metro样式开机启动菜单_如何将关机/重新启动/睡眠添加到Windows 8 Metro启动屏幕...

metro样式开机启动菜单_如何将关机/重新启动/睡眠添加到Windows 8 Metro启动屏幕...


metro样式开机启动菜单_如何将关机/重新启动/睡眠添加到Windows 8 Metro启动屏幕...

If you have installed the Developer Preview of Windows 8, you probably have discovered the rather obscure method of shutting down the system. There is an easier way of shutting down, restarting, sleeping, and hibernating your computer. You can add tiles to the Windows 8 Metro Start screen that allow you to perform these tasks with one click.

如果您已经安装了Windows 8的Developer Preview,则可能已经发现了关闭系统的相当模糊的方法。 有一种更简单的方法来关闭,重新启动,Hibernate和Hibernate计算机。 您可以将磁贴添加到Windows 8 Metro Start屏幕上,使您可以一键执行这些任务。

To begin, click the Desktop tile on the Start screen to access the Desktop.


metro样式开机启动菜单_如何将关机/重新启动/睡眠添加到Windows 8 Metro启动屏幕...

Right-click on the Desktop and select New | Shortcut from the popup menu.

右键单击桌面,然后选择新建| 弹出菜单中的快捷方式。

metro样式开机启动菜单_如何将关机/重新启动/睡眠添加到Windows 8 Metro启动屏幕...

Enter the following command in the Type the location of the item edit box and click Next.


shutdown.exe -s -t 00

shutdown.exe -s -t 00

metro样式开机启动菜单_如何将关机/重新启动/睡眠添加到Windows 8 Metro启动屏幕...

Enter a name for the shortcut in the Type a name for this shortcut edit box and click Finish.


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The default icon is not very representative of what the shortcut does, so let’s change it. To do so, right-click on the shortcut and select Properties.

默认图标不能很好地代表快捷方式的功能,因此让我们对其进行更改。 为此,右键单击快捷方式,然后选择属性。

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The Shortcut tab on the Properties dialog box displays. Click Change Icon.

显示“属性”对话框上的“快捷方式”选项卡。 单击更改图标。

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Because the shutdown.exe program you specified has no icons associated with it, the following message displays. Click OK.

由于您指定的shutdown.exe程序没有与之关联的图标,因此将显示以下消息。 单击确定。

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By default, the icons in the shell32.dll file display. You can use the Browse button to select another .exe, .dll, or .ico file, but the shell32.exe file has many icons available. We selected a power symbol icon. Click OK once you have selected your icon.

默认情况下,将显示shell32.dll文件中的图标。 您可以使用“浏览”按钮选择另一个.exe,.dll或.ico文件,但是shell32.exe文件具有许多可用的图标。 我们选择了电源符号图标。 选择图标后,单击“确定”。

metro样式开机启动菜单_如何将关机/重新启动/睡眠添加到Windows 8 Metro启动屏幕...

The selected icon displays on the Properties dialog box. Click OK on the dialog box to close it.

所选图标显示在“属性”对话框上。 单击对话框上的“确定”将其关闭。

metro样式开机启动菜单_如何将关机/重新启动/睡眠添加到Windows 8 Metro启动屏幕...

The shortcut has to be copied to another directory to be available on the Start screen, so, copy the shortcut on the desktop.


metro样式开机启动菜单_如何将关机/重新启动/睡眠添加到Windows 8 Metro启动屏幕...

Paste the shortcut into the following directory:


C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

C:\ ProgramData \ Microsoft \ Windows \开始菜单\程序

You can either copy the path above and paste it into the address bar in Explorer or you can navigate to the directory. If you can see the ProgramData directory, see the note below.

您可以复制上面的路径并将其粘贴到资源管理器中的地址栏中,也可以导航到该目录。 如果您可以看到ProgramData目录,请参见下面的注释。

metro样式开机启动菜单_如何将关机/重新启动/睡眠添加到Windows 8 Metro启动屏幕...

NOTE: The ProgramData directory is a hidden directory. To gain access to it, click the Hidden items check box in the Show/hide group on the View tab.

注意:ProgramData目录是一个隐藏目录。 要访问它,请单击“视图”选项卡上“显示/隐藏”组中的“隐藏的项目”复选框。

metro样式开机启动菜单_如何将关机/重新启动/睡眠添加到Windows 8 Metro启动屏幕...

Paste the shortcut into the specified directory. You will probably see the following dialog box when you try to paste the file. Click Continue to give permission to paste the file into the directory.

将快捷方式粘贴到指定的目录中。 尝试粘贴文件时,您可能会看到以下对话框。 单击继续以授予将文件粘贴到目录的权限。

metro样式开机启动菜单_如何将关机/重新启动/睡眠添加到Windows 8 Metro启动屏幕...

You should see a Shut down tile on the Start screen. One click on this tile will shut down your system.

您应该在“开始”屏幕上看到一个“关闭”磁贴。 在该磁贴上单击一下将关闭系统。

metro样式开机启动菜单_如何将关机/重新启动/睡眠添加到Windows 8 Metro启动屏幕...

If you don’t see the Shut down tile on the Start screen, you can search for it and pin it to the Start screen. To find the shortcut, move your mouse over the Start icon in the lower, left corner on the desktop to display the Start menu. Select Search.

如果在“开始”屏幕上没有看到“关闭”磁贴,则可以对其进行搜索并将其固定在“开始”屏幕上。 要找到快捷方式,请将鼠标移到桌面左下角的“开始”图标上,以显示“开始”菜单。 选择搜索。

NOTE: If you are using a touch screen, you can swipe from the right side of the screen to the left to access the Start menu.


metro样式开机启动菜单_如何将关机/重新启动/睡眠添加到Windows 8 Metro启动屏幕...

NOTE: You can also access the Start menu in the same way on the Metro Start screen.

注意:您也可以在Metro Start屏幕上以相同的方式访问Start菜单。

metro样式开机启动菜单_如何将关机/重新启动/睡眠添加到Windows 8 Metro启动屏幕...

The Search panel displays on the right side of the screen. Scroll down and select Apps from the list. Enter “shut down” (or the name you gave your shortcut) in the Search Apps edit box. Press Enter or click the magnifying glass.

搜索面板显示在屏幕的右侧。 向下滚动并从列表中选择应用程序。 在Search Apps编辑框中输入“关闭”(或您输入的快捷方式名称)。 按Enter或单击放大镜。

metro样式开机启动菜单_如何将关机/重新启动/睡眠添加到Windows 8 Metro启动屏幕...

The Shut down shortcut displays on the left side of the screen. Right-click the shortcut. The options for the shortcut display in the lower, right corner of the desktop (instead of on a popup menu, like in Windows 7, and earlier). Click the Pin icon. You should now see the Shut down tile on the Start screen.

“关闭”快捷方式显示在屏幕左侧。 用鼠标右键单击快捷方式。 快捷方式的选项显示在桌面的右下角(而不是在弹出菜单中,例如Windows 7和更早的版本)。 单击固定图标。 现在,您应该在“开始”屏幕上看到“关闭”磁贴。

NOTE: Press Escape to exit the search and go back to the desktop.


metro样式开机启动菜单_如何将关机/重新启动/睡眠添加到Windows 8 Metro启动屏幕...

To add tiles for Restart, Lock Workstation, Hibernate, and Sleep, enter the following commands create new shortcuts and enter the following commands on the first screen of the Shortcut wizard.


  • Restart Computer: shutdown.exe -r -t 00

    重新启动计算机: shutdown.exe -r -t 00

  • Lock Workstation: rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation

    锁定工作站: rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation

  • Hibernate Computer: rundll32.exe powrProf.dll,SetSuspendState

    Hibernate计算机: rundll32.exe powrProf.dll,SetSuspendState

  • Sleep Computer: rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0

    睡眠计算机: rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0

The rundll32.exe file does have an icon available; however, you may want to change it. Use the Browse button to access a file with more icons. The shell32.dll file is located in C:\Windows\System32.

rundll32.exe文件确实具有可用的图标; 但是,您可能需要更改它。 使用浏览按钮访问带有更多图标的文件。 shell32.dll文件位于C:\ Windows \ System32中。

NOTE: For the Hibernate and Sleep options, make sure that the hardware in your computer support these options and that they are enabled.


