



If you are purchasing a new router for a household with a high number of devices, you might wonder if it can handle all those devices concurrently without a problem. Today’s SuperUser Q&A post looks at the debate a reader is facing as he gets ready to purchase a new router for a heavy-usage household.

如果要为拥有大量设备的家庭购买新路由器,您可能想知道它是否可以同时处理所有这些设备而不会出现问题。 今天的SuperUser Q&A帖子着眼于读者在准备购买重型路由器的新路由器时面临的辩论。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

Photo courtesy of Antonio Nicolas Pina (Flickr).

照片由Antonio Nicolas Pina (Flickr)提供。

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader MyDaftQuestions wants to know if routers have a limit on the number of devices that can be connected concurrently:


I am going to buy a new router, but I have just realized that for nearly all the routers I have looked at (Belkin, Netgear, D-Link), they do not state the maximum number of devices that can connect concurrently.


I have a D600 and have looked on their website, through the manual, and also found no mention of the limit (which I really need to know if there is one due to debugging another issue).


The new router will be a gift for a friend. The issue is, they have 12 devices in their house, all of which require Wi-Fi, and another 3 devices which will be hard wired.

新路由器将是给朋友的礼物。 问题是,他们家中有12台设备,所有设备都需要Wi-Fi,另外3台设备将进行硬连线。

Since the router websites do not mention any limitations, can I assume there is a general limit on what the number of concurrently connected devices can do? Or is the issue more about understanding that, the more devices that are connected, the worse the performance will be due to the sharing of the resource?

由于路由器网站没有提及任何限制,因此我可以假设并发连接的设备可以做什么的数量是否受到一般限制? 还是问题更多地在于了解,连接的设备越多,资源共享将导致性能越差?

My question is, without physically trying it, is there any way to know that a certain device will work with a given number of concurrently connected devices?


Is there a limit on the number of devices that can be connected concurrently to a router?


答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributors D. Kasipovic and Daniel B have the answer for us. First up, D. Kasipovic:

超级用户贡献者D. Kasipovic和Daniel B为我们提供了答案。 首先,D。Kasipovic:

I do not think there is a limit to the number of devices that can connect. It would make more sense that most routers are limited by their hardware, and will experience performance degradation as the number of devices increases.

我认为可以连接的设备数量没有限制。 大多数路由器受其硬件限制,并且随着设备数量的增加,性能会下降,这将更加有意义。

This I suppose, largely depends on the speed of the router’s CPU and available RAM, but it would also largely depend on the services running on the router, i.e. is NAT enabled, QoS, v*n, access control, is wireless open or password protected, etc. I think the amount of traffic that devices create is also an important factor to the limit.


I think this might also be the reason why manufacturers do not specify the number of devices that can connect, because it depends on many factors.


Followed by the answer from Daniel B:

随后是Daniel B的回答:

There is a (theoretical) absolute limit of 65,535 concurrent connections. When using SNAT or MASQUERADE, that is. As such, the maximum feasible number of devices would be somewhere near 800, to account for closing and opening connections.

(理论上)绝对限制为65,535个并发连接。 当使用SNAT或MASQUERADE时。 这样,设备的最大可行数量将在800左右,以考虑关闭和打开连接。

Naturally, this would require a network larger than /24, which poses no problem with OpenWrt and the like. Still, the connection tracking load would be quite high.

自然地,这将需要大于/ 24的网络,这对OpenWrt等而言不会造成任何问题。 尽管如此,连接跟踪负载仍将很高。

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/183488/is-there-a-limit-on-the-number-of-devices-a-router-can-concurrently-handle/
