word2007修复工具_使用Word 2007作为博客工具

word2007修复工具_使用Word 2007作为博客工具


Microsoft Word is a wonderful tool for writing documents, but did you know that you can now use it to post to your blog as well? This is tremendously useful if you tend to write very long, wordy posts, or if you just can’t spell worth anything.

Microsoft Word是用于编写文档的绝佳工具,但是您知道您现在也可以使用它将其发布到博客吗? 如果您倾向于撰写冗长而冗长的帖子,或者您只是拼写不了任何东西,这将非常有用。

To begin blogging, click on the Office button in the upper left hand corner, and then New, and then choose New blog post.


word2007修复工具_使用Word 2007作为博客工具

Now the ribbon will change to show the blogging tools. Click on the Manage Accounts button.

现在功能区将更改为显示博客工具。 单击管理帐户按钮。

word2007修复工具_使用Word 2007作为博客工具

You’ll see that I’ve already setup an account for myself in the list, but you should click on New.


word2007修复工具_使用Word 2007作为博客工具

Now you’ll be asked what your blogging platform is. In my case, I’m using a custom WordPress installation, so I’ll choose that.

现在,将询问您您的博客平台是什么。 就我而言,我使用的是自定义WordPress安装,因此我将选择它。

word2007修复工具_使用Word 2007作为博客工具

Now enter in the relevant information for your site, and choose whether to remember the password. You should also take a look at the Picture Options button, because Word can automatically upload images to certain blogging platforms, which is much easier than doing the ftp option.

现在输入与您的站点有关的信息,然后选择是否记住密码。 您还应该查看“图片选项”按钮,因为Word可以自动将图像上传到某些博客平台,这比执行ftp选项要容易得多。

word2007修复工具_使用Word 2007作为博客工具

Now you can start writing… you can add categories to your posts, and Word will automatically connect to your blogging platform and download the list of categories. Depending on the blogging platform you can even create new categories directly from within Word.

现在您可以开始写作了……您可以在帖子中添加类别,Word会自动连接到博客平台并下载类别列表。 根据博客平台的不同,您甚至可以直接在Word中直接创建新类别。

word2007修复工具_使用Word 2007作为博客工具

You can open an old post by using the Open Existing button, or even publish a draft to your site.


word2007修复工具_使用Word 2007作为博客工具

Word 2007 has really turned into an amazing blogging editor, well worth a look if you spend a lot of time in Word anyway.

Word 2007确实变成了一个出色的博客编辑器,如果您仍然花费大量时间在Word中,那么值得一看。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/using-word-2007-as-a-blogging-tool/
