js 截取字符串 火狐兼容_如何在Firefox中更改用户代理字符串

js 截取字符串 火狐兼容_如何在Firefox中更改用户代理字符串

js 截取字符串 火狐兼容

Do you need a quick way to change the user agent string in Firefox for a specific website? Choose the string that you need from a preset list (or from custom entries) with the User Agent Switcher extension.

您是否需要快速的方法来更改Firefox中特定网站的用户代理字符串? 从带有User Agent Switcher扩展名的预设列表(或自定义条目)中选择所需的字符串。

Note: Works with Firefox, Flock, SeaMonkey, and Songbird.




Before adding the extension to our browser we tested the user agent string at UserAgentString.com and got a positive I.D. result for Firefox.


js 截取字符串 火狐兼容_如何在Firefox中更改用户代理字符串


Once you add the extension to Firefox you can access the alternate user agent string in two ways. The first is through the tools menu…

将扩展添加到Firefox后,您可以通过两种方式访问​​备用用户代理字符串。 首先是通过工具菜单...

Note: The user agent string will automatically reset back to the default each time you restart Firefox.


js 截取字符串 火狐兼容_如何在Firefox中更改用户代理字符串

And the second is using a toolbar button. Choose the method that works best for you.

第二个是使用工具栏按钮。 选择最适合您的方法。

js 截取字符串 火狐兼容_如何在Firefox中更改用户代理字符串

For the first test we chose Internet Explorer 8.

对于第一个测试,我们选择了Internet Explorer 8。

js 截取字符串 火狐兼容_如何在Firefox中更改用户代理字符串

Refreshing the page tested positive for IE 8.

刷新该页面,对IE 8进行了测试。

js 截取字符串 火狐兼容_如何在Firefox中更改用户代理字符串

Next we chose the Yahoo! Slurp search robot…once again a perfect result.

接下来,我们选择了Yahoo! 搜寻搜寻机器人…再一次获得完美的结果。

js 截取字符串 火狐兼容_如何在Firefox中更改用户代理字符串

Moving on we chose iPhone 3.0. As before another positive identification.

继续前进,我们选择了iPhone 3.0。 和以前一样,另一个肯定的标识。

js 截取字符串 火狐兼容_如何在Firefox中更改用户代理字符串

To keep things interesting we set the user agent string for Internet Explorer 6. Testing positive for IE 6 and Windows XP here…

为了使事情有趣,我们在Internet Explorer 6中设置了用户代理字符串。此处对IE 6和Windows XP的测试为肯定。

js 截取字符串 火狐兼容_如何在Firefox中更改用户代理字符串

And also testing positive at the extension author’s website.


js 截取字符串 火狐兼容_如何在Firefox中更改用户代理字符串



You can create, edit, and delete current user agent strings or use the import/export functions.


js 截取字符串 火狐兼容_如何在Firefox中更改用户代理字符串



The User Agent Switcher extension provides a quick and easy way to change the user agent string for those less than cooperative websites. For those wanting to add additional user agent strings visit this website (available in xml file format).

User Agent Switcher扩展程序提供了一种快速简便的方法来为非合作网站的用户更改用户代理字符串。 对于那些想要添加其他用户代理字符串的用户,请访问此网站 (以xml文件格式提供)。



Download the User Agent Switcher extension (Mozilla Add-ons)


Verify the User Agent String for your browser


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/18519/how-to-change-the-user-agent-string-in-firefox/

js 截取字符串 火狐兼容