

System Preferences are a Mac users one-stop location to make changes to the operating system, tweak the hardware, and configure features like Siri and Parental Controls. Most people access the System Preferences by clicking on it in the Dock. But there are at least six other ways to access the System Preferences.

“系统偏好设置”是Mac用户的一站式位置,用于更改操作系统,调整硬件并配置Siri和家长控制等功能。 大多数人通过在Dock中单击来访问“系统偏好设置”。 但是,至少还有六种其他方式可以访问“系统偏好设置”。

Some of these methods let you access all of the System Preferences, while some let you pick the exact one you’re after. Once you learn them, however, they will save you a little time here and there, which adds up over the long run.

这些方法中的一些使您可以访问所有的“系统偏好设置”,而另一些则使您可以选择要使用的确切方法。 但是,一旦您学习了它们,它们将为您节省一些时间,从长远来看,这总和。

从Apple菜单中打开它们 (Open Them from the Apple Menu)

In case you hadn’t noticed, when you click on the Apple menu in the upper-left corner, there’s a shortcut to the System Preferences right below About This Mac.



If you already have System Preferences in your Dock, this is an extra click, but if your Dock is overloaded with icons, this is a nice alternative that lets you remove the System Preferences Dock icon entirely.

如果您的Dock中已经有“系统偏好设置”,这是一个额外的点击,但是如果您的Dock中的图标过多,这是一个不错的选择,它使您可以完全删除“系统偏好设置” Dock图标。

右键单击Dock中的任何设置 (Right-Click for any Setting from the Dock)

If you do keep the dock icon, there’s no need to even open the System Preferences at all. Click and hold on the Dock icon to see a list of everything.

如果您确实保留了扩展坞图标,则根本不需要打开“系统偏好设置”。 单击并按住Dock图标以查看所有内容的列表。


From there, you can go right to the preference pane you want.


使用Spotlight访问任何设置 (Use Spotlight to Access Any Setting)

Not a fan of the mouse? Use Spotlight instead. Just press Command+Space and type the name of the setting you seek and it will appear in the search results.

不喜欢鼠标吗? 请改用Spotlight。 只需按Command + Space并键入您要查找的设置的名称,它就会出现在搜索结果中。


Note, if you don’t see any System Preferences show up, you might have disabled them from appearing in Spotlight search results, and you will need to reenable them for this method to work.

请注意,如果您没有看到任何“系统偏好设置”,则可能已禁止它们出现在Spotlight搜索结果中 ,并且您需要重新启用它们才能使此方法起作用。


搜索忘记的设置 (Search for Forgotten Settings)

If you have forgotten exactly where a specific setting is, you can use the search pane in the upper-right corner to find where it is hiding. As you type your search term, suggestions will appear with their locations spotlighted in white.

如果您忘记了特定设置的确切位置,则可以使用右上角的搜索窗格查找隐藏的位置。 输入搜索字词时,建议将以白色突出显示。


使用显示全部按钮或查看菜单 (Use the Show All Button or View Menu)

Finally, if you already have the System Preferences open and you’re accessing one particular preference pane, click the Show All button on the toolbar to return to the main panel. You can also accomplish this using the Command+L keyboard shortcut.

最后,如果您已经打开“系统偏好设置”,并且正在访问一个特定的偏好设置窗格,请单击工具栏上的“全部显示”按钮以返回主面板。 您也可以使用Command + L键盘快捷键来完成此操作。

If you don’t want to go back to the main panel, however, click and hold the Show All button. The System Preferences appear as a list, then just scroll to the pane you want.

但是,如果您不想返回主面板,请单击并按住“显示全部”按钮。 系统偏好设置显示为列表,然后滚动至所需的窗格。


Alternatively, you can do the same with the System Preferences View menu.



You’re not going to use these methods to access the System Preferences all the time, but it’s good to know how to use them some of the time, as a situation warrants.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/243714/six-alternative-ways-to-access-system-preferences-on-your-mac/