2019--Target Speaker Extraction for Multi-Talker Speaker Verification

Target Speaker Extraction for Multi-Talker Speaker Verification

Wei Rao1
, Chenglin Xu2,3
, Eng Siong Chng2,3
, Haizhou Li1
1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
2School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
3Temasek Laboratories, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
[email protected], [email protected]

speaker verification,Speaker diarization, overlapped multi-talker speech


The performance of speaker verification degrades significantly when the test speech is corrupted by interference from non- target speakers. Speaker diarization separates speakers well only if the speakers are not overlapped. However, if multiple talkers speak at the same time, we need a technique to separate the speech in the spectral domain. In this paper, we study a way to extract the target speaker’s speech from an overlapped multi-talker speech. Specifically, given some reference speech samples from the target speaker, the target speaker’s speech is firstly extracted from the overlapped multi-talker speech, then the extracted speech is processed in the speaker verification sys- tem. Experimental results show that the proposed approach sig- nificantly improves the performance of overlapped multi-talker speaker verification and achieves 64.4% relative EER reduction over the zero-effort baseline.

  1. Introduction

The performance of speaker verification degrades significantly when the speech is corrupted by interference speakers. Speaker diarization can be useful for speaker verification with non- overlapping multi-talker speech [1–6]. It can effectively ex- clude unwanted speech segments when the speakers only slightly overlap [7, 8]. However, such system fails when multi- talkers speak simultaneously most of the time.
One possible solution is to separate the multi-talker speech into different speakers using a speech separation system, such as deep clustering [9], deep attractor network [10], permutation invariant training [11–13], and so on. While speech separation performance has been improved recently, the number of speak- ers has to be known in prior for these approaches to work well. However, the number of speakers in the test speech is unknown in many real-world applications.
In speaker verification, what we are interested in is the target speaker’s speech. We are not interested in speech of other speakers. The speaker extraction mechanism requires some clean speech samples from the target speaker as the refer- ence [14–18]. In the context of speaker verification, the target speaker’s enrollment speech can be used as such reference. We can construct a multi-talker speaker verification system by us- ing a target speaker extraction front-end, that is followed by a traditional speaker verification system such as i-vector/PLDA system [19–22]. We call the processing pipeline as SE-SV.
In this paper, we explore the interaction between the speaker verification system and the target speaker extraction networks. The speaker extraction networks are SBF-MTSAL [16] and SBF-MTSAL-Concat [16]. Experimental results sug- gest that SE-SV significantly improves the performance of speaker verification on overlapped multi-talker speech over both zero-effort system and the oracle speaker diarization system.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Sec- tion 2 introduces our proposed SE-SV framework in this paper. Section 3 and Section 4 report the experimental setup and re- sults. Then, the conclusions and future works are presented in Section 5.
2019--Target Speaker Extraction for Multi-Talker Speaker Verification
2. Multi-Talker Speaker Verification with Speaker Extraction

Fig. 1 illustrates the framework of the proposed overlapped multi-talker speaker verification system with target speaker ex- traction (SE-SV). The framework consists of a target speaker extraction module and a speaker verification system. Specif- ically, the enrollment speech E is used as the reference sam- ple for the speaker extractor to extract target speech from the mixture T . The extracted speech Xˆ instead of the original test multi-talker mixture T is used to extract i-vector for speaker verification.
In this paper, we compare the use of two target speaker ex- traction methods and their interaction with speaker verification system: (1) SpeakerBeam front-end with magnitude and tem- poral spectrum approximation loss (SBF-MTSAL) [16] and (2) SBF-MTSAL with concatenation framework (SBF-MTSAL- Concat) [16]. Both methods are the extensions to SpeakerBeam front-end (SBF) [15].
(1)具有幅度和TEM波谱近似损失(SBF MTSAL)〔16〕和
2019--Target Speaker Extraction for Multi-Talker Speaker Verification

Fig. 2 shows the architecture of SBF-MTSAL [16]. The SBF- MTSAL framework consists of a speaker extraction network and an auxiliary network. The auxiliary network learns adap- tation weights from the target speaker’s voice E, which is dif- ferent from the utterance of the target speaker in the mixture. The adaptation weights contain speaker characteristics. They are used to weight the sub-layers in the adaptation layer of the mask estimation network with a context adaptive deep neural network (CADNN) structure [23].
Instead of optimizing the network for an objective loss be- tween ideal binary mask and the estimated mask [15], SBF-MTSAL computes a magnitude and temporal spectrum approx- imation loss to estimate a phase sensitive mask [24] due to its better performance [12, 16]. The magnitude and its dynamic in- formation (i.e., delta and acceleration) are used in calculating the objective loss for temporal continuity. The objective loss is defined as,
2019--Target Speaker Extraction for Multi-Talker Speaker Verification
where the extracted speech |Xˆ | is equal to M ⊙ |T |, and M is the estimated phase sensitive mask for target speaker. |T | and |X| are the magnitudes of the mixture and the target speaker’s clean speech, where θy and θx are their corresponding phase angles. wd and wa are the weights, which are tuned as 4.5 and 10.0 in this work. fd(·) and fa(·) are the delta and acceleration computation functions [25].
其中,所提取的语音| Xˆ|等于M记者| T |,M是目标说话人的估计相位敏感掩模。|T |和| X |是混合语音和目标说话人干净语音的震级,其中θy和θX是它们对应的相位角。wd和wa是权重,在这项工作中分别调整为4.5和10.0。fd(·)和fa(·)是delta和加速度计算函数[25]。
With the magnitude and temporal spectrum approximation loss, the mask estimation network and the auxiliary network obtaining the adaptive weights are jointly optimized.
2019--Target Speaker Extraction for Multi-Talker Speaker Verification
2.2. SBF-MTSAL-Concat

Fig. 3 illustrates the architecture of SBF-MTSAL-Concat framework [16] that extracts target speaker’s speech from the mixture. Different from the adaptive weights learned from frame level features by the auxiliary network in the SBF- MTSAL, the auxiliary network in SBF-MTSAL-Concat learns a speaker embedding from a different utterance of target speaker by a bidirectional long short-term memory networks (BLSTM). The BLSTM learns contextual information from the history and future frames of a whole utterance. The D dimensional speaker embedding (V ∈ RD) is obtained by mean pooling the learnt contextual information over all frames.
图3示出了从混合物中提取目标说话人的语音的SBF-MTSAL-Concat框架的架构。与SBF MTSAL中的辅助网络从帧级特征中学习的自适应权重不同,SBF MTSAR-CONTAT中的辅助网络通过双向长短期记忆网络(BLSTM)从说话人的不同话语中嵌入说话人。BLSTM从整个话语的历史和未来框架中学习语境信息。通过将学习到的上下文信息汇集到所有帧上,得到了D维说话人嵌入(V∈RD)。
Then, the speaker embedding representing speaker charac- teristics is repeatedly concatenated with the activation of an- other BLSTM in the mask estimation network. The concate- nated representations containing the mixture and target speaker information are used to estimate a phase sensitive mask with the same loss function as defined in equation (1). The loss is mini- mized to jointly optimize the mask estimation network and the auxiliary network that learns speaker embedding.

  1. ExperimentalSetup
    3.1. SpeechData

WSJ0 corpus [26] was used to simulate the two-speaker mixed database for target speaker extraction and speaker verification experiments. We selected the utterances from WSJ0 corpus by following [9]. These utterances were considered as Clean Dataset and divided into three sets: training, development, and evaluation. Specifically, 11,560 utterances from 50 male and 51 female speakers were selected from WSJ0 “si tr s” set as the training and development sets. Among these utterances, 8,769 utterances were used as training set and another 2,791 utterances were selected as development set. The evaluation set included 1,857 enrollment utterances and 1,478 test utterances from 10 male and 8 female speakers in the WSJ0 “si dt 05” and “si et 05” sets. We down-sampled the database to 8kHz. The utterances in the database have an average duration of 7 seconds.
利用WSJ0语料库[26]对两人混合数据库进行了目标说话人提取和说话人验证实验。我们根据文献[9]从WSJ0语料库中选取话语。这些话语被认为是干净的数据集,分为三组:训练、发展和评价。具体来说,来自50名男性和51名女性演讲者的11560个话语被选入WSJ0“si-tr s”集合作为训练和发展集合。在这些话语中,8769个话语被用作训练集,另外2791个话语被选为发展集。评价集包括来自WSJ0“si dt 05”和“siet05”两个测试集中10名男性和8名女性的1857个注册语和1478个测试语。我们把数据库的采样频率降到了8kHz。数据库中的话语平均持续时间为7秒。
We used the Clean Dataset to generate the Two-speaker Mixed Dataset1, which also consisted of training, development, and evaluation sets. Each set was generated by the correspond- ing clean dataset. Specifically, the training set of two-speaker mixed dataset included 20, 000 mixtures which were generated by randomly mixing the utterances in the training set of clean dataset; Similarly, 5, 000 and 3, 000 mixed utterances were gen- erated as the development set and test utterances in the eval- uation set for the two speaker mixed database, respectively. Considering the interference speech as noise, the SNR of each mixture was randomly selected between 0dB and 5dB. The en- rollment utterances in the evaluation set of two-speaker mixed database were kept same as the those in the clean dataset.
我们使用干净的数据集生成两个说话人混合数据集1,(1,The database simulation code is available at: https:// github.com/xuchenglin28/speaker_extraction)其中还包括训练集、开发集和评估集。每个集合都是由相应的clean数据集生成的。具体而言,两个说话人混合数据集的训练集包括20, 000个混合,它们是通过在干净数据集的训练集中随机混合话语生成的;同样,5, 000个和3, 000个混合话语被作为两个说话者混合数据库的评估集中的开发集和测试话语生成,分别是。将干扰语音作为噪声,在0dB和5dB之间随机选取各混合语音的信噪比。双说话人混合数据库评价集中的滚动语句与干净数据集中的滚动语句保持一致。
In the simulation of two-speaker mixture, the first selected speaker was chosen as target speaker, the other one was inter- ference speaker. The utterance of the target speaker from the original WSJ0 corpus was used as reference speech. Another different utterance of this target speaker was randomly selected to be used as input to the auxiliary network. The mixtures were generated based on the rule of maximum duration. For example, if the duration of utterance A is 10 seconds and that of utterance B is 5 seconds, the duration of two speaker mixture would be 10 seconds. Therefore, the overlapped percentage of this mixture utterance is 50%. Figure 4 shows the overlapped percentage of two speaker mixture on training set, development set, and test utterances of evaluation set in the two-speaker mixed database. Most of two speaker mixtures are highly overlapped with the average length of 8.5 seconds.
Since in both clean and two-speaker mixed datasets, the speakers in the evaluation set were different from the training and development sets, the evaluation set was used to evaluate the speaker verification performance. The interference speaker used to generate the test mixtures are not used as the enrollment in the speaker verification trials involving these test mixtures. The details are described in Section 3.3.

3.2. Target Speaker Extraction Network Setup

A short-time Fourier transform (STFT) was used with a win- dow length of 32ms and a shift of 16ms to obtain the magni- tude features from both of the input mixture for mask estima- tion network and input target speech for auxiliary network. The normalized square root hamming window was applied.
采用短时傅立叶变换(STFT),获得了32 ms的WEN -DOW长度和16ms的移位,以获得来自掩蔽估计网络的输入混合和辅助网络的输入目标语音的宏特征。应用归一化平方根hamming窗。
The learning rate started from 0.0005 and scaled down by 0.7 when the training loss increased on the development set. The minibatch size was set to 16. The network was trained with minimum 30 epochs and stopped when the relative loss reduction was lower than 0.01. The Adam algorithm [27] was used to optimize the network.
The aforementioned magnitude extraction configuration and network training scheme were kept same in both SBF- MTSAL and SBF-MTSAL-Concat methods. The extracted magnitude were reconstructed into time-domain signal with phase of the mixture. Then the time-domain signal was used as input to the speaker verification system.
For SBF-MTSAL, the auxiliary network was composed of
对于SBF MTSAL,辅助网络由
2 feed-forward relu hidden layers with 512 hidden nodes and a linear layer with 30 hidden nodes. The adaptation weights were obtained by averaging these 30 dimensional outputs over all the frames. The mask estimation network used a BLSTM with 512 cells in each forward and backward direction. The following adaptation layer had 30 sub-layers. Each sub-layer had 512 nodes with 1024 dimensional inputs from the outputs of the previous BLSTM. The 30 dimensional weights from the auxiliary network were used to weight these sub-layers, respec- tively. Then the activation of the adaptation layer was summed over all the sub-layers. Another 2 feed-forward relu hidden lay- ers with 512 nodes were appended. The mask layer had 129 nodes to predict the mask for the target speaker.
For SBF-MTSAL-Concat, the auxiliary had a BLSTM with 256 cells in each forward and backward direction, a feed- forward relu hidden layer with 256 nodes and a linear layer with 30 nodes. The output of the linear layer was averaged over all frames to obtain a 30 dimensional speaker embedding contain- ing target speaker characteristics. The speaker embedding was repeatedly concatenated with the activation of the BLSTM layer in the mask estimation network. The BLSTM had 512 cells in each forward and backward direction. Then the concatenated outputs were fed to a feed-forward relu hidden layer, a BLSTM layer and another feed-forward relu hidden layer. The BLSTM had 512 cells and the relu layers had 512 nodes. The mask layer had 129 nodes.
对于SBF MTSAR-CONTAT,辅助器具有BLSTM,每个前馈和反向方向上有256个单元,前馈Relu隐藏层具有256个节点,并且具有30个节点的线性层。线性层的输出在所有帧上平均,得到包含目标说话人特征的30维说话人嵌入。在掩模估计网络中,说话人嵌入与BLSTM层的**反复连接。BLSTM在每个向前和向后方向上都有512个细胞。然后将连接的输出馈送到一个前向relu隐藏层、一个BLSTM层和另一个前向relu隐藏层。BLSTM有512个单元,relu层有512个节点。屏蔽层有129个节点。

3.3. Speaker Verification (SV) System

In the evaluation set of the two-speaker mixed dataset, we have 3000 target trials and 48,000 non-target trials for the SV eval- uation. In the evaluation trials, each enrollment utterance con- tained a contiguous speech segment from a single speaker and test utterance contained the overlapped speech from two speak- ers. We called this evaluation set as Mixture evaluation set. Moreover, to show the upper bound of target speaker extrac- tion on SV, we also generated corresponding Clean evaluation set2 with 51,000 trials from WSJ0 corpus according to the target speaker information of mixture set.
在双说话人混合数据集的评估集中,我们有3000个目标测试和48000个非目标测试用于SV评估。在评价实验中,每个被试话语都包含一个来自单个说话人的相邻语段,而测试话语则包含两个说话人的重叠语段。我们称此评估集为混合评估集。此外,为了显示SV上目标说话人提取的上界,我们还根据混合集的目标说话人信息,从WSJ0语料库中生成了相应的干净评价集2(2,The SV evaluation trials and keys for clean and mixture evaluation sets are available at: https://github.com/xuchenglin28/ speaker_extraction),测试次数为51000次。
The training and development sets of clean dataset, called as Clean(training&dev), were used for training UBM, total vari- ability matrix, LDA, and PLDA models. Because this paper di- rectly used the extracted target speaker’s speech for SV, it would cause the mismatch between extracted speech and clean speech. To solve this mismatched problem, we pooled 2,791 extracted speech from the development set of the simulated two-speaker mixed dataset and clean training set to train SV system. We called this training set as Clean(training)+Ext1 set. For further investigating the effectiveness of using extracted speech to train SV system, we also pooled all 5,000 extracted speech of the development set in two-speaker mixed dataset and the training set of clean dataset to train SV system. This pooling dataset was called as Clean(training)+Ext2 set. Section 4 will show the performance by using different training and evaluation set.
The features of SV system were based on 19 MFCCs to- gether with energy plus their 1st- and 2nd-derivatives extracted from the speech regions, followed by cepstral mean normaliza- tion [28] with a window size of 3 seconds. A 60-dimensional acoustic vector is extracted every 10ms, using a Hamming win-dowing of 25ms. An energy based voice activity detection method is used to remove silence frames. The system was based on a gender-independent UBM with 512 mixtures. The training set described in the previous paragraph was used for estimating the UBM and total variability matrix with 400 total factors. The same data set was used for estimating the LDA and Gaussian PLDA models with 150 latent variables.

  1. ExperimentalResults

To investigate the effect of overlapped test speech on SV, we perform the SV experiments on both mixture and clean eval- uation set described in Section 3.3. System 1 of Table 1 is the baseline system of SV with clean training data on mixture test set. System 10 of table 1 shows the upper bound perfor- mance (also called as ideal performance) of SE-SV for over- lapped multi-talker SV. Comparison between System 1 and 10 of Table 1 shows that the performance of SV system seriously degrades when the test speech is the overlapped multi-talker speech.
2019--Target Speaker Extraction for Multi-Talker Speaker Verification
2019--Target Speaker Extraction for Multi-Talker Speaker Verification
Table 1 presents the performances of SV systems with and without target speaker extraction. System 1 of Table 1 is the baseline results of overlapped multi-talker SV. Systems 4 to 6 and Systems 7 to 9 of Table 1 show the performances of SE-SV with SBF-MTSAL and SBF-MTSAL-Concat on multi- talker SV. The comparison of performances among Systems 1 to 9 suggests the following findings: (1) SE-SV significantly im- prove the performance of multi-talker SV, specifically, the per- formance of multi-talker SV after applying SE-SV with SBF- MTSAL-Concat can obtain around 64.4%, 27.7%, 18.1% rel- ative reduction over the baseline in terms of EER, DCF08, and DCF10, respectively; (2) SE-SV with SBF-MTSAL-Concat outperforms SE-SV with SBF-MTSAL in terms of both EER and DCFs; (3) pooling the clean training set and extracted speech data is effective to alleviate the effect caused by mis- match problem between clean and extrated speech; (4) more extracted speeches for SV training could further improve the performance of SE-SV on multi-talker SV; (5) comparing Sys- tem 2 with 5, and 8, we observe that most of improvement on the overlapped multi-talker SV is attributed to SE-SV. The same conclusion could be made by comparing System 3, 6, and 9.
表1给出了有无目标说话人提取的SV系统的性能。表1的系统1是重叠多通话器SV的基线结果。表1的系统4至6和系统7至9显示了在多对讲机SV上使用SBF-MTSAL和SBF-MTSAL Concat的SE-SV的性能。系统1与系统9的性能比较表明:(1)SE-SV显著改善了多话机SV的性能,特别是将SE-SV应用于SBF-MTSAL Concat后,多话机SV的性能比基线平均降低了64.4%,27.7%,18.1%,DCF08和DCF10;(2)在EER和DCF方面,带SBF MTSAL Concat的SE-SV均优于带SBF MTSAL的SE-SV;(3)将干净的训练集和提取的语音数据集中在一起,可以有效地缓解干净语音和提取的语音不匹配的影响;(4) 通过对系统2、系统5和系统8的比较,发现重叠多人语音的提高主要归因于多人语音的增强。通过比较系统3、系统6和系统9,可以得出同样的结论。
This paper also investigates the performance of oracle speaker diarization on multi-talker SV. To this end, we first ap- ply the energy-based VAD on the clean speech that makes up the mixture speech, then generate the diarization labels for the mixture speech according to the VAD labels of clean speech. Because WSJ0 speech data is very clean and energy-based VAD could works very well on it, we consider these diarization labels as oracle diarization labels. With the oracle speaker diarization, the average percentage of removed non-target speech frames in the mixture speeches is around 24%. System 13 in Table 1 shows the performance of multi-talker SV system with the ora- cle speaker diarization, which also means the best performance achieved by speaker diarization for multi-talker SV. The com- parison of performance among System 1, 9, and 13 suggests that our proposed SE-SV method significantly outperforms speaker diarization in the overlapped multi-talker scenarios.
In Table 1, we also observe that the performance of System 11 and 12 with Clean+Ext training data slightly drops when comparing with System 10. This is expected as we include the mismatched data during training.

  1. Conclusions and Future Works

This paper proposes SE-SV to improve the performance of SV on overlapped multi-talker speech and compares with the ora- cle speaker diarization on this task. Experimental results show that the proposed SE-SV approach could significantly improve the performance of multi-talker SV and outperform the oracle speaker diarization system. Joint training of target speaker ex- traction and speaker embedding network for SV will be studied in the future work.

  1. Acknowledgements

This work is supported by the Neuromorphic Computing Pro- gramme under the RIE2020 Advanced Manufacturing and En- gineering Programmatic Grant A1687b0033 in Singapore.

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