ms access access vba code通过表格更新记录

ms access access vba code通过表格更新记录


我是MS Access 2007的新手&我几乎对vba一无所知。 ...我有一个表名F与字段F1,F2,F3,F4,F5其中前三个是数字字段&后两个是文本字段。在一个带有文本框:txtF1,txtF2,txtF3,txtF4,txtF5和命令按钮cmdUpdate的表单中,我想更新表F中的F5,其中F1 = txtF1,F2 = txtF2,F3 = txtF3和F4 = txtF4条件staisfy。 ..请帮助完整的代码。ms access access vba code通过表格更新记录


请阅读游览和[问]。 – Andre


_只是帮助完成code_?你是否用一张白纸走进课堂,并要求你的老师给你答案?尝试解决问题,如果您的代码存在特定问题,请返回此处。 – Takarii


Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click() 

'Create a string variable to hold your sql command string 
Dim strSQL As String 

'Fill the variable with your sql command, plucking values out of your 
'form as shown using the Me. operator. When using text values in your 
'string, wrap them with the Chr(34)'s, which will insert quotation marks in 
'your sql string when it's resolved. 
strSQL = "UPDATE F SET F.F5 = " & Chr(34) & yourtextvaluehere & Chr(34) & _ 
      " WHERE F1=" & Me.txtF1 & _ 
      " AND F2=" & Me.txtF2 & _ 
      " AND F3=" & Me.txtF3 & _ 
      " AND F4=" & Chr(34) & Me.txtF4 & Chr(34) 

'Execute the sql statement you've built against the database 
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbSeeChanges + dbFailOnError 

End Sub