如何在Windows中下载,安装和运行Packet Tracer?

Cisco provides a different level of certification called CCNA, CCNP, CCIE for its products, and general network topics. We have already examined CCNA certifications in the following tutorial.

思科为其产品和一般网络主题提供了不同级别的认证,分别称为CCNA,CCNP,CCIE。 在下面的教程中,我们已经检查了CCNA认证。

What is CCNA or Cisco Certified Network Associate?


Cisco certification exams mostly depend on practical experience. So a person who wants to get certified needs practical experience. Here is a list of ways to get practical experience.

思科认证考试主要取决于实践经验。 因此,想要获得认证的人需要实践经验。 这是获得实践经验的方法列表。

  • At work

  • Rent remote labs

  • Using GNS3 simulator

  • Using Packet Tracer

    使用Packet Tracer

In this tutorial we will look how to download, install and setup basic lab with Packet tracer.

在本教程中,我们将研究如何使用Packet Tracer下载,安装和设置基本实验。

什么是思科Packet Tracer? (What Is Cisco Packet Tracer?)

Cisco Packet Tracer is a network simulation which mainly runs Cisco and generic network devices. Cisco Packet Tracer supports languages like English, Spanish, Chinese, French, Arabic, Portuguese. Even there is a subscription for Cisco Packet Tracer it can be also used for free easily with Guest Login. Cisco Packet Tracer can run unlimited devices with no restriction. Generic devices like PC, Laptop, Server Printer, IP Phone, TV, Tablet are supported.The network can be simulated in a step by step or time based method for detailed and deep inspection. Also Cisco Packet Tracer can be installed and run on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 32-bit and 64-bit, Linux for 64-bit, MacOSX.

Cisco Packet Tracer是一种网络模拟,主要运行Cisco和通用网络设备。 Cisco Packet Tracer支持英语,西班牙语,中文,法语,阿拉伯语,葡萄牙语等语言。 即使有Cisco Packet Tracer的订阅,也可以通过来宾登录轻松免费使用。 Cisco Packet Tracer可以无限制运行无限制的设备。 支持PC,笔记本电脑,服务器打印机,IP电话,电视,平板电脑等通用设备。可以逐步或基于时间的方法对网络进行仿真,以进行详细而深入的检查。 此外,还可以在Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 10 32位和64位(用于64位Linux,MacOSX)上安装和运行Cisco Packet Tracer。

下载Packet Tracer (Download Packet Tracer)

Packet Tracer can get in different ways. A google search will provide a lot of results to get packet tracer. I know that Packet tracer is a licensed application but recently it can be downloaded like a trial or personal use for free from different sites. The latest version 7.3.0 of the Cisco Packet Tracer can be downloaded from the following links. Cisco Packet Tracer is provided for Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 as 32 and 64 bit, Linux for 64 bit, MacOSX.

Packet Tracer可以通过不同的方式获取。 谷歌搜索将提供很多结果来获取数据包跟踪器。 我知道Packet Tracer是一种许可的应用程序,但是最近它可以像试用版或个人使用这样的软件,从不同的站点免费下载。 可以从以下链接下载Cisco Packet Tracer的最新版本7.3.0。 Cisco Packet Tracer适用于Windows 10,Windows 8,Windows 7(32位和64位),Linux(64位),MacOSX。


Cisco Packet Tracer 7.3.0 download link for Windows (10, 8.1, 7.0) 64 bits edition

适用于Windows(10、8.1、7.0)64位版本的Cisco Packet Tracer 7.3.0下载链接

Cisco Packet Tracer 7.3.0 download link for Windows (10, 8.1, 7.0) 32 bits edition

适用于Windows(10、8.1、7.0)32位版本的Cisco Packet Tracer 7.3.0下载链接

Cisco Packet Tracer 7.3.0 download link for Linux 64 bits edition

适用于Linux 64位版本的Cisco Packet Tracer 7.3.0下载链接

Cisco Packet Tracer 7.3.0 download link for MAC os

MAC OS的Cisco Packet Tracer 7.3.0下载链接

Cisco Packet Tracer 7.3.0 torrent download link for Windows 64 bits & 32 bits, MAC, and Linux 64 bits

适用于Windows 64位和32位,MAC和Linux 64位的Cisco Packet Tracer 7.3.0 torrent下载链接

安装Packet Tracer(Install Packet Tracer)

In this part we will look how to install Packer tracer.

在这一部分中,我们将研究如何安装Packer tracer。

如何在Windows中下载,安装和运行Packet Tracer?
Start Setup

In this step we will accpet the license agreement with the I accept the agreement and clicking Next.

在这一步中,我们将使许可协议符合I accept the agreement ,然后单击下一步。

如何在Windows中下载,安装和运行Packet Tracer?
Accept License Agreement

In this part we will provide the installation path or directory. Generally we left the default path provided which is “C:\Program Files(x86)\Cisco Packet Tracer 6.3” where the 6.3 is version number which can be different for different versions of the Packet Tracer.

在这一部分中,我们将提供安装路径或目录。 通常,我们保留提供的默认路径为“ C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Cisco Packet Tracer 6.3”,其中6.3是版本号,对于不同版本的Packet Tracer,该版本号可能会有所不同。

如何在Windows中下载,安装和运行Packet Tracer?
Select Installation Folder

This is another default step where we will leave the default name which will be shown as “Cisco Packet Tracer” in the start menu. But for customization we can change it whatever we want.

这是另一个默认步骤,我们将保留默认名称,该默认名称将在开始菜单中显示为“ Cisco Packet Tracer”。 但是对于定制,我们可以根据需要进行更改。

如何在Windows中下载,安装和运行Packet Tracer?
Select Start Menu

In this step we can create a desktop icon or create a quick launch icon.


如何在Windows中下载,安装和运行Packet Tracer?
Select Icons

This is the latest step about configuration for Cisco Packet Tracer installation. General information about installation options are displayed in this screen.

这是关于配置Cisco Packet Tracer安装的最新步骤。 关于安装选项的一般信息显示在此屏幕中。

如何在Windows中下载,安装和运行Packet Tracer?
Setup Information

When the installation is completed successfully we will see the following screen. When we click the Finish button the Cisco Packet Tracer will be launched automatically.

安装成功完成后,我们将看到以下屏幕。 当我们单击完成按钮时,Cisco Packet Tracer将自动启动。

如何在Windows中下载,安装和运行Packet Tracer?
Launch Cisco Packet Tracer
启动思科Packet Tracer

首次启动Cisco Packet Tracer (Start Cisco Packet Tracer For The First Time)

Even Cisco Packet Tracer is a paid software it can be used with a guest login. When starting the Packet Tracer we will see the following screen where we can subscribe to the netcad.com or use with the Guest Login. The bottom right corner contains a Guest Login button that can be clicked to start the Cisco Packet Tracer. When clicked a 10 seconds timer will start and at the at we will see the next screenshot.

甚至Cisco Packet Tracer都是一款付费软件,也可以与访客登录一起使用。 启动Packet Tracer时,我们将看到以下屏幕,我们可以在其中订阅netcad.com或将其用于Guest Login 。 右下角包含一个“ Guest Login按钮,可以单击该按钮以启动Cisco Packet Tracer。 单击后,一个10秒钟的计时器将启动,在处,我们将看到下一个屏幕截图。

如何在Windows中下载,安装和运行Packet Tracer?
Start Cisco Packet Tracer For The First Time
首次启动Cisco Packet Tracer

When the timer countdown is completed we can click to the Confirm Guest button and start Cisco Packet Tracer.

计时器倒计时完成后,我们可以单击“ Confirm Guest按钮并启动Cisco Packet Tracer。

如何在Windows中下载,安装和运行Packet Tracer?
Start Cisco Packet Tracer For The First Time
首次启动Cisco Packet Tracer

创建简单项目 (Create Simple Project)

After we opened Cisco Packet Tracer we will see an empty topology. We can add the required devices from the menu below.

打开Cisco Packet Tracer之后,我们将看到一个空的拓扑。 我们可以从下面的菜单中添加所需的设备。

如何在Windows中下载,安装和运行Packet Tracer?
Create Simple Project

For example, by dragging and dropping an 1841 router to the empty topology we can add a router. We can also use other tools to connect these devices too.

例如,通过将1841路由器拖放到空拓扑中,我们可以添加路由器。 我们也可以使用其他工具来连接这些设备。


添加连接 (Add Connection)

We ca connect two routers by using following icon and related connection type which is required by selected devices port type like CAT cable.


如何在Windows中下载,安装和运行Packet Tracer?
Add Connection

思科Packet Tracer替代品(Cisco Packet Tracer Alternatives)

Cisco Packet Tracer provides a lot of useful and easy to use features for learning Cisco devices and environment. There are some alternatives to the Cisco Packet Tracer which provides fewer and more features.

思科Packet Tracer提供了许多有用和易于使用的功能,用于学习思科设备和环境。 Cisco Packet Tracer有一些替代方案,可提供越来越少的功能。

GNS3 is a beast for the network and system lab and virtualization. GNS3 supports real Cisco and other software and operating systems. GNS3 can run different devices and operating systems like Linux, Ubuntu, Windows, CentOS, Cisco IOS, Fortinet, PfSense, etc over different virtualization technologies like Qemu/KVM, VirtualBox, VMware, Docker. GNS3 provides far more features and devices than Cisco Packet Tracer but installation and usage may be a bit harder than Cisco Packet Tracer.

GNS3是网络和系统实验室以及虚拟化的野兽。 GNS3支持真实的Cisco以及其他软件和操作系统。 GNS3可以通过Qemu / KVM,VirtualBox,VMware,Docker等不同的虚拟化技术运行Linux,Ubuntu,Windows,CentOS,Cisco IOS,Fortinet,PfSense等不同的设备和操作系统。 GNS3提供的功能和设备比Cisco Packet Tracer多得多,但安装和使用可能比Cisco Packet Tracer难一些。

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/download-install-packet-tracer-windows/