[leetcode]650. 2 Keys Keyboard

[leetcode]650. 2 Keys Keyboard


唉—— [每天刷题并不难0.0]

Initially on a notepad only one character ‘A’ is present. You can perform two operations on this notepad for each step:
Copy All: You can copy all the characters present on the notepad (partial copy is not allowed).
Paste: You can paste the characters which are copied last time.
Given a number n. You have to get exactly n ‘A’ on the notepad by performing the minimum number of steps permitted. Output the minimum number of steps to get n ‘A’.
[leetcode]650. 2 Keys Keyboard


class Solution {
    int minSteps(int n) {
        vector<int> dp(n+1, 0);
        for(int i=2; i<=n; i++){
            dp[i] = i;
            for(int j=i-1; j>=1; j--){
                if(i % j == 0)
                    dp[i] = min(dp[i], dp[j]+i/j);
        return dp[n];