



Windows plays a startup sound and other sound effects regularly, and they can get obnoxious. They’re especially annoying on Windows 7, where Windows plays a click sound every time you switch folders in Windows Explorer. You can disable them entirely—or even set custom sound effects, if you prefer.

Windows会定期播放启动声音和其他声音效果,并且会令人讨厌。 它们在Windows 7上尤其令人讨厌,在Windows 7中,每次在Windows资源管理器中切换文件夹时Windows都会发出喀嗒声。 您可以完全禁用它们,甚至可以根据需要设置自定义声音效果。

如何禁用所有声音效果 (How to Disable All Sound Effects)

To open the Sound control panel, right-click the speaker icon in your system tray and select “Sounds”. You can also just navigate to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Sound.

要打开声音控制面板,请右键单击系统托盘中的扬声器图标,然后选择“声音”。 您也可以只导航至控制面板>硬件和声音>声音。


On the Sounds tab, click the “Sound Scheme” box and select “No Sounds” to disable sound effects entirely. If you also want to disable the sound that appears when you sign into Windows, uncheck the “Play Windows Startup sound” checkbox.

在“声音”选项卡上,单击“声音方案”框,然后选择“无声音”以完全禁用声音效果。 如果您还想禁用登录Windows时出现的声音,请取消选中“播放Windows启动声音”复选框。

You can also choose to disable sound effects for specific events. For example, you might want to disable “Notification” sound effects while leaving “Critical Battery Alarm” sound effects enabled. To do this, select a sound effect in the list, click the “Sound” box at the bottom of the window, and click “(None)”.

您也可以选择为特定事件禁用声音效果。 例如,您可能想禁用“通知”声音效果,同时保持“严重电池警报”声音效果处于启用状态。 为此,请在列表中选择一种音效,单击窗口底部的“声音”框,然后单击“(无)”。

Click “OK” to save your changes when you’re done. You can always return here and set the sound scheme back to “Windows Default” to restore the default sound effects.

完成后,单击“确定”以保存您的更改。 您可以随时返回此处并将声音方案设置回“ Windows Default”,以恢复默认的声音效果。


如何禁用Windows资源管理器中的单击声音 (How to Disable the Windows Explorer Click Sound)

If you’re using Windows 7, you may be particularly annoyed by the sound effect that plays when you navigate to a new folder in Windows Explorer. This particular sound effect is disabled by default on Windows 10, and for good reason.

如果您使用的是Windows 7,则在浏览到Windows资源管理器中的新文件夹时播放的声音效果可能会让您特别烦恼。 Windows 10默认情况下会禁用此特殊声音效果,这是有充分理由的。

To disable only this sound, scroll down in the list and select the “Start Navigation” sound effect. Click the “Sounds” box at the bottom of the window and select “(None)”. Click “OK” to save your changes.

要仅禁用此声音,请在列表中向下滚动并选择“开始导航”声音效果。 单击窗口底部的“声音”框,然后选择“(无)”。 单击“确定”保存更改。


如何自定义声音效果 (How to Customize Sound Effects)

If you like the sounds instead, you can customize them from here. Select an event and use the “Sounds” box to choose a sound file for it. You can click “Test” to hear a preview of the different sound effects here.

如果您更喜欢声音,则可以从此处自定义声音。 选择一个事件,然后使用“声音”框为其选择一个声音文件。 您可以单击“测试”在此处收听不同声音效果的预览。

To use a custom sound file, click the “Browse” button. Your custom sound effect file must be in the .wav file format.

要使用自定义声音文件,请单击“浏览”按钮。 您的自定义声音效果文件必须为.wav文件格式。

To save your settings as a sound scheme, click the “Save As” button at the top of the window and provide a name. You can then choose your saved sound scheme from the list here in the future.

要将设置保存为声音方案,请单击窗口顶部的“另存为”按钮并提供名称。 然后,您将来可以从此处的列表中选择保存的声音方案。


为什么声音会继续打开? (Why Do Sounds Keep Turning Back On?)

You may find that sound effects automatically re-enable themselves when you customize your desktop. This occurs when you change your desktop theme using either the old Control Panel interface on Windows 7 or the new Settings interface on Windows 10. That’s because desktop themes can include sound schemes as well as desktop background images, colors, and mouse cursor themes. However, most themes just specify the “Windows Default” sound scheme, re-enabling it if you’ve disabled it.

您可能会发现自定义桌面时,声音效果会自动自动重新启用。 使用Windows 7上的旧“控制面板”界面或Windows 10上的新“设置”界面更改桌面主题时,会发生这种情况。这是因为桌面主题可以包括声音方案以及桌面背景图像,颜色和鼠标光标主题。 但是,大多数主题仅指定“ Windows默认”声音方案,如果已禁用它,则重新启用它。

After changing to a new theme, you’ll have to head back to the Sounds window to disable sound effects, if you don’t want to hear them.



Changing your system sound settings will disable them in some—but not all—desktop applications. If an application continues playing sound effects even after you disable them in the Sounds control panel, you’ll need to disable sound effects in that application’s settings window.

更改系统声音设置将在某些(但不是全部)桌面应用程序中将其禁用。 如果即使在“声音”控制面板中禁用了声音效果,应用程序仍继续播放声音效果,则需要在该应用程序的“设置”窗口中禁用声音效果。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/turn-off-windows-explorer-click-sounds-in-windows-vista/
