
Are you looking for the best web design software to make beautiful websites? Most experienced web designers have their own preferred software for different design tasks.

您是否正在寻找制作精美网站的最佳网页设计软件? 大多数经验丰富的网页设计师都有自己喜欢的软件来完成不同的设计任务。

However, if you’re just starting out, then it can take some time to find that perfect combination.


In this article, we will show you the best web design software for different use-cases, so you can make the right decision for your need.



为什么需要最好的Web设计软件? (Why You Need The Best Web Design Software?)

Due to common misconceptions about web design, many beginners feel that it would take them years to make decent and professional website designs.


While it’s true that you get better overtime, the right web design software can help you easily create beautiful designs with minimal skills.


That’s because some web design software automate the entire process which allows even absolute beginners to create beautiful websites.


Let’s take a look at some of the best web design software that will help you design like an expert web designer.


不同类型的网页设计软件 (Different Types of Web Design Software)

There isn’t a single web design tool that would do all the tasks related to web development and design. As a designer, you will need to choose a combination of different software to make your own toolkit.

没有一个网站设计工具可以完成与网站开发和设计相关的所有任务。 作为设计师,您将需要选择不同软件的组合来制作自己的工具箱。

We have divided our selection into different categories, so you can evaluate the best available options for each task.


Let’s start with the basics first.,


最佳的网站建设网站设计软件 (Best Web Design Software for Building Websites)

Many beginners ask us if they need to learn coding to make a real website.


While knowing how to code gives you an extra advantage in creating websites, many website builders like WordPress has made it easy for anyone to create custom websites without learning how to code.


This is the reason why WordPress now powers over 34% of all websites on the internet.


1.海狸建造者 (1. Beaver Builder)

Beaver Builder is a user friendly page builder for WordPress. It allows you to simply drag and drop design elements to create your own custom design without writing any code.

Beaver BuilderWordPress的用户友好页面创建器 。 它允许您简单地拖放设计元素来创建自己的自定义设计,而无需编写任何代码。

To get started with Beaver Builder, you’ll need a WordPress website.

要开始使用Beaver Builder,您需要一个WordPress网站。

We recommend using Bluehost. They are an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider and one of the biggest hosting companies in the world.

我们建议使用Bluehost 。 他们是官方推荐的WordPress托管提供商 ,也是世界上最大的托管公司之一。

The best part is that they are offering WPBeginner users discount on hosting and a free domain name. Basically, you’ll be able to get started for $2.75 per month.

最好的部分是,他们为WPBeginner用户提供托管和免费域名的折扣。 基本上,您每月只需支付2.75美元即可上手。

→ Click Here to Start with Bluehost ←


For details, see our guide on how to make a website with step by step instructions.


Once you are up and running, you need to install and activate the Beaver Builder plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

一旦启动并运行,您需要安装并**Beaver Builder插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

After that, you can edit WordPress posts or pages using the Beaver Builder.

之后,您可以使用Beaver Builder编辑WordPress帖子或页面。


Simply point and click on any item to edit it or load from dozens of ready-made templates to use as a starting point. For instructions, see our guide on how to create custom layouts using Beaver Builder

只需指向并单击任何项​​目即可对其进行编辑或从数十个现成的模板中加载以用作起点。 有关说明,请参见有关如何使用Beaver Builder创建自定义布局的指南。

Beaver Builder also comes with a Theme Customizer which allows you to create custom WordPress themes using the same drag and drop interface. Unlike editing pages, you can create a complete theme with your own design.

Beaver Builder还带有一个主题定制器,可让您使用相同的拖放界面创建自定义WordPress主题。 与编辑页面不同,您可以使用自己的设计创建完整的主题。

For more information, see our tutorial on how to create custom WordPress themes without writing any code.

有关更多信息,请参见我们的教程, 教程介绍如何无需编写任何代码即可创建自定义WordPress主题

2. Divi (2. Divi)

Divi is another excellent option if you want to design a WordPress website. It is one of the best WordPress page builders and comes with dozens of ready-to-use templates to choose from.

如果您要设计WordPress网站, Divi是另一个绝佳选择。 它是最好的WordPress页面构建器之一,并带有数十种随时可用的模板供您选择。

After you have setup your WordPress site, simply install and activate Divi on your website and start editing. It works with almost any WordPress theme, and you can also use the Divi theme which comes with enhanced features for the builder.

设置WordPress网站后 ,只需在网站上安装并**Divi并开始编辑。 它几乎适用于所有WordPress主题,并且您也可以使用带有构建器增强功能的Divi主题。

It is a drag and drop tool which means you can simply point and click on any item and change its appearance. You can add images, videos, sliders, contact forms, widgets, and more.

这是一个拖放工具,这意味着您可以简单地指向并单击任何项​​目并更改其外观。 您可以添加图像,视频, 滑块联系表单 ,小部件等。

Most importantly your design changes are fully responsive and would automatically adjust for mobile devices.


3.持续联系网站建设者 (3. Constant Contact Website Builder)

If you are looking for a fully-hosted website builder, then Constant Contact Website Builder is a good WordPress alternative for beginners. This smart website builder comes with beautiful website designs that you can edit using a simple user interface.

如果您正在寻找一个完全托管的网站构建器,那么Constant Contact Website Builder是适合初学者的WordPress替代方案。 该智能网站构建器随附漂亮的网站设计,您可以使用简单的用户界面进行编辑。

Simply start by answering a few questions, and the website builder will pick up design, images, and demo content for your site. You can then just point and click to replace it with your own images, text, videos, and more.

只需回答几个问题即可开始,网站构建器将为您的网站选择设计,图像和演示内容。 然后,您只需指向并单击即可将其替换为您自己的图像,文本,视频等。

4. Gator由HostGator (4. Gator by HostGator)

Gator is another website builder that allows you to design complete websites without any coding. Gator is made by HostGator, one of the best web hosting companies in the world.

Gator是另一个网站构建器,它使您无需任何编码即可设计完整的网站。 Gator由HostGator制造, HostGator是世界上最好的网络托管公司之一。

It is a fully hosted platform, which means you don’t need to worry about updates, security, or backup. It not only includes the builder and website hosting, but you also get a free domain name for your website.

它是一个完全托管的平台,这意味着您无需担心更新,安全性或备份。 它不仅包括构建器和网站托管,而且还为您的网站提供了免费域名。

The builder software itself features an intuitive drag and drop interface with more than 200+ professional web design templates. Each template is fully customizable using a simple point and click tool.

该构建器软件本身具有直观的拖放界面以及200多个专业Web设计模板。 每个模板都可以使用简单的点击工具完全自定义。

You can edit any item on a page or drag and drop commonly used items like images, videos, photo gallery, text, columns, maps, and contact forms.


Gator also comes with a built-in stock photo library, so you can find and add beautiful photos on your website.


最佳电子商务网页设计软件 (Best Web Design Software for Ecommerce)

The eCommerce industry is expected to reach $4.9 trillion by the year 2021. There is an enormous demand for eCommerce web design in the market.


Following are our top picks for the best web design software for eCommerce that will allow you to break into this market without any coding skills.


5. WooCommerce (5. WooCommerce)

WooCommerce is the best eCommerce platform in the world. It runs on top of WordPress, which means you’ll need a WordPress website to design an eCommerce website using WooCommerce.

WooCommerce是世界上最好的电子商务平台。 它运行在WordPress之上,这意味着您需要一个WordPress网站才能使用WooCommerce设计电子商务网站。

You can sign up with Bluehost to get started. They are offering WPBeginner users discount on hosting + free domain name. Basically, you can start with $2.75 per month.

您可以向Bluehost注册以开始使用。 他们为WPBeginner用户提供托管+免费域名的折扣。 基本上,您可以从每月2.75美元开始。

For detailed instructions, see our complete guide on how to start an online store.


6.大商务 (6. BigCommerce)

BigCommerce is a popular eCommerce platform. It is available as a fully-hosted solution and the best part is that it can be easily integrated into a WordPress website.

BigCommerce是一个受欢迎的电子商务平台。 它可以作为完全托管的解决方案使用,最好的部分是可以轻松地集成到WordPress网站中。

Creating an online store with BigCommerce is quite simple. It comes with beautiful storefront designs and fully customizable themes for your online store. It automatically handles product images, crops them, and displays them in beautiful gallery layouts.

使用BigCommerce创建在线商店非常简单。 它具有精美的店面设计和可完全自定义的主题,可用于您的在线商店。 它会自动处理产品图像,对其进行裁剪,并以精美的画廊布局显示它们。

Wondering how it stacks up against WooCommerce? See our article on BigCommerce vs WooCommerce for side by side comparison of the two platforms.

想知道它如何与WooCommerce对抗? 有关这两个平台的并排比较,请参阅我们在BigCommerce与WooCommerce上的文章。

7. Shopify (7. Shopify)

If you are looking for a fully hosted eCommerce solution, then Shopify can be a good fit for you. It comes with professionally designed templates to create almost any kind of online store.

如果您正在寻找完全托管的电子商务解决方案,那么Shopify可能是您的理想选择。 它带有经过专业设计的模板,可以创建几乎所有类型的在线商店。

All eCommerce design tools are highly intuitive and allow you to just drag and drop items to create beautiful pages. You can easily upload custom logos, images, videos, and more.

所有电子商务设计工具都非常直观,可让您仅拖放项目即可创建漂亮的页面。 您可以轻松上传自定义徽标,图像,视频等。

Shopify takes care of hosting, software, and backups, so you can just focus on creating a beautiful online store.


For more details, see our detailed comparison of Shopify vs WooCommerce.


最佳平面设计师Web设计软件 (Best Web Design Software for Graphic Designers)

A big part of web design consists of graphics to create custom logos, background images, featured images, and more. For all these, you will need graphic design tools.

网页设计的很大一部分包括用于创建自定义徽标的图形,背景图像,特色图像等。 对于所有这些,您将需要图形设计工具。

These tools require some basic know-how of how to use them. Luckily, there are tons of online resources to quickly get you up to speed.

这些工具需要一些基本的使用技巧。 幸运的是,有大量的在线资源可以帮助您快速入门。

8. Adob​​e Photoshop (8. Adobe Photoshop)

Adobe Photoshop is the industry leader in photo editing and graphic design software. It is available for Mac and Windows operating systems.

Adobe Photoshop是照片编辑和图形设计软件的行业领导者。 它适用于Mac和Windows操作系统。

It is one of the oldest and the easiest to use graphic design software on the market. Due to its massive popularity, there are plenty of online resources to learn Photoshop for free.

它是市场上最古老,最容易使用的图形设计软件之一。 由于它的广泛流行,有很多在线资源可免费学习Photoshop。

Adobe Photoshop is a bit more expensive than some other software. It is available on a subscription basis and each plan comes with different apps and addons.

Adobe Photoshop比其他软件贵一些。 它是基于订阅提供的,每个计划都带有不同的应用程序和附加组件。

9.素描 (9. Sketch)

Sketch is a powerful vector design tool which allows you to create scalable high-quality designs. Sketch makes it super easy to create icons, illustrations, prototypes and mockups for apps, websites, and print.

Sketch是功能强大的矢量设计工具,可让您创建可缩放的高质量设计。 使用Sketch可以轻松创建用于应用程序,网站和打印的图标,插图,原型和模型。

It comes with an intuitive design that’s easy to learn for beginners. It also comes with tons of learning resources to help you quickly familiarize yourself with the software.

它具有直观的设计,对于初学者来说很容易学习。 它还附带了大量学习资源,可帮助您快速熟悉该软件。

10.亲和力设计师 (10. Affinity Designer)

Affinity Designer is an incredibly easy to use and powerful graphic design tool. Suitable for beginners and advanced users alike, Affinity Designer is packed with all the tools you would want in a graphic design tool without any of the complicated stuff.

Affinity Designer是一个非常易于使用且功能强大的图形设计工具。 Affinity Designer既适合初学者也适合高级用户,它包含了图形设计工具中所需的所有工具,而没有任何复杂的东西。

It also allows you to easily switch between raster and vector modes. This makes it easy to design illustrations with a powerful combination of tools.

它还使您可以轻松地在光栅模式和矢量模式之间切换。 借助强大的工具组合,可以轻松设计插图。

Affinity Designer is available for simple pricing of $49.99 one-time payment.

Affinity Designer的一次性付款价格为49.99美元。

Basically Affinity is a perfect combination of both Adobe photoshop and illustrator.

基本上,亲和力是Adobe Photoshop和illustrator的完美结合。

11. Adob​​e Illustrator (11. Adobe Illustrator)

Adobe Illustrator is Adobe’s vector graphic design tool. Popular among graphic design professionals, Illustrator lets you create logos, icons, drawings, typography, and illustrations for print, web, video, and mobile.

Adobe Illustrator是Adobe的矢量图形设计工具。 Illustrator在图形设计专业人士中很受欢迎,它使您可以为印刷,Web,视频和移动设备创建徽标,图标,绘图,版式和插图。

It is easy to use but comes with a slight learning curve to take full advantage of the software. However, Adobe offers plenty of resources to help you get started. You’d also be able to find free tutorials online.

它易于使用,但学习曲线略微不足以充分利用该软件。 但是,Adobe提供了大量资源来帮助您入门。 您还可以在线找到免费的教程。

Adobe Illustrator is available on monthly subscription plans, which makes it a bit more expensive than other software.

每月订阅计划都提供Adobe Illustrator,这使其比其他软件贵一些。

12.金普 (12. Gimp)

If you are looking for a free web design software, then Gimp is an excellent free option. This open source design software is a good alternative to Adobe Photoshop and allows you to easily edit images and create graphics for your websites.

如果您正在寻找免费的网页设计软件,那么Gimp是一个很好的免费选择。 该开源设计软件是Adobe Photoshop的不错替代品,可让您轻松编辑图像并为网站创建图形。

Gimp is available for MacOS, Windows, and Linux. It may not look as polished as some other paid software, but it is a full-featured and powerful design software with much to offer.

Gimp适用于MacOS,Windows和Linux。 它可能看起来不像其他付费软件那么精致,但是它是功能齐全且功能强大的设计软件,具有很多功能。

最佳的营销人员网页设计软件 (Best Web Design Software for Marketers)

Web design doest not just end with the launch of a website. Marketers regularly need to design graphics, social media images, icons, infographics, banners, and more.

网页设计不仅会随着网站的发布而结束。 营销人员通常需要设计图形,社交媒体图像,图标,信息图形,横幅等。

There are plenty of tools that allow you to design professional-grade marketing material with very little effort and skills. Here is our pick of the best web design software for marketers.

有很多工具可让您以很少的精力和技巧来设计专业级的营销材料。 这是我们为营销人员选择的最佳Web设计软件。

13. Canva (13. Canva)

Canva is a graphic design tool for marketers and bloggers. It is a web-based tool and doesn’t require installation of any additional software.

Canva是面向营销人员和博客作者的图形设计工具。 它是基于Web的工具,不需要安装任何其他软件。

It comes with many ready-made design templates for different types of graphics. You can pick a template and then use Canva’s drag and drop tool to edit those images for your own website.

它带有许多用于不同类型图形的现成设计模板。 您可以选择一个模板,然后使用Canva的拖放工具为您自己的网站编辑这些图像。

14. Balsamiq (14. Balsamiq)

Balsamiq is a powerful design tool to create mockups, wireframes, and websites. It comes with an easy to use interface that helps you learn UI design as a beginner. Advanced users would find it immensely helpful in quickly building mockups for products pages, marketing material, and more.

Balsamiq是功能强大的设计工具,可用于创建模型,线框和网站。 它带有易于使用的界面,可帮助您作为初学者学习UI设计。 高级用户会发现它对于快速构建产品页面,营销材料等的模型非常有帮助。

15. Moqups (15. Moqups)

Moqups is another wireframe and mockup design tool. It allows easy sharing and team collaboration without downloading any files.

Moqups是另一个线框和模型设计工具。 它允许轻松共享和团队协作,而无需下载任何文件。

The intuitive user interface makes it easy to use for beginners and powerful enough for advanced users. It comes with a built-in library of thousands of icon sets, fonts, and style library.

直观的用户界面使它对于初学者来说易于使用,并且对于高级用户而言足够强大。 它带有一个内置的库,包含数千个图标集,字体和样式库。

16.皮克托哈特 (16. Piktochart)

Piktochart is an easy design tool to create presentations, infographics, flyers, and posters. It comes with dozens of templates to use as a starting point.

Piktochart是一个易于使用的设计工具,可用于创建演示文稿,信息图表,传单和海报。 它带有许多模板作为起点。

You can use it in your browser, so there is no need to install any software. Simply drag and drop to add icons, elements, photos, shapes, lines, and arrows. Rearrange items and add your own text to create professional designs for your marketing campaigns.

您可以在浏览器中使用它,因此无需安装任何软件。 只需拖放即可添加图标,元素,照片,形状,线条和箭头。 重新排列项目并添加您自己的文本,以为营销活动创建专业的设计。

适用于HTML网站的最佳Web设计软件 (Best Web Design Software for HTML Sites)

Need to quickly design static HTML sites? These web design software will help you easily design HTML sites without writing any HTML at all.

需要快速设计静态HTML网站吗? 这些网页设计软件将帮助您轻松设计HTML网站,而无需编写任何HTML。

17. Adob​​e Dreamweaver (17. Adobe Dreamweaver)

Adobe Dreamweaver is one of the most beginner friendly web design software. It allows you to easily create mobile-friendly static HTML websites, stand-alone landing pages, or quick HTML docs.

Adobe Dreamweaver是最入门的网页设计软件之一。 它使您可以轻松创建适合移动设备的静态HTML网站,独立登录页面或快速HTML文档。

It is easy for beginners to simply drag and drop to create web pages. Advanced users would find it equally useful with smart coding, autocomplete, compilers, git support, and more.

初学者很容易简单地拖放即可创建网页。 高级用户会发现它在智能编码,自动完成,编译器,git支持等方面同样有用。

18. Google Web设计器 (18. Google Web Designer)

Google Web Designer is another intuitive and easy to use tool to create HTML-5 based designs, motion graphics, and animations. It can also be used to design banner ads, video ads, and other marketing materials.

Google Web Designer是另一个直观且易于使用的工具,可用于创建基于HTML-5的设计,动态图形和动画。 它还可以用于设计横幅广告,视频广告和其他营销材料。

You can start from scratch or choose from dozens of templates available in different layouts. Google Web Designer is available as a free download for Mac, Windows, and Linux operating systems.

您可以从头开始,也可以从数十种不同布局的模板中进行选择。 Google Web Designer可供Mac,Windows和Linux操作系统免费下载。

We hope this article helped you find the best web design software for your design toolkit. You may also want to see our list of the best CRM software and the best business phone services for small businesses.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适合您的设计工具包的最佳Web设计软件。 您可能还希望查看我们针对小型企业的最佳CRM软件最佳商务电话服务列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress****。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-web-design-software-compared/