windows7备份还原_如何在Windows 7中使用备份和还原

windows7备份还原_如何在Windows 7中使用备份和还原


The backup utilities in previous versions of Windows have been less than spectacular resulting in a nice market for third party applications.  Today we take a look at the Backup and Restore feature in Windows 7  that may be their best backup tool yet.

Windows早期版本中的备份实用程序还不够出色,因此为第三方应用程序提供了不错的市场。 今天,我们来看看Windows 7中的备份和还原功能,这可能是他们迄今为止最好的备份工具。

Set the Backup


To set up a backup in Windows 7 open up Computer right-click on your local drive and select Properties.  Then click on the Tools tab and click the Back up now button.

要在Windows 7中设置备份,请打开“计算机”,右键单击本地驱动器,然后选择“属性”。 然后单击“工具”选项卡,然后单击“立即备份”按钮。

windows7备份还原_如何在Windows 7中使用备份和还原

In the Back up or restore your files window click the link to set up a backup.


windows7备份还原_如何在Windows 7中使用备份和还原

Windows will search for a suitable drive to store the backup or you can also choose a location on your network.  If you backup to a network location you might need the password to the share.

Windows将搜索合适的驱动器来存储备份,或者您也可以选择网络上的位置。 如果备份到网络位置,则可能需要共享密码。

windows7备份还原_如何在Windows 7中使用备份和还原

You can have Windows choose what to backup or you can choose the files and directories.  Because I like more user control for this tutorial I am choosing what to backup but it’s completely up to you.

您可以让Windows选择要备份的内容,也可以选择文件和目录。 因为我喜欢本教程提供的更多用户控件,所以我选择了要备份的内容,但这完全取决于您。

Note:  If you let Windows choose it will not backup Program Files, anything formatted with the FAT file system, files in the Recycle Bin, or any temp files that are 1GB or more.


windows7备份还原_如何在Windows 7中使用备份和还原

Select the files and folder to include in the backup.  Also notice you can select the option to create an image of your local drive.

选择要包括在备份中的文件和文件夹。 另请注意,您可以选择创建本地驱动器映像的选项。

windows7备份还原_如何在Windows 7中使用备份和还原

Now review the backup job and make sure everything looks correct.


windows7备份还原_如何在Windows 7中使用备份和还原

Here you can also schedule the days and times the backup occurs.


windows7备份还原_如何在Windows 7中使用备份和还原

Save the backup settings and kick off your first backup and while it runs you can monitor the progress.


windows7备份还原_如何在Windows 7中使用备份和还原

Click the View Details button to see exactly what is being backup during the process.


windows7备份还原_如何在Windows 7中使用备份和还原

When the backup is complete you will see the two backup files and image folder if you created one.  I backed up 20GB of data and it took around 15 minutes including the system image which came to 11GB.

备份完成后,您将创建两个备份文件和映像文件夹。 我备份了20GB的数据,大约花了15分钟,包括系统映像达到11GB。

windows7备份还原_如何在Windows 7中使用备份和还原

Double click on the backup file and can restore files or manage the size of the backups folder.


windows7备份还原_如何在Windows 7中使用备份和还原

Restore Files from Backup


If you need to go back and restore a file from a backup click on Restore my files in the Backup and Restore Center.


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Now you can browse or search the most recent backup for a file or folder your missing.


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Next you can restore them back to the original location or choose a different spot then click Restore.


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Progress of the restoration will vary depending on the size of the data and location it’s restoring from.


windows7备份还原_如何在Windows 7中使用备份和还原

Manage Backup Size


Sometimes you may need to recover some disk space and Windows 7 allows you to manage the size of your backups.  In the Backup and Restore section click on the Manage Space link.

有时您可能需要恢复一些磁盘空间,而Windows 7允许您管理备份的大小。 在“备份和还原”部分中,单击“管理空间”链接。

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Your given a summary of the backup location and what is taking up space from the backup.


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Click on the View backups button to check the different dated backups where you can delete older ones if needed.


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You can also change how windows retains older system images.


windows7备份还原_如何在Windows 7中使用备份和还原

Backing up data is one of the most important but overlooked tasks for a computer user.  If you have another backup app you might not consider letting Windows do it, but overall, the new backup and restore utility in Windows 7 is much better than previous versions.

备份数据是计算机用户最重要但被忽略的任务之一。 如果您有另一个备份应用程序,则可能不考虑让Windows使用它,但总的来说,Windows 7中新的备份和还原实用程序比以前的版本要好得多。

