




Six-Discipline Model: Overview



Six-Discipline Model: 


According to SEO Dictionary, Six-Discipline Model is the model of the six disciplines inculding envision, plan, work, measure, improve, and discover, that are required to manage SEO or other projects sucessesfully. The Six-Discipline Model describes the relationship among the six disciplines.

  • 预想目标 Envision the goals.

  • 计划工作 Plan the work.

  • 执行计划 Work the plan.

  • 衡量工作 Measure the work.

  • 改善流程 Improve the process.

  • 探索可能性 Discover the possibilities.

  • 6D模型对于项目管理和个人管理都是适用的。

    The Six-Discipline Model is requisite to managing SEO projects sucessfully. The Six-Discipline Model not only is the ultimate in SEO project management at organizational level, but also it is powerful at the personal level.



    Six-Discipline Model: Discipline 1 Envision


    Six-Discipline Model: Discipline 1 Envision means transforming ideas into goals and objectives. Chain reaction begins with creation and communication of organizational vision. First, management demonstrates its commitment to the vision statement. Then everybody in the organization learns the new philosophy. For a SEO project, a statement of need, such as, "Ranking on first page on Google SERP and Bing SERP", can become the vision.


    Six-Discipline Model: Discipline 2 Plan


    Six-Discipline Model: Discipline 2 Plan refers to mapping available resources to requirements, which are derived from project goals and objectives. Although management is responsible for high-level project planning, everyone plans with respect to accomplishing assigned work. We estimate the resources required to perform workd based on historical performance data, sequence the planned work in a schedule, and develop standards and procedures such as the link buidling plan.


    Six-Discipline Model: Discipline 3 Work


    Six-Discipline Model: Discipline 3 Work refers to implementing the plan. Work is any activity to implementing the plan.


    Six-Discipline Model: Discipline 4 Measure


    Six-Discipline Model: Discipline 4 Measure refers to comparing expected and actual results. We track our results over time and determine progress by comparing status (Where are we?) to the plan (Where should we be?). We analyze the variance and recommend corrective action. We report the variance between the estimates in the plan and the actual status to allow for midcourse corrections. We update the plan based on variance data from measurements of work status.


    Six-Discipline Model: Discipline 5 Improve


    Six-Discipline Model: Discipline 5 Improve refers to learing from past experience. We analyze benchmarks and project measures for reporting and improving organizational processes and metrics. Internal measures and external benchmarks help us to know how to change our plan. We retain long-term organizational memory by maintaining process asset libraries, reuse repositories, and organizational metrics. We gather lessions learned to support continuous improvement.


    Six-Discipline Model: Discipline 6 Discover


    Six-Discipline Model: Discipline 6 Discover means becoming aware of the future. We seek to know by investigating what we do not know. We assess the uncertainty of our work for risk, which we manage through changes to the plan. We become connizant of external enigma that puzzles us. We search for an explanation to ambiguous information by questioning and doubting what we think we know. We uncover opportunity by realizing the answer to the riddle. The significance of the sixth discipline is that it provides the input required to change the vision.