移动端弹出模态窗口js_您可以移动Windows 10的通知弹出窗口吗?

移动端弹出模态窗口js_您可以移动Windows 10的通知弹出窗口吗?


移动端弹出模态窗口js_您可以移动Windows 10的通知弹出窗口吗?

Windows 10’s notification “toasts” appear near the bottom-right corner of your screen by default. Windows itself doesn’t let you move the notifications, but there are some ways you can move certain pop-ups to other corners of your screen.

Windows 10的通知“祝酒”默认情况下显示在屏幕的右下角。 Windows本身不允许您移动通知,但是有一些方法可以将某些弹出窗口移动到屏幕的其他角落。

注册表无法帮助 (The Registry Won’t Help)

Some websites will tell you to change a “DisplayToastAtBottom” value in your registry to change the location. However, this option only worked in very early builds of Windows 10 and was removed before the final release of Windows 10.

某些网站会告诉您更改注册表中的“ DisplayToastAtBottom”值以更改位置。 但是,此选项仅在Windows 10的早期版本中起作用,并且在Windows 10的最终版本之前被删除。

As of Windows 10’s May 2020 Update, there’s still no built-in option for moving Windows 10’s built-in notifications to the top-right, top-left, or bottom-left corner of your display.

Windows 10的2020年5月更新开始 ,仍然没有内置选项可将Windows 10的内置通知移动到显示器的右上角,左上角或左下角。

But there’s still something you can do to move the notifications.


使用应用程序中包含的选项 (Use Options Included in Apps)

Windows 10’s built-in notifications clearly aren’t very flexible. That’s one reason why many Windows applications have opted for their own custom notification systems.

Windows 10的内置通知显然不是很灵活。 这就是许多Windows应用程序选择其自定义通知系统的原因之一。

Some applications even support both Windows 10’s built-in notification system and their own custom notifications. They let you choose which you want to use in their settings screens.

某些应用程序甚至支持Windows 10的内置通知系统和它们自己的自定义通知。 他们让您选择要在其设置屏幕中使用的内容。

In Slack, for example, you can click the name of your workspace at the top-left corner of your screen and select “Preferences.” Scroll down on the Notifications pane and you’ll see a “Deliver notifications via” option. Select “Slack’s built-in notifications” and you can then select whichever “Notification position” you like: Bottom-right, top-right, top-left, or bottom-left.

例如,在Slack中,您可以单击屏幕左上角的工作区名称,然后选择“首选项”。 在“通知”窗格上向下滚动,您将看到“通过以下方式发送通知”选项。 选择“ Slack的内置通知”,然后您可以选择自己喜欢的“通知位置”:右下,右上,左上或左下。

If you select “Windows Action Center” in Slack on Windows, you won’t see an option to choose the position of the notifications because Windows 10 doesn’t allow it.

如果您在Windows的Slack中选择“ Windows Action Center”,则不会看到选择通知位置的选项,因为Windows 10不允许。

移动端弹出模态窗口js_您可以移动Windows 10的通知弹出窗口吗?

********, a popular chat client, has a similar option. If you open its settings screen and select “Notifications,” you can uncheck “Use windows notifications” and then select any corner of your screen where ******** will display its notifications.

受欢迎的聊天客户端********也有类似的选择。 如果打开其设置屏幕并选择“通知”,则可以取消选中“使用Windows通知”,然后选择屏幕上电报将显示其通知的任何角落。

移动端弹出模态窗口js_您可以移动Windows 10的通知弹出窗口吗?

Not every application has an option like this. It’s up to each app’s developer. But, on Windows 10, all you can do is hope that the app offers its own customizable notifications. Check an application’s settings to see if it has such an option.

并非每个应用程序都具有这样的选项。 这取决于每个应用程序的开发人员。 但是,在Windows 10上,您所能做的就是希望该应用程序提供自己的可自定义通知。 检查应用程序的设置以查看它是否具有这样的选项。

如何禁用(或隐藏)应用程序的通知 (How to Disable (or Hide) Notifications for an App)

If an app’s notifications keep getting in the way and it uses Windows 10’s built-in notifications system, there is a way to at least stop them from bugging you. You can disable all the app’s notifications by heading to Settings > System > Notifications & actions. Under “Get notifications from these senders,” set whatever apps you don’t want to see notifications from to “Off.”

如果应用程序的通知不断妨碍您,并且使用Windows 10的内置通知系统,则有一种方法可以至少阻止它们对您造成干扰。 您可以转到设置>系统>通知和操作,以禁用该应用程序的所有通知。 在“从这些发件人获取通知”下,将您不希望看到通知的任何应用程序设置为“关闭”。

移动端弹出模态窗口js_您可以移动Windows 10的通知弹出窗口吗?

You can also hide notifications for an app—they won’t pop up on your desktop, but they will silently appear in the Windows Action Center where you can review them later. To do this, click one of the apps under “Get notifications from these senders” under Notifications & actions.

您还可以隐藏应用程序的通知-它们不会在您的桌面上弹出,但是它们会以静默方式出现在Windows操作中心中 ,您可以在以后查看它们。 为此,请在“通知和操作”下的“从这些发件人获取通知”下单击其中一个应用程序。

Uncheck the “Show notification banners” option and leave “Show notifications in action center” enabled.


移动端弹出模态窗口js_您可以移动Windows 10的通知弹出窗口吗?

Those notifications will vanish from the bottom-right corner of the screen and you can view them by opening the Action Center. Press Win+A or click the notification bubble icon at the right side of your taskbar—to the right of the clock—to open it.

这些通知将从屏幕的右下角消失,您可以通过打开操作中心来查看它们。 按Win + A或单击任务栏右侧(在时钟右侧)的通知气泡图标以将其打开。

