很重要 - [ICSE 2018 论文阅读] Towards Practical Program Repair with On-Demand Candidate Generation


本文旨在阅读 ICSE 2018 论文——Towards Practical Program Repair with On-Demand Candidate Generation。


1)Towards practical program repair 向实际、实用的自动修复靠拢
2)On-demand candidate generation. 随需应变的补丁生成,听起来很酷




Jinru Hua, Mengshi Zhang, Kaiyuan Wang and Sarfraz Khurshid
The University of Texas at Austin, USA

Sarfraz Khurshid的主页:https://users.ece.utexas.edu/~khurshid/

1)Test Generation
2)Software Testing
3)Modeling structures
6)Nonisomorphic Generation
7)Structure Generation Using SAT
8)Ease of Specificatio
9)Static Analysis
10)Software Model Checking



 Hayes Converse (M.S. (Thesis) 2016, UT ECE)
  Nima Dini (M.S. (Thesis) 2016, UT ECE)
 Diego Funes
 Jinru Hua
 Rui Qiu (M.S. (Thesis) 2014, UT ECE)
 Allison Sullivan (M.S. (Thesis) 2014, UT ECE)
 Kaiyuan Wang (M.S. (Thesis) 2015, UT ECE)
 Hua Zhong (M.S. (Report, Option III) 2015, UT ECE)
 Cagdas Yelen
 Mengshi Zhang


  • Software Testing, Symbolic Execution, and Model Checking 2001-2012年
  • Error Recovery and Automated Debugging 2005-2012
  • Object Modeling and Static Analysis 2000-2012
  • Parallel Development and Requirements 2007-2009
  • Theorem Proving 2003-2007
  • Semantics 1999


德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin),简称UT-Austin),成立于1883年,是一所著名的世界顶尖公立研究型大学,是北美顶尖大学联盟美国大学协会(AAU)的成员,美国最负盛名的“公立常春藤(Public Ivy)”最初八所院校之一,是德克萨斯大学系统中的旗舰校区,也是德克萨斯州境内最顶尖的高等学府之一,坐落在德克萨斯州的首府奥斯汀市区,距离市内的州*总部约一英里。学校现有学生约51,000人,教职员工数约3,000人(2014秋季) [1] ,为全美单一校园中学生人数中第五的大学。

德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin) ,又名德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校、德州大学奥斯汀分校,简称UT Austin,创建于1883年,坐落在美丽的德克萨斯州首府奥斯汀市,是一所世界著名大学。在美国有着“公立常春藤”的美誉。


很重要 - [ICSE 2018 论文阅读] Towards Practical Program Repair with On-Demand Candidate Generation

这算是厚积薄发吗?从2016年,论文开始涉及到sketch,到2017-2018,一直是在做sketch,最后发了ICSE 2018,而且我有理由相信,这不是结束,而是开始。第一篇顶会发出去了,第二篇便不会远。

一个ICSE 2018 technique paper,对应一个FSE 2018 demonstration paper,震惊

很重要 - [ICSE 2018 论文阅读] Towards Practical Program Repair with On-Demand Candidate Generation

看来不是regular paper,就不算。


背景知识:可以看到作者抓住的点是——现在的自动修复效率不高,因为需要一个一个candidate patch去验证。

Effective program repair techniques, which modify faulty programs
to fx them with respect to given test suites, can substantially reduce
the cost of manual debugging. A common repair approach is to
iteratively frst generate candidate programs with possible bug fxes
and then validate them against the given tests until a candidate that
passes all the tests is found. While this approach is conceptually
simple, due to the potentially high number of candidates that need
to frst be generated and then be compiled and tested, existing
repair techniques that embody this approach have relatively low
effectiveness, especially for faults at a fne granularity.

each sketch once which may represent thousands of concrete candidates 这么神奇的吗,有待继续阅读。

To tackle this limitation, we introduce a novel repair technique,
SketchFix, which generates candidate fxes on demand (as needed)
during the test execution. Instead of iteratively re-compiling and
re-executing each actual candidate program, SketchFix translates
faulty programs to sketches, i.e., partial programs with “holes”, and
compiles each sketch once which may represent thousands of concrete candidates. With the insight that the space of candidates can be reduced substantially by utilizing the runtime behaviors of the
tests, SketchFix lazily initializes the candidates of the sketches
while validating them against the test execution.

但是我觉得这个是有条件的实验,比如AST node-level granularity,还有23minutes,这个不好说的,我觉得。

We experimentally evaluate SketchFix on the Defects4J benchmark and the experimental results show that SketchFix works
particularly well in repairing bugs with expression manipulation
at the AST node-level granularity compared to other program repair techniques. Specifcally, SketchFix correctly fxes 19 out of
357 defects in 23 minutes on average using the default setting. In addition, SketchFix fnds the frst repair with 1.6% of re-compilations
(#compiled sketches/#candidates) and 3.0% of re-executions out of
all repair candidates.

very much; a lot
同义词: considerably
The costs have increased substantially.
(formal) 基本上;大体上;总的来说
mainly; in most details, even if not completely
What she says is substantially true.

N-COUNT 概略描述;简述
A sketch of a situation, person, or incident is a brief description of it without many details.
N-COUNT 草图;略图;素描
A sketch is a drawing that is done quickly without a lot of details. Artists often use sketches as a preparation for a more detailed painting or drawing.



To allow the exploration of large numbers of candidates, researchers have developed various techniques in previous work. For
example, some techniques [7, 24, 36, 37, 40] infer constraints and
synthesize repairs by translating the constraints to propositional
satisfability (SAT) formulas. Such translation-based synthesis may
involve incomplete translations or create impractical problems that
require creating complex models for all involved libraries. Moreover, they generally exclusively reason about boolean or integer
type [24, 37] and can hardly handle manipulation of non-primitivetype expressions in presence of libraries or complex constructs
like AST node-level type casting. Some techniques mine historical
data [25, 28, 30] or analyze documents [27, 58] to rank the repair
candidates. These techniques have shown their effectiveness on
some classes of defects like exception handling, yet they may not
be effective at repairs that require fne-grained expression manipulations at the AST node-level

[24] Xuan-Bach D. Le, Duc-Hiep Chu, David Lo, Claire Le Goues, and Willem Visser.
2017. S3: syntax- and semantic-guided repair synthesis via programming by
examples. In Proceedings of the 2017 11th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software
Engineering, ESEC/FSE 2017, Paderborn, Germany, September 4-8, 2017. 593–604
[37] Sergey Mechtaev, Jooyong Yi, and Abhik Roychoudhury. 2016. Angelix: Scalable
Multiline Program Patch Synthesis via Symbolic Analysis. In 38th International
Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2016.

所以我有一个发现:当前的文章必然建立在过去的文章(通常是顶会文章,因为它们代表着最前沿的学术成果)的不足之上,新文章往往是:发现问题 -> 思考解决问题的方法 -> 实现方法 -> 写成文章 -> 发表。

看了之后,感觉主要是:1)space of candidate programs can be pruned substantially by utilizting runtime information; 2) and by generating candidates on demand during test validation.

We present SketchFix, which is a novel technique for more effective generate-and-validate program repair using a perspective different from previous work. Our key insight is that the space of candidate programs can be pruned substantially by utilizing runtime information and by generating candidates on demand during test validation. To illustrate, consider trying to fx a faulty condition in a while-loop as well as the body of the loop; if a test execution raises an exception upon evaluating a specifc candidate while-loop condition, all candidates of the while-loop body are pruned from search for that choice of the candidate condition expression. In fact, our approach for lazy candidate generation will not create any candidates for the while-loop body (which may contain thousands of patches) if the while-loop body is not executed. When a test fails due to either a runtime exception or a test assertion failure, the parts of the candidate program that were directly executed determine the generation of the future candidates. Instead of the traditional approach of iteratively generating and validating each repair candidate, we tightly integrate the generation and validation of candidates by effectively utilizing runtime behaviors of the test executions to prune a large part of the search space, which must be explored otherwise.



Recent techniques present the insight that patches that are semantically closer to the original programs are more likely to be correct from the perspective of the developers [5, 24].

讲真,这个线索是很重要的。未来APR的发展何去何从?就得从这里开始分析,寻根摸底。 或者,根据这个的发展轨迹,来寻根摸底。





[1] Sarfraz Khurshid. https://users.ece.utexas.edu/~khurshid/

[2] 得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校. https://baike.baidu.com/item/得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校/5587833?fromtitle=The University of Texas at Austin&fromid=11377825&fr=aladdin

[3] Jinru Hua. https://dblp.org/pers/hd/h/Hua:Jinru

[4] Jinru Hua. https://conf.researchr.org/profile/conf/jinruhua