


One of my favorite features in Windows Vista is the taskbar thumbnail previews, especially now that they can be resized. If you would like this functionality for Firefox’s tabs, you can use the Tab Scope extension to give you a similar feature.

Windows Vista中我最喜欢的功能之一是任务栏缩略图预览,尤其是现在可以调整它们的大小。 如果您希望Firefox的选项卡具有此功能,则可以使用“选项卡作用域”扩展为您提供类似的功能。

When you hover your mouse over a tab, a popup preview window will show up with a thumbnail of the page. Note that you can actually interact with this thumbnail, links are clickable and you can use the scroll mouse button.

将鼠标悬停在选项卡上时,将显示一个弹出预览窗口,并带有页面的缩略图。 请注意,您实际上可以与该缩略图进行交互,可以单击链接,也可以使用滚动鼠标按钮。


You can easily change the size of the popup preview as well by using the Tab Scope Options under Tools \ Addons. The default size is really quite small, but you can make the previews as large or small as you’d like.

您也可以使用Tools \ Addons下的Tab Scope Options轻松更改弹出预览的大小。 默认大小确实很小,但是您可以根据需要将预览设置为大或小。


I’d advise changing the wait time up a bit, otherwise the popups will really annoy you as you try and mouse over the interface.


Download Tab Scope from Mozilla Add-ons


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/internet/firefox/vista-style-popup-previews-for-firefox-tabs/
