
Would you like to install WordPress on your own server the easy way?  Here’s how you can get WordPress up and running in only a few clicks on most webhosts.

您想以简单的方式在自己的服务器上安装WordPress吗? 这是在大多数Web主机上只需单击几下即可启动并运行WordPress的方法。

We’ve recently been covering ways you can use a free WordPress.com blog, but the great thing about WordPress is that you can either get a free hosted blog or you can download the software and run it on your own server for free.  Many webhosts today offer scripts that make installing WordPress as easy as possible, so here we’re going to look at how you can install WordPress in only a few steps in cPanel with Softaculous.

我们最近一直在介绍您可以使用免费的WordPress.com博客的方法,但是WordPress的优点在于您可以获取免费的托管博客,也可以下载该软件并免费在自己的服务器上运行。 今天,许多网络主机提供了使安装WordPress尽可能容易的脚本,因此在这里我们将探讨如何使用Softaculous在cPanel中仅几步安装WordPress。

Note: Not all webhosts use cPanel, and even some cPanel hosts don’t offer Softaculous.  Softaculous also works with other popular website control panels, so check with your hosting provider if you cannot find it.  Otherwise, you can install WordPress manually via FTP.  We’ll cover how to do that in an upcoming article.

注意:并非所有的Web主机都使用cPanel,甚至某些cPanel主机也不提供Softaculous。 Softaculous还可以与其他流行的网站控制面板配合使用,因此如果找不到它,请与您的主机提供商联系。 否则,您可以通过FTP手动安装WordPress。 我们将在下一篇文章中介绍如何做到这一点。

Getting Started


Login to your website’s admin panel to get started installing WordPress on your site.  This is often located at yourdomain.com/cpanel, though this may vary depending on your hosting provider.

登录到您网站的管理面板,开始在您的网站上安装WordPress。 该地址通常位于yourdomain.com / cpanel,尽管它可能因托管服务提供商而异。


Scroll down to the Software/Services section, and click the Softaculous link.

向下滚动到“ 软件/服务”部分,然后单击“ Softaculous”链接。

Note: If your host doesn’t offer Softaculous, it may offer another installer in this section, though it may work differently.



Softaculous offers many different web apps you can install on your site, including blogging engines, wikis, image galleries, webmail clients, and more.  We’re going to install WordPress, but if you want to install a different web app the process will be similar.

Softaculous提供了许多您可以在您的站点上安装的Web应用程序,包括博客引擎,Wiki,图像画廊,Webmail客户端等。 我们将安装WordPress,但是如果您要安装其他Web应用程序,则过程将相似。

To install WordPress, click the WordPress link on the left-hand sidebar in Softaculous.



This page will give you some information about WordPress, including ratings and reviews from other users.  Click the Install link above the header to start the installation.

此页面将为您提供有关WordPress的一些信息,包括其他用户的评分和评论。 单击标题上方的“ 安装”链接以开始安装。


Now you’ll need to enter some information about your site.  Softaculous will automatically fill in default settings, but you may want to customize them.

现在,您需要输入有关您的站点的一些信息。 Softaculous将自动填写默认设置,但是您可能需要自定义它们。

On the top of the page, choose the domain you want to use for WordPress.  We already had WordPress installed on the site techinch.com, so we wanted to install this test copy on a subdomain.  Then select what directory to install WordPress on.  By default, it will install to yourdomain.com/wp, but if you want yourdomain.com to go directly to WordPress, then leave this field blank.

在页面顶部,选择要用于WordPress的域。 我们已经在网站techinch.com上安装了WordPress,因此我们希望将此测试副本安装在子域上。 然后选择要在其上安装WordPress的目录。 默认情况下,它将安装到yourdomain.com/wp ,但是如果您希望yourdomain.com直接进入WordPress,则将该字段保留为空白。


Now enter a name and description for your site, as well as an administrative username, password, and email.  If you’d like a more secure password, click the key logo and a random generated password will be entered in the field.

现在,为您的站点输入名称和描述,以及管理用户名,密码和电子邮件。 如果您想要一个更安全的密码,请单击键徽标,然后在字段中输入随机生成的密码。

If you’d like a record of your site’s settings, enter your email in the bottom field under the Install button.  Finally, when you’re finished, click Install.

如果您想要记录网站的设置,请在“安装”按钮下方的底部字段中输入您的电子邮件。 最后,完成后,单击“安装”。


After a few moments, you’ll see a page announcing that WordPress is now installed on your site.



Click the link to go to the WordPress admin page, or simply browse to yourdomain.com/wp-login.php.  Login with the username and password you chose before.

单击链接转到WordPress管理页面,或直接浏览至yourdomain.com/wp-login.php 。 使用您之前选择的用户名和密码登录。


The first time you login, WordPress may prompt you to change your password.  Since you just chose the password for your site, this step is unnecessary. Click No Thanks, Do not remind me again to chose this notification.

首次登录时,WordPress可能会提示您更改密码。 由于您只是选择了站点密码,因此无需执行此步骤。 单击“ 不,谢谢,不要再次提醒我”选择此通知。


Now you can add posts and pictures, change the theme, and customize the settings of your WordPress site directly from the WordPress Dashboard.



Here’s our new WordPress site after installing with Softaculous and submitting our first post.



Backup or Delete WordPress with Softaculous


Softaculous is also useful for maintaining web apps you’ve installed with it.  If you’d like to backup your WordPress site, or even delete it entirely, you can easily from your Softaculous control panel.

Softaculous在维护与其一起安装的Web应用程序时也很有用。 如果您想备份WordPress站点,或者甚至完全删除它,则可以从Softaculous控制面板轻松进行。

Login to your cPanel and open Softaculous as above.  Select the box icon from the top right to see all the web apps you’ve installed.

登录到您的cPanel并如上所述打开Softaculous。 选择右上角的框图标以查看您已安装的所有Web应用程序。


Here you can see the web app installation time and version number, as well as a link to it.  Click the folder icon to backup your site, or the (x) to delete it.

在这里,您可以查看Web应用程序的安装时间和版本号,以及指向该应用程序的链接。 单击文件夹图标备份您的站点,或单击(x)删除它。

Please note: Do not click the X button unless you are certain you want to fully delete your WordPress site!



If you choose to backup the site, Softaculous will ask if you want to backup the entire directory and database.  Generally it is good to select both, as you would be able to fully restore you’re entire site with both of these.  Click Backup Installation to confirm you want to do this.

如果选择备份站点,Softaculous将询问您是否要备份整个目录和数据库。 通常,最好同时选择这两个选项,因为您可以使用这两个选项完全还原整个站点。 单击备份安装以确认您要执行此操作。


Click Ok at the prompt, and make sure to leave the webpage opening while it is backing up your site.

在提示符下单击“ 确定 ”,并确保在备份网站时使该网页保持打开状态。


After a few moments, Softaculous will let you know that the backup is complete.  Click the Backups link to access your backup file.

片刻之后,Softaculous将通知您备份已完成。 单击备份链接以访问您的备份文件。


Click the blue arrow to download the zip file containing a full backup of your site.  Once you’ve saved it, you can click the red X to delete the file from the server.

单击蓝色箭头下载包含您站点的完整备份的zip文件。 保存后,可以单击红色的X从服务器中删除文件。




WordPress is one of the best CMS and blog engines available today, and you can used it to power anything from your personal site, to a major website with millions of hits per day.  Installing WordPress manually isn’t too hard, but with Softaculous, it’s so easy anyone could do it.  If you ever want to try out any other web apps on your site, you can always install them quickly with Softaculous too.

WordPress是当今可用的最佳CMS和博客引擎之一,您可以使用WordPress来驱动从个人站点到每天有数百万点击的主要网站的任何内容。 手动安装WordPress并不难,但是使用Softaculous,任何人都可以轻松完成安装。 如果您想试用站点上的任何其他Web应用程序,也可以随时使用Softaculous快速安装它们。

If you’d like to try out installing WordPress with Softaculous, you can give it a test drive on their demo site (link below).  This is a great way to make sure you’re confident about installing it before you actually install it on your own website.

如果您想尝试使用Softaculous安装WordPress,可以在其演示站点( 下面的链接 )上对其进行测试。 这是在将其实际安装到自己的网站上之前,确保您对安装有信心的一种好方法。



Testdrive a Demo of Softaculous

Testdrive Softaculous的演示

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/19783/install-wordpress-on-your-own-server-with-softaculous/