亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用您的Amazon Echo发送短信

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用您的Amazon Echo发送短信


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用您的Amazon Echo发送短信

The Amazon Echo has had calling and messaging capabilities for a while now, but you can finally send text messages from your phone via your Echo using Alexa.


In the past, you could only send messages to other Alexa users (or you call any phone number). But now you can send text messages to anyone using your voice, and it’ll show up on their end as a regular text message sent from your phone number. The only downside is that it’s Android only right now, and it’s only available in the US. Also, it will include a link to an audio version of your spoken message—there’s currently no way to turn this feature off.

过去,您只能向其他Alexa用户发送消息(或拨打任何电话号码)。 但是现在您可以使用您的语音向任何人发送短信,并且该短信会以从您的电话号码发送的常规短信形式出现在他们的末端。 唯一的缺点是它目前仅适用于Android,并且仅在美国提供。 此外,它还将包含指向语音消息的音频版本的链接-当前无法关闭此功能。

Also keep in mind that text-to-911, group messages, and MMS messages are not supported.


设置 (Setting It Up)

To get started, make sure the Alexa app is updated to the latest version. Then open up it up and tap on the Conversations tab at the bottom of the screen.

首先,请确保将Alexa应用程序更新到最新版本。 然后将其打开,然后点击屏幕底部的“对话”选项卡。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用您的Amazon Echo发送短信

You’ll get a pop-up introducing the new SMS messaging feature. Tap on “Go to My Profile”.

您将看到一个弹出窗口,其中介绍了新的SMS消息传递功能。 点击“转到我的个人资料”。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用您的Amazon Echo发送短信

Scroll down and tap on the toggle switch next to “Send SMS” to enable the feature.


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用您的Amazon Echo发送短信

Hit “OK” when the confirmation appears.


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用您的Amazon Echo发送短信

Next, you’ll get a pop-up asking Alexa for permission to send SMS messages, hit “Allow”.


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用您的Amazon Echo发送短信

You may also receive another pop-up asking Alexa to access your phone’s contacts, if you’ve never received that prompt in the past. You can deny this, but it’ll be a bit more cumbersome to send a text message using your Echo, since you’ll need to say the ten-digit number instead of just the contact’s name (more on this further below).

如果您以前从未收到过该提示,则可能还会收到另一个弹出窗口,要求Alexa访问手机的联系人。 您可以否认这一点,但是使用Echo发送短信会比较麻烦,因为您需要说出十位数字而不是联系人的姓名(更多信息请参见下文)。

Once you’ve at least allowed Alexa permission to send SMS messages from your phone, though, you’re all set!


用回音发送短信 (Sending a Text Message with Your Echo)

Once you have SMS messages enabled in your Alexa account, you can begin sending text messages from any of your Echo devices.


To do this, simply say “Alexa, send a message to Dave”. Or if you want to send a text message to someone who’s not in your contacts (or just haven’t given Alexa access to your contacts), you’ll need to say “Alexa, send a message to 123-456-7890” and spell out the whole ten-digit number.

为此,只需说“ Alexa,向Dave发送消息”。 或者,如果您想发送短信给不在您联系人中的人(或者只是没有授予Alexa访问您的联系人的权限),则需要说“ Alexa,将消息发送给123-456-7890”,然后拼出整个十位数字。

After that, Alexa will ask you what you want to say and then it will send the text message. When the recipient receives the text message, they’ll get a text version of what you said, along with a link to the voice-recorded version.

之后,Alexa会问您您想说什么,然后它将发送短信。 收件人收到短信后,他们会得到您所说内容的文本版本,以及指向录音版本的链接。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用您的Amazon Echo发送短信

Unfortunately, Alexa won’t alert you when you get a reply nor will she read back the reply to you. So you’ll still need to rely on your phone when receiving text message alerts and reading replies. If anything, this feature is more about having a convenient option to text someone if you left your phone upstairs, rather than becoming a replacement for your phone.

不幸的是,当您收到答复时,Alexa不会提醒您,也不会回覆给您的答复。 因此,在接收短信警报和阅读回复时,您仍然需要依靠手机。 如果有的话,此功能更像是一个方便的选项,如果您将手机放在楼上则可以发短信给别人,而不是代替手机。

