roku能不能安装软件_如何使用Roku Feed跟上节目的新情节

roku能不能安装软件_如何使用Roku Feed跟上节目的新情节


roku能不能安装软件_如何使用Roku Feed跟上节目的新情节

When DVR users want to catch up on their favorite shows, they head to the recordings section, and everything is in one place. Cord cutters don’t have that luxury: some shows are on Hulu, others are on Amazon, and many are offered only on the website for a particular TV channel.

当DVR用户想要赶上他们喜欢的节目时,他们会转到“录制”部分,所有内容都集中在一个地方。 剪线钳没有那么奢侈:一些节目在Hulu上,其他节目在Amazon上,许多只在特定电视频道的网站上提供。

Roku solves this problem with “My Feed,” a section of the home screen that notifies you when new episodes of a show you follow are available on a channel you’ve installed. You can also use it to find out when a movie you want to see is available for streaming. Many Roku users ignore this feature entirely, and that’s too bad: it makes discovering what’s on where a lot easier.

Roku通过“我的订阅源”解决了这个问题,该页面是主屏幕的一部分,当您安装的频道上有您关注的节目的新剧集可用时,会通知您。 您还可以使用它来查找何时可以观看想要播放的电影。 许多Roku用户完全忽略了此功能,这太糟糕了:它使发现地方的内容变得容易得多。

We already showed you how to search every streaming service with your Roku, and that’s the easiest way to add a show or movie to your feed. Start a search using the voice search button on your remote, or using the “Search” function in the sidebar if your remote doesn’t offer voice search.

我们已经向您展示了如何使用Roku搜索每个流式传输服务,这是将节目或电影添加到Feed中的最简单方法。 使用遥控器上的语音搜索按钮开始搜索,如果遥控器不提供语音搜索,则使用边栏中的“搜索”功能开始搜索。

roku能不能安装软件_如何使用Roku Feed跟上节目的新情节

You can browse seasons to stream and purchase from here, or you can scroll down to the “Follow on Roku” option at the bottom of the list.


roku能不能安装软件_如何使用Roku Feed跟上节目的新情节

Select this option and you’ll be shown which of your channels support the feature.


roku能不能安装软件_如何使用Roku Feed跟上节目的新情节

Select “OK” and you’re officially following the show. Every time a new episode is available somewhere, you’ll be notified in the “My Feed” section.

选择“确定”,您将正式观看演出。 每当某处有新剧集出现时,都会在“我的提要”部分中通知您。

roku能不能安装软件_如何使用Roku Feed跟上节目的新情节

Click any notification and you’ll see where the latest episode is offered.


roku能不能安装软件_如何使用Roku Feed跟上节目的新情节

As you can see, the latest episode of The Americans is available to cable subscribers from FXNow, or for sale at two sites for $2.


roku能不能安装软件_如何使用Roku Feed跟上节目的新情节

If you’d rather not search for a bunch of shows and movies to follow, the feed offers a few selections by default. Head to My Feed on the home screen, and check out one of the default sections. If you head to “Movies Coming Soon” you’ll see a list of films currently in theaters.

如果您不想搜索大量的节目和电影,则默认情况下,供稿提供了一些选择。 转到主屏幕上的“我的提要”,然后查看默认部分之一。 如果您前往“即将上映的电影”,您会看到当前在电影院中观看的电影列表。

roku能不能安装软件_如何使用Roku Feed跟上节目的新情节

Follow these now, and you’ll find out when they’re available to watch on your Roku.


This is by no means a perfect system, but it’s a decent way to find out when something you want to see is available. Add a bunch of shows and movies now, so you can stumble upon them later.

这绝不是一个完美的系统,但它是一种确定何时要显示某些内容的不错方法。 现在添加一堆节目和电影,以便稍后发现它们。

