Qualcomm CSRmesh v2.1 Application 移植指南简介(三)

In the mesh node applications, the support for the roles is enabled as per the requirement of the application. The base roles of CM Server, CM Peripheral and the CM Observer need to be supported by all applications. There are a few definitions that need to be defined to configure the Connection Manager, these are defined in the user_config.h file, see Table 2-5.

在网状节点应用程序中,根据应用程序的需求启用对角色的支持。 CM Server,CM Peripheral和CM Observer的基本角色需要得到所有应用程序的支持。 有几个定义需要定义来配置Connection Manager,这些定义在user_config.h文件中定义,请参阅表2-5。

Qualcomm CSRmesh v2.1 Application 移植指南简介(三)

The initialization of the Connection Manager and handling of various events received from the Connection Manager are handled in the connection_handler.c file. The Connection Manager initialization is as shown in Table 2-6.

连接管理器的初始化和处理从连接管理器接收到的各种事件都在connection_handler.c文件中处理。 Connection Manager初始化如表2-6所示。

Qualcomm CSRmesh v2.1 Application 移植指南简介(三)

Events from the Connection Manager are handled as shown in Table 2-7.

Connection Manager中的事件按表2-7所示进行处理。

Qualcomm CSRmesh v2.1 Application 移植指南简介(三)

Qualcomm CSRmesh v2.1 Application 移植指南简介(三)