xbox360使用_新的Xbox360 Hack适用于所有360型号

xbox360使用_新的Xbox360 Hack适用于所有360型号


Dubbed the “Reset Glitch Hack” (it uses a pulse of electricity to disrupt communication with a specific chip on the 360 motherboard during the authentication process thus opening the door for unsigned code and a boot loader) it’s an effective hack for people who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty. You’ll need to be comfortable soldering, shelling out a small amount of money for the various supplies and microchips you’ll need for the job, and of course no worries about potentially ruining your console with a soldering job gone bad.

被称为“ Reset Glitch Hack”(在身份验证过程中,它会使用电脉冲中断与360主板上特定芯片的通信,从而为未签名的代码和引导加载程序打开了大门),对于那些不懂此事的人来说,这是一个有效的技巧。不要害怕弄脏自己的手。 您需要舒适的焊接,为完成这项工作所需的各种耗材和微芯片支付少量的钱,当然也不必担心由于焊接工作变差而可能损坏您的控制台。

The great appeal of the hack, in the face of those things, is that it currently works on every Xbox model out there including the un-JTAGable Xbox 360 Slim. The only downside, risk of damaging your Xbox aside, is that it can take up to 2 minutes to boot since the electric pulse has a 25% chance of disrupting chip communication (and continues to pulse until it gets the timing just right). As a result you’re looking at slightly longer boot times. Not a bad trade off for a works-on-any-machine hack.

面对这些问题,这种黑客的最大吸引力在于,它目前可以在包括Xbox One在内的所有Xbox型号上运行,包括无法JTAG的Xbox 360 Slim。 唯一不利的一面是,损坏Xbox的风险是,由于电脉冲有25%的机会破坏芯片通信(并且持续进行脉冲直到达到正确的时间),因此可能最多需要2分钟才能启动。 结果,您正在寻找稍微更长的启动时间。 对于可以在任何机器上工作的黑客来说,这都是不错的选择。

Hit up the link below for the step-by-step tutorial. You can also check out the announcement here for a detailed breakdown of how the hack works.

点击下面的链接获取分步教程。 您也可以在此处查看公告,以详细了解黑客的工作方式。

Reset Glitch Hack [via Hack A Day]

重置Glitch Hack [通过Hack A Day ]

