


Are you looking for an easy visual way to manage high numbers of tabs and/or windows in Firefox? Then you will want to see what the Firefox Showcase extension has to offer.

您是否正在寻找一种简单的视觉方式来管理Firefox中的大量选项卡和/或窗口? 然后,您将要查看Firefox Showcase扩展所提供的功能。



If you have a lot of tabs and/or windows open it can get rather frustrating trying to sort through them easily…especially if you are a “visual type” of person. For our example we opened five tabs…not bad at the moment but think what twenty to thirty tabs could be like all scrunched up in the tab bar. But there is a better to way to quickly sort through them…

如果您打开了许多标签页和/或窗口,那么尝试轻松地对它们进行分类可能会令人沮丧,尤其是如果您是“视觉类型”的人。 对于我们的示例,我们打开了五个选项卡……此刻还不错,但请考虑一下二十到三十个选项卡可能会像所有在选项卡栏中卷起一样。 但是有一种更好的方法可以快速对它们进行分类…


After (Using Toolbar Buttons)


As soon as you have installed the extension you should open up the “Customise Toolbar Window” to find the toolbar buttons associated with the extension. As you can see there are six available for you to choose from…each one will provide an easy way to view all of your open tabs and/or windows. There are two that provide a pop-up window, two that open a new tab, and the remaining two are for the sidebar. The “pairs” either focus on the tabs contained in a single window or focus on all windows open at that time.

安装扩展程序后,应立即打开“自定义工具栏窗口”以查找与扩展程序关联的工具栏按钮。 如您所见,有六种可供选择……每一种都将提供一种查看所有打开的选项卡和/或窗口的简便方法。 有两个提供弹出窗口,两个打开一个新选项卡,其余两个用于侧边栏。 “对”要么关注单个窗口中包含的选项卡,要么关注当时打开的所有窗口。


Since we are focusing on all the tabs contained in a single window for our example, we chose the “Showcase Tab Button”. One quick click and thumbnails of all our open tabs were displayed in a new tab for easy selection. To open a particular page simply click on the appropriate thumbnail and that tab is instantly brought to the front while the “Showcase Tab” will conveniently disappear.

由于我们专注于示例中单个窗口中包含的所有选项卡,因此我们选择了“显示选项卡按钮”。 快速单击和所有打开的标签的缩略图都显示在新标签中,以便于选择。 要打开特定页面,只需单击适当的缩略图,该选项卡即会立即显示在最前面,而“显示选项卡”将方便地消失。


After (Using the Menus)


For those who would prefer to access Firefox Showcase through the menus, there are two “options” available in the “View Menu”. The first is for Sidebar access…

对于那些希望通过菜单访问Firefox Showcase的用户,“查看菜单”中有两个“选项”。 首先是侧边栏访问…


Here you can see the “Showcase Sidebar”…if you select a page from the sidebar it does not automatically disappear.


Note: The option to have the sidebar disappear can be enabled in the options.



And the second is for the “Showcase Tab” or the pop-up “Showcase Window”.

第二个是“ Showcase选项卡”或弹出的“ Showcase窗口”。


This is the pop-up “Showcase Window”. As with the “Showcase Tab” shown above clicking on a thumbnail brings that tab (or window) to the front and closes the pop-up window. It really is just a matter of choosing the style that best suits your needs.

这是弹出的“橱窗”。 就像上面显示的“显示选项卡”一样,单击缩略图会将选项卡(或窗口)置于最前面,然后关闭弹出窗口。 确实只是选择最适合您需求的样式的问题。


The nice thing about the Firefox Showcase extension is that you can export/import personalized settings and restore the defaults if things get messed up for some reason.

Firefox Showcase扩展的好处是,您可以导出/导入个性化设置并在某些原因导致混乱时恢复默认设置。




The Firefox Showcase extension provides a very customizable and visual way to sort through high numbers of tabs and/or windows while you are browsing.

Firefox Showcase扩展提供了一种非常可定制的可视化方式,可以在浏览时对大量选项卡和/或窗口进行排序。



Download the Firefox Showcase extension (Mozilla Add-ons)

下载Firefox Showcase扩展(Mozilla附加组件)

Download the Firefox Showcase extension (Extension Homepage)

下载Firefox Showcase扩展(扩展主页)

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/7070/manage-open-tabs-windows-easily-with-firefox-showcase/
