



When you’re creating graphs or charts in Google Sheets, you don’t need to stick with the default layout. Google Sheets will try to pick your X- and Y-axes automatically, which you might wish to change or switch around.

在Google表格中创建图形或图表时,无需坚持默认布局。 Google表格会尝试自动选择您的X轴和Y轴,您可能希望更改或切换。

To do this, you’ll need to open your Google Sheets spreadsheet and select your chart or graph. With your chart selected, click the three-dot menu icon in the top-right corner and then select “Edit The Chart” from the drop-down menu.

为此,您需要打开Google表格电子表格并选择图表。 选择图表后,单击右上角的三点菜单图标,然后从下拉菜单中选择“编辑图表”。


Alternatively, right-click your chart and select the “Data Range” option from the pop-up menu.



Both options will bring up the “Chart Editor” panel on the right-hand side, where you can alter the style and data settings for your chart.


Under the “Setup” tab, you’ll see the columns currently used for the X- and Y-axes under the “X-Axis” and “Series” options. The first column listed under the “Series” is used for the Y-axis.

在“设置”选项卡下,您将在“ X轴”和“系列”选项下看到当前用于X轴和Y轴的列。 Y系列使用“系列”下列出的第一列。


If you want to switch these around, you can do so manually by swapping the labels in the “X-axis” and “Series” options.

如果要切换它们,则可以通过交换“ X轴”和“系列”选项中的标签来手动进行。

For example, a chart below shows the product sales of computer devices, with prices and sales dates shown. The prices are currently used for the X-axis, while the sales dates are used for the Y-axis.

例如,下面的图表显示了计算机设备的产品销售,并显示了价格和销售日期。 价格当前用于X轴,而销售日期用于Y轴。


To change this data, click on the current column listed as the “X-axis” in the “Chart Editor” panel. This will bring up the list of available columns in your data set in a drop-down menu.

要更改此数据,请在“图表编辑器”面板中单击列为“ X轴”的当前列。 这将在下拉菜单中显示数据集中可用列的列表。

Select the current Y-axis label to replace your existing X-axis label from this menu. In this example, “Date Sold” would replace “Price” here.

从此菜单中选择当前的Y轴标签以替换现有的X轴标签。 在此示例中,“售出日期”将替换为“价格”。


If the data is correct, this will leave you with a chart that has the same data shown as the X and Y-axes. You’ll need to repeat these steps for the first column listed under the “Series” category to replace the Y-axis next.

如果数据正确,则将为您提供一个图表,该图表具有与X轴和Y轴相同的数据。 您需要对“系列”类别下列出的第一列重复这些步骤,以替换下一个Y轴。

In this instance, replacing “Date Solid” (the current Y-axis and new X-axis label) under “Series” with the “Price” column (the original X-axis label) from the drop-down menu.



If the columns provide correct data to form your chart’s X- and Y-axes, your chart will update to show the axes have been switched.


For this chart example, the “Price” column is now listed in the vertical Y-axis on the left, while the “Date Sold” column (with sales dates) are shown on the horizontal X-axis on the bottom.



If the columns you’ve chosen are incorrect, you can remove them from your chart entirely by clicking the three-dots menu icon next to a column listed under the “X-Axis” or “Series” categories, then clicking “Remove” from the drop-down menu.

如果您选择的列不正确,则可以通过单击“ X轴”或“系列”类别下列出的列旁边的三点菜单图标,然后从以下位置中单击“删除”,将其完全从图表中删除。下拉菜单。


Once you’ve deleted a column from your X or Y-axes, you’ll need to re-add it by clicking the “Add X-Axis” or “Add Series” box, then selecting a new column from the drop-down menu.



This will then update your chart to show the new X or Y-axis using the data you selected.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/687888/how-to-switch-chart-axes-in-google-sheets/
