alexa echo_当您说“ Alexa”时如何使您的Amazon Echo播放声音

alexa echo_当您说“ Alexa”时如何使您的Amazon Echo播放声音

alexa echo

alexa echo_当您说“ Alexa”时如何使您的Amazon Echo播放声音

The Amazon Echo lights up whenever it’s activated, but if yours isn’t within your line of sight, you can enable an audible tone instead. Here’s how.

只要**,Amazon Echo就会亮起,但是如果您不在您的视线范围内,则可以启用可听见的声音。 这是如何做。

By default, the Echo doesn’t provide any kind of audio signal before or after you give commands. It’s one of those things that’s really useful, but (for some reason) it’s ever-so-slightly buried within the Alexa app.

默认情况下,在发出命令之前或之后,Echo不提供任何类型的音频信号。 这是真正有用的东西之一,但是(出于某种原因)它已经被深深地埋在了Alexa应用程序中。

Start by opening up the Alexa app on your phone and tap on the menu button in the top-left corner of the screen.


alexa echo_当您说“ Alexa”时如何使您的Amazon Echo播放声音

Tap on “Settings”.


alexa echo_当您说“ Alexa”时如何使您的Amazon Echo播放声音

Select your Echo at the top of the screen (or if you have multiple Echos, select one that you want to enable the feature on).


alexa echo_当您说“ Alexa”时如何使您的Amazon Echo播放声音

Next, tap on “Sounds & Notifications”.


alexa echo_当您说“ Alexa”时如何使您的Amazon Echo播放声音

Under the section “Request Sounds”, tap on the toggle switch under “Start of Request”. This will emit a short audio tone after you say “Alexa”. You can also turn on “End of Request”, which will play the tone after it recognizes your Alexa command.

在“请求声音”部分下,点击“请求开始”下的切换开关。 说“ Alexa”后,这会发出短促的音频音。 您也可以打开“请求结束”,它会在识别到您的Alexa命令后播放提示音。

alexa echo_当您说“ Alexa”时如何使您的Amazon Echo播放声音

Keep in mind that you’ll have to enable this feature manually on each of your Echo devices that you want it enabled on—it’s not a universal feature that gets enabled on all of your Echo devices at once. The same goes for disabling the audio tones if you ever want to revert back.

请记住,您必须在要启用它的每个Echo设备上手动启用此功能-这不是一项通用功能,无法同时在所有Echo设备上启用。 如果您想还原,禁用音频也同样如此。

Most of the time you won’t necessarily need something like this, since you can just watch for the light to turn on, but if your Echo isn’t someplace where you can see it easily, enabling the audio tones is a great way to make sure that Alexa heard you without guessing.



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