

有基础代谢率。 如果您什么都不做,则表示每天消耗的卡路里数量。 通常,速率约为1500卡路里。 但是,如果您吃一块巧克力棒,您将获得约500卡路里的热量。 结果,存在问题。

  • You work from home.

  • You move less than usual.

  • You eat the same amount of food.

  • You gain weight.


My weight was 120kg. However, during remote work, I lost 50kg. In short, It's a long tedious journey. My advice is to avoid situations like that. Hopefully, there are a lot of online services or videos on youtube, as a result, you can create your fitness program without heavies and use your weight.

我的体重是120公斤。 但是,在远程工作中, 我减了50公斤 。 简而言之,这是一段漫长而乏味的旅程。 我的建议是避免出现这种情况。 希望youtube上有很多在线服务或视频,因此,您可以轻松创建健身计划并减轻体重。

健身计划 (Fitness program)


I use fitness workout tabata program: (20 sec exercises + 10 sec rest) х 8 + 60 sec rest My fitness program:

我使用健身锻炼Tabata程序:(20秒运动+ 10秒休息)х8 + 60秒休息我的健身程序:

  1. Push-ups.

  2. Squats.

  3. Pull-ups.

  4. Crabwise with a rub.

  5. Dynamic planks.

  6. Lunges.

  7. Toe touches.

  8. Elbow lifts.

  9. Supermans.

  10. Leg lifts.


3.吃健康食品 (3. Eat healthy food)


I've written the article. In short: reduce sugar and fat; increase vegetables, not fat meat & porridge.

我写了这篇文章 。 简而言之:减少糖和脂肪; 增加蔬菜,而不是肥肉和粥。

4.创建时间表并按照时间表进行 (4. Create a schedule & follow it)

You shouldn’t spend all time working. If you work from home you have 3 additional hours: 2 commute hours & 1 hour for lunch. It's extremely easy to waste that time like a couch potato. Unfortunately, in the future, it will be hard to rid of bad habits. It’s better to prevent it. You can invest free time into something fundamental: learn a foreign language, gain six-pack abs, create old school PC from scratch, read a book, create a pet project. You should plan time for that activity & make some preparations:

您不应该将所有时间都花在工作上。 如果您在家工作,则还有3个小时的工作时间:2个小时的通勤时间和1个小时的午餐时间。 像沙发土豆一样浪费时间非常容易。 不幸的是,将来很难摆脱坏习惯。 最好防止它。 您可以将空闲时间投入到一些基本的事情上: 学习一门外语 ,获得六块腹肌,从头开始创建旧学校的PC,看书,创建一个宠物项目。 您应该为该活动计划时间并做好一些准备:

  1. Move everything out of your mind.

  2. Create contexts.

  3. Write down everything.

  4. Use a calendar.

  5. Create habits, not goals.


That simple advice can help you, there is the article Time management in real life.

那个简单的建议可以帮助您, 现实生活中时间管理文章。

5.改善家里的小气候 (5. Improve microclimate at home)


It was funny to realize that mind activity & ability to solve problems depends on the amount of CO2 in room air. If there are too many CO2 you feel exhausted and out of color. The cheapest way to solve it is to open a window from time to time or mount a fresh air valve.

意识到思维活动和解决问题的能力取决于室内空气中的二氧化碳含量,这很有趣。 如果CO2过多,您会感到精疲力竭并发色。 解决问题的最便宜方法是不时打开窗户或安装新鲜空气阀。

6.儿童 (6. Children)

It's an extremely hard question. From my experience, your workmates usually stay calm if children cry during a meeting. You have to minimize situations like that. You should sync time inside the family just to avoid the situation that nobody looks after the children. Also, it might be a good idea to learn with children: 'father at a meeting please stay calm'. It might be a good idea to use a headset with active noise cancellation.

这是一个非常困难的问题。 根据我的经验,如果孩子在会议中哭泣,您的同事通常会保持镇定。 您必须尽量减少这种情况。 您应该在家庭内部同步时间,以避免出现没人照顾孩子的情况。 另外,与孩子一起学习可能是一个好主意:“父亲在会议上请保持冷静”。 使用具有主动降噪功能的耳机可能是一个好主意。

结论 (Conclusion)

There is no silver bullet, but at least you can try because a journey of a thousand li starts with a single step©

没有灵丹妙药,但至少您可以尝试一下,因为一千里的旅程始于一步 ©

链接 (Links)

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/494556/