plex实现流媒体服务器_修正:具有Plex服务器和不匹配版本号的Synology NAS

plex实现流媒体服务器_修正:具有Plex服务器和不匹配版本号的Synology NAS


I am a HUGE fan of Plex. Plex is a server you run combined with both a great HTML5 web app and some awesome native clients. Plex has clients for iOS, Windows Store, Windows Phone, and on and on. Best yet, the Plex Server can run not only on your spare computers, but also NAS (Network Attached Storage) devices like Synology, Netgear, Drobo, and more.

我是Plex的忠实粉丝。 Plex是您运行的服务器,结合了出色HTML5 Web应用程序和一些出色的本机客户端。 Plex拥有适用于iOS,Windows Store,Windows Phone等的客户端。 最好的一点是,Plex Server不仅可以在您的备用计算机上运行,​​而且还可以在Synology,Netgear,Drobo等NAS(网络附加存储)设备上运行。

Last year, Plex came to the Synology DiskStation. I have a Synology 1511+ NAS and run everything on it from Minecraft Servers to Plex to using it as a giant 5TB NAS to storing my Time Machine backups and Windows 8 File History. I also run CrashPlan headless on my Synology.

去年,Plex来到了Synology DiskStation 。 我拥有Synology 1511+ NAS,并在其上运行从Minecraft服务器到Plex的所有内容,再将其用作巨型5TB NAS来存储我的Time Machine备份和Windows 8文件历史记录。 我还在Synology上无头运行CrashPlan

Synology has an ersatz App Store that allows you to easily install all sorts of stuff to your Synology NAS, like phpBB, Plex, Git, and more.

Synology具有ersatz App Store,可让您轻松地将各种东西安装到Synology NAS中,例如phpBB,Plex,Git等。

plex实现流媒体服务器_修正:具有Plex服务器和不匹配版本号的Synology NAS

However, I personally (and others) have found this feed of packages to be either updated not very often, or when it is updated, versions don't line up.


If I can be slightly critical of Plex for a moment, they are fairly aggressive about keeping their client and server protocol versions in line. This means if you aren't keeping your Plex Server reasonably up to date, one day you'll startup your iPad Plex app or Windows Plex app and be told that server version is too old. It's a little jarring.

如果我暂时对Plex持批评态度,那么他们在保持客户端和服务器协议版本一致方面相当积极。 这意味着,如果您没有合理地使Plex Server保持最新状态,则有一天您将启动iPad Plex应用程序或Windows Plex应用程序,并被告知服务器版本过旧。 这有点刺耳。

The issue for me happens when I go to the Synology to update and there's no new update. So the client is saying "you need version x+2" and all I see on the Synology feed is version x.

对我来说,发生问题是在Synology进行更新且没有新更新时发生的。 因此客户说“您需要版本x + 2”,而我在Synology feed上看到的只是版本x。

plex实现流媒体服务器_修正:具有Plex服务器和不匹配版本号的Synology NAS

Here's the gotcha, and why I'm writing this up for you. You can use the Manual Install option (as seen in the top picture) then visit and manually upload the .SPK file for Plex to your Synology server.

这是陷阱,为什么我要为您编写这篇文章。 您可以使用“手动安装”选项(如上图所示),然后访问并将Plex的.SPK文件手动上传到您的Synology服务器。

If you don't uninstall Plex first - that's the one that you install from Synology's feed originally - then you can get yourself into some very weird versioning situations where Plex thinks one version is running and the Synology thinks another as seen in the screenshot below.


plex实现流媒体服务器_修正:具有Plex服务器和不匹配版本号的Synology NAS

This has been discussed in the forums for almost a year now with no clear answer or solution.


Again, here's what I did:


  • Uninstall Plex from the Synology Package Manager

    从Synology Package Manager卸载Plex
  • Download Plex from下载Plex

  • Use Manual Install to install the new SPK to Synology


I hope this helps someone. Be sure to check out Plex, it's a joy.

我希望这可以帮助别人。 一定要签出Plex,这是一种乐趣

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赞助商:非常感谢Aspose本周赞助了该博客! .NET的Aspose.Total具有您在应用程序中创建,处理和转换Microsoft Office文档所需的所有API以及许多其他文件格式。 好奇? 立即开始免费试用

关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

plex实现流媒体服务器_修正:具有Plex服务器和不匹配版本号的Synology NAS
plex实现流媒体服务器_修正:具有Plex服务器和不匹配版本号的Synology NAS
plex实现流媒体服务器_修正:具有Plex服务器和不匹配版本号的Synology NAS
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plex实现流媒体服务器_修正:具有Plex服务器和不匹配版本号的Synology NAS

