火狐浏览器调用不了打印控件_为什么选项卡对OS X上的Firefox中的下拉控件不起作用?...

火狐浏览器调用不了打印控件_为什么选项卡对OS X上的Firefox中的下拉控件不起作用?...


If you are a recent Mac adopter and are frustrated by the weird tab behavior in OS X, you aren’t alone. By default the Tab key only works for text boxes and lists, but excludes select controls (drop-down menus) on a form when using Firefox.

如果您是最近采用Mac的用户,并且对OS X中奇怪的选项卡行为感到沮丧,那么您并不孤单。 默认情况下,Tab键仅适用于文本框和列表,但不包括使用Firefox时表单上的选择控件(下拉菜单)。

This is very annoying when you are expecting Firefox to behave the same on OS X as it does on Windows. Thankfully Apple made this into a very easy system preference.

当您期望Firefox在OS X上与Windows上的行为相同时,这非常令人讨厌。 值得庆幸的是,Apple将此设置为非常容易的系统偏好设置。

Open up the System Preferences tool and then select Keyboard & Mouse, and then Keyboard Shortcuts.


火狐浏览器调用不了打印控件_为什么选项卡对OS X上的Firefox中的下拉控件不起作用?...

You’ll see the section at the bottom that says “Full keyboard access”. Here’s where you can change the setting to “All controls” instead of the default.

您将在底部看到“完全键盘访问”部分。 您可以在此处将设置更改为“所有控件”,而不是默认设置。

Note that this will enable tabbing to more than just drop-down controls, so you can now tab to links on a page if you so choose.


Keyboard Method (bonus points)


  • Just use Ctrl+F7 to toggle this setting whenever you need to tab to a drop-down box. No need to open the preferences at all.

    只要您需要使用Tab键到下拉框,只需使用Ctrl + F7即可切换此设置。 完全不需要打开首选项。

This little setting should make your switching experience much more friendly.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/apple/why-doesnt-tab-work-for-drop-down-controls-in-firefox-on-os-x/
