[coursera/dl&nn/week4]Deep Neural Network(summary&question)

Deep learning is an experiment base on hyperparameters.

I strongly encourage you to find a paper to write down forward and backward propagate.

You need to review how to compute the derivative of metrics.

Week4 Deep Neural Network

4.1 Deep L-layer neural network

[coursera/dl&nn/week4]Deep Neural Network(summary&question)

n[0]=nx=3 ,  n[1]=5 ,  n[2]=5n[3]=3n[4]= n[L]=1

4.2 Forward Propagate in a Deep Network

We need a for-loop to compute these hidden layers.

compute lth layer neuron

[coursera/dl&nn/week4]Deep Neural Network(summary&question)


[coursera/dl&nn/week4]Deep Neural Network(summary&question)

4.3 Getting your matrix dimensions right

This is important for us to modify our bug.

for  lth layer neuron in m training examples:

n[l]: num of neurons in lth layer

n[l-1]: num of neurons in (l-1)th layer





[coursera/dl&nn/week4]Deep Neural Network(summary&question)

4.4 Why deep representations

small: small amount of hidden nurons 

deep: large num of hidden layers

4.5 Building blocks of deep neural networks

The flow chat shows how deep neural networks propagate.

[coursera/dl&nn/week4]Deep Neural Network(summary&question)

4.6 Forward and Backward Propagation


[coursera/dl&nn/week4]Deep Neural Network(summary&question)[coursera/dl&nn/week4]Deep Neural Network(summary&question)


[coursera/dl&nn/week4]Deep Neural Network(summary&question)

4.7 Hyperparameters

learning rate


#hidden layer L

#hidden units

4.8 points: what does this have to do with the brain

mapping: x to y


wrong answer:
1.the "cache" records values from the forward propagation units and sends it to the backward propagation units because it is needed to compute the chain rule derivatives.

[coursera/dl&nn/week4]Deep Neural Network(summary&question)[coursera/dl&nn/week4]Deep Neural Network(summary&question)

[coursera/dl&nn/week4]Deep Neural Network(summary&question)

[coursera/dl&nn/week4]Deep Neural Network(summary&question)

[coursera/dl&nn/week4]Deep Neural Network(summary&question)

[coursera/dl&nn/week4]Deep Neural Network(summary&question)[coursera/dl&nn/week4]Deep Neural Network(summary&question)

[coursera/dl&nn/week4]Deep Neural Network(summary&question)

[coursera/dl&nn/week4]Deep Neural Network(summary&question)

[coursera/dl&nn/week4]Deep Neural Network(summary&question)

[coursera/dl&nn/week4]Deep Neural Network(summary&question)