es shield_即使在电视关闭的情况下,如何使NVIDIA SHIELD收听“ OK Google”

es shield_即使在电视关闭的情况下,如何使NVIDIA SHIELD收听“ OK Google”

es shield

es shield_即使在电视关闭的情况下,如何使NVIDIA SHIELD收听“ OK Google”

Recently, NVIDIA’s SHIELD became the first Android TV device to get access to OK Google and the Google Assistant. The thing is, you really need the TV to be on in order to really make the most of it—but a new setting will still let you use it even when the screen is off.

最近,NVIDIA的SHIELD成为第一个可以访问OK Google和Google Assistant的Android TV设备。 事实是,您确实需要打开电视才能充分利用它,但是即使屏幕关闭,新设置仍然可以让您使用它。

Before we get into how to do that, though, let’s first talk about what to expect when using this feature. First, the functionality is going to be pretty limited when your TV is off. If you’re using it to, say, turn your lights on or off (or comparable smarthome features that don’t require audible or visual feedback), that should work perfectly.

不过,在开始执行此操作之前,让我们先谈谈使用此功能的期望。 首先,当电视关闭时,功能将受到很大限制。 举例来说,如果您使用它来打开或关闭照明灯(或不需要声音或视觉反馈的类似的智能家居功能),则应该可以正常工作。

But since neither the SHIELD nor the controller have speakers on them, it won’t be able to answer questions—like “what’s the weather going to be tomorrow.” The exception here is if you have a soundbar or separate receiver and speakers attached to your TV. Simply leave the soundbar on to hear the Assistant. Of course, that may not work with every TV and every soundbar, either—you’re just going to have to experiment with it.

但是由于SHIELD和控制器都没有扬声器,因此它将无法回答问题,例如“明天的天气如何”。 例外情况是电视上装有条形音箱或单独的接收器和扬声器。 只需打开条形音箱即可听到助手的声音。 当然,这可能不适用于每台电视和每个条形音箱,您将不得不尝试一下。

NVIDIA is likely working on some alternative solutions to these quandaries, but until they figure something out, this is what you get. Despite its shortcomings, however, it’s definitely still worth using—especially if you don’t have something like Google Home to do the job.

NVIDIA可能正在为这些难题开发一些替代解决方案,但是直到找到解决办法,这才是您得到的。 尽管有其缺点,但绝对值得使用-尤其是如果您没有像Google Home这样的产品来完成这项工作。

NOTE: Always listening is only supported on the 2017 remodeled controller, which is fully compatible with the first generation SHIELD set-top box.


Alright! With that out of the way, jump into SHIELD’s settings menu: scroll all the way to the bottom row and click on the gear icon.

好的! 顺便说一句,跳到SHIELD的设置菜单:一直滚动到最底行,然后单击齿轮图标。

es shield_即使在电视关闭的情况下,如何使NVIDIA SHIELD收听“ OK Google”

From there, head down to the System entry and give it a click.


es shield_即使在电视关闭的情况下,如何使NVIDIA SHIELD收听“ OK Google”

There are a few options here, but you’re looking for the last one: Enable “OK Google” when TV is off.” You’ll also note this in in beta, so don’t be surprised if its slightly buggy at times.

这里有一些选项,但您正在寻找最后一个:电视关闭时启用“确定Google”。 您还将在Beta版中注意到这一点,因此如果有时会出现一些小问题,请不要感到惊讶。

es shield_即使在电视关闭的情况下,如何使NVIDIA SHIELD收听“ OK Google”

When you click into this menu, a caveat will be displayed letting you know that you’ll need to at least leave your soundbar on in order to hear the Assistant, which we already mentioned above.


es shield_即使在电视关闭的情况下,如何使NVIDIA SHIELD收听“ OK Google”

Go ahead and toggle that bad boy on, and away you go. Good stuff.

继续并打开那个坏男孩,然后离开。 好东西。

es shield_即使在电视关闭的情况下,如何使NVIDIA SHIELD收听“ OK Google”

From that point forward, you should be able to better integrate SHIELD into your smart home setup, treating it as an additional Google Home product—especially if integrated with Samsung’s SmartThings link. Very cool stuff.

从那时起,您应该能够更好地将SHIELD集成到您的智能家居设置中,将其视为附加的Google Home产品(尤其是与Samsung的SmartThings链接集成时)。 很酷的东西。


es shield