kodi nfs配置_如何在Kodi中安装和配置附加组件

kodi nfs配置_如何在Kodi中安装和配置附加组件

kodi nfs配置

kodi nfs配置_如何在Kodi中安装和配置附加组件

Kodi can do a lot out of the box. If you’ve got a collection of ripped Blu-Rays and CDs, you can browse them from your couch with a beautiful interface. If you’ve got a TV tuner card, you can watch live TV with NextPVR. As local media players go, it’s very complete.

Kodi可以开箱即用。 如果您有一系列翻录的蓝光光盘和CD,则可以通过漂亮的界面在沙发上浏览它们。 如果您有电视调谐器卡,则可以使用NextPVR观看直播电视 。 随着本地媒体播放器的发展,它非常完整。

What Kodi can’t do, at least on its own, is stream media from the web. To do that (among other things), you need add-ons.

至少靠自己,科迪无法做的是来自网络的流媒体。 为此(除其他事项外),您需要附加组件。

These simple scripts, typically made by fellow users, let Kodi access free online services like YouTube and Twitch, paid services like NHL.tv and Plex, and even a few services like ESPN3 and NBCSN, which require cable logins to work. Other add-ons may let you customize the look of your setup, or which weather service it pulls information from. Others may interface with other programs on your computer, so they can display your BitTorrent queue or launch other programs like video games.

这些简单的脚本(通常由其他用户制作)使Kodi可以访问YouTube和Twitch等免费在线服务,NHL.tv和Plex等付费服务,甚至还有一些ESPN3和NBCSN等需要有线登录才能工作的服务。 其他加载项可能使您可以自定义设置的外观,或自定义从哪个气象服务获取信息。 其他人可能会与您计算机上的其他程序交互,因此他们可以显示您的BitTorrent队列或启动其他程序,例如视频游戏。

Learning to find and configure these add-ons makes Kodi a lot more powerful, so let’s dive in.


从Kodi官方存储库安装插件 (Installing Add-ons From the Official Kodi Repository)

Finding and using Kodi add-ons used to be a huge pain. But while it’s still not as straightforward as finding Roku channels, there’s an easy place to get started in the latest version of Kodi: the add-on section in the main menu.

查找和使用Kodi附加组件曾经是一个巨大的痛苦。 但是,尽管它仍然不如找到Roku频道那么简单,但是有一个简单的地方可以开始使用最新版本的Kodi:主菜单中的附加部分。

kodi nfs配置_如何在Kodi中安装和配置附加组件

Here you will see all of your installed add-ons, broken into a few sections: Video, Music, Programs, and others. If you want to browse a few add-ons to install, the simplest way is to select the “Install from repository” option, as pointed to above. Next Click “Kodi Add-on repository,” then start browsing by category.

在这里,您会看到所有已安装的加载项,分为几个部分:视频,音乐,程序等。 如果要浏览一些要安装的加载项,最简单的方法是选择“从存储库安装”选项,如上所述。 下一步单击“ Kodi附加存储库”,然后开始按类别浏览。

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The number of categories is a little overwhelming, so I suggest you get started by heading to Video to start with.


kodi nfs配置_如何在Kodi中安装和配置附加组件

Scroll until you find something that interests you. If you don’t know where to look, I recommend starting with YouTube.

滚动直到找到您感兴趣的东西。 如果您不知道在哪里看,建议您从YouTube开始。

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Select YouTube and hit Enter, and you can install the add-on in the screen that pops up.


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When you find something you want to install, select it, then select “Install.” The add-on will install in the background, and you’ll see a pop-up when it’s done. Just like that you’ll find your new add-on back on the main screen.

找到要安装的内容后,将其选中,然后选择“安装”。 该插件将安装在后台,完成后您将看到一个弹出窗口。 就像这样,您将在主屏幕上找到新的附件。

kodi nfs配置_如何在Kodi中安装和配置附加组件

Repeat this process for as many add-ons as you like. There’s a lot of good stuff in the default Kodi repository!

对任意数量的附件重复此过程。 默认的Kodi存储库中有很多好东西!

如何配置Kodi附加组件 (How to Configure Kodi Add-ons)

Most add-ons allow at least a little bit of configuration. Sometimes this lets you log in to your account, which is necessary for some services, like Pandora. Sometimes there are other things you can configure. From the add-ons screen, add-on you want to configure, then hit “S” on your keyboard. A short menu will pop up.

大多数附件至少允许进行一些配置。 有时,这使您可以登录帐户,这对于某些服务(例如Pandora)是必需的。 有时您还可以配置其他内容。 在加载项屏幕中,要配置的加载项,然后在键盘上单击“ S”。 将会弹出一个简短菜单。

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Select “Settings” and the settings window for your add-on will appear.


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We couldn’t begin to review what these settings can do, because it will be different for every add-on. Our advice: if you think you should be able to change something about an add-on’s behavior, you probably can, so check the settings screen.

我们无法开始审查这些设置可以做什么,因为每个附加组件的设置都会有所不同。 我们的建议:如果您认为您应该能够更改加载项的行为,则可以这样做,因此请检查设置屏幕。

如果加载项不起作用怎么办? (What if an Add-on Isn’t Working?)

Is a particular add-on giving you trouble? The first thing to do is check out the official Kodi forum. If you found an add-on in the official Kodi repository, there’s a good chance you’ll find a thread by the add-on’s creator on the forum. The first post in such threads usually offer valuable information about current bugs, frequently offering short-term solutions, or just a timeline about when a particular feature is going to be fixed.

某个特定的附件会给您带来麻烦吗? 首先要做的是查看Kodi官方论坛 。 如果您在Kodi官方存储库中找到了一个加载项,则很有可能在论坛上找到该加载项的创建者提供的主题。 这些线程的第一篇文章通常提供有关当前错误的有价值的信息,经常提供短期解决方案,或者只是有关何时将修复特定功能的时间表。

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If you can’t find answers to your questions, you can sign up for an account and ask. Just remember: the people making these add-ons are volunteers, and users just like you. They have lives outside of making Kodi add-ons; a job, family, all that stuff. They are putting time into this project because they wanted the feature themselves, or because they thought it might be fun. Treat these developers as you’d like to be treated under those circumstances, and you’ll probably find they’re happy to help out. Get mad at them because your add-on isn’t working and they might not.

如果找不到问题的答案,可以注册一个帐户并提问。 请记住:制作这些附加组件的人是志愿者,而用户也和您一样。 他们在制作Kodi附加组件之外还有很多生活。 工作,家庭,所有这些东西。 他们花时间在这个项目上是因为他们自己想要该功能,或者因为他们认为它可能很有趣。 在这些情况下,将这些开发人员视为您希望得到的对待,您可能会发现他们很乐于提供帮助。 生气,因为您的加载项无法正常工作,而且他们可能无法正常工作。

If an add-on you installed from a third party repository isn’t working, do not ask about it on the official Kodi forums unless you find an existing thread about the add-on already. Instead, search for the alternative forum where the developer of the add-on are discussing the project.

如果您从第三方存储库安装的加载项无法正常工作,请不要在Kodi官方论坛上询问该加载项,除非您已找到有关该加载项的现有主题。 相反,请搜索该插件的开发人员正在讨论该项目的替代论坛。

从第三方存储库中获取更多插件 (Get Even More Add-Ons from Third Party Repositories)

Speaking of third party repositories: you might have, in your web travels, stumbled upon an interesting add-on that for whatever reason is not yet in the official Kodi repository. Maybe it’s too new, maybe the developer hasn’t bothered submitting it, or maybe it’s a piracy app that Kodi doesn’t want to endorse (we’ll talk about that later.)

说到第三方存储库:您可能在网络旅行中偶然发现了一个有趣的加载项,无论出于何种原因,官方的Kodi存储库中都没有。 也许它太新了,也许开发人员没有为提交它而烦恼,或者它是Kodi不想认可的盗版应用程序(我们稍后再讨论)。

Whatever the reason, installing add-ons from third party repositories is relatively straightforward. First, you need to enable third-party repositories, if you haven’t done so yet. From the main menu, select the gear icon to open the Kodi Settings screen.

无论出于何种原因,从第三方存储库安装附件都是相对简单的。 首先,您需要启用第三方存储库(如果尚未启用)。 从主菜单中,选择齿轮图标以打开“ Kodi设置”屏幕。

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Head to System > Add-ons and make sure that “Unknown sources” is enabled.


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Next, download the ZIP file for the repository you want to browse, and make sure it’s saved somewhere on the same computer as Kodi. Head back to the Add-ons section in the main menu, this time clicking Add-ons in the sidebar to bring up the Add-ons screen. You’ll find a box at the top-left.

接下来,下载要浏览的存储库的ZIP文件,并确保将其保存在与Kodi相同的计算机上的某个位置。 返回主菜单中的“加载项”部分,这次单击侧栏中的“加载项”以显示“加载项”屏幕。 您会在左上角找到一个框。

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Select this box and you’ll be brought to the add-on browser, from where you can install ZIP files.


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Use this option to browse to and install the ZIP file you downloaded earlier. You can now install add-ons from your new repository using the “Install from repository” option that we explored earlier.

使用此选项浏览并安装您先前下载的ZIP文件。 现在,您可以使用我们之前探讨的“从存储库安装”选项从新的存储库安装附件。

值得一试的Kodi附加组件 (Kodi Add-ons Worth Checking Out)

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of Kodi add-ons out there. Which ones are worth installing? Here are a few of our favourites. First, from the official Kodi repository:

有成百上千的Kodi插件。 哪些值得安装? 这是我们的一些最爱。 首先,从官方的Kodi存储库中:

  • YouTube, as mentioned before, lets you browse the most popular videos on the web, and you can sign-in to see your subscriptions. If you run into the “Quota Exceeded” bug, this tutorial can fix it for you.

    如前所述, YouTube使您可以浏览网络上最受欢迎的视频,并且可以登录以查看您的订阅。 如果您遇到“超出配额”错误, 本教程可以为您解决

  • TED Talks gives you access to those famous lectures on just about everything you can imagine. Learn something.

    TED讲座使您可以访问几乎所有您可以想象的著名讲座。 学点东西。

  • PBS ThinkTV gives you access to just about every show produced by that network, and more than a few shows it has acquired the rights to over the years. There’s a seperate PBS Kids add-on if you want to entertain the young ones.

    PBS ThinkTV可以让您访问该网络制作的几乎所有节目,并且多年来,它已经获得了不仅仅几个节目的版权。 如果您想娱乐年轻的孩子,可以选择单独的PBS Kids附加组件。

  • Reddit Viewer shows you the most popular videos and GIFs from Reddit, and you can add custom subreddits if you want.

    Reddit Viewer会向您显示Reddit中最受欢迎的视频和GIF,并且您可以根据需要添加自定义子reddit。

And if you have a cable login, there’s even more to check out. Add-ons for ESPN and NBCSN can be found in the official repository, and give you access to live sports.

而且,如果您使用电缆登录,那么还有更多要检查的内容。 ESPNNBCSN的加载项可以在官方存储库中找到,并可以访问实时体育节目。

If you don’t have a cable login, but still want to watch live sports, there are add-ons for league specific subscription services, such as NHL.tv, NFL Gamepass, NBA League Pass, and even MLS Live.

如果您没有有线登录,但仍想观看直播体育赛事,则可以使用联盟特定订阅服务的附加程序,例如NHL.tvNFL GamepassNBA League Pass甚至MLS Live

There are a lot more add-ons worth checking out, so go ahead and explore the official repository and the official Kodi forums to learn more. And stay tuned to this site, because we hope to explore the best add-ons in future articles.

还有很多值得检查的附加组件,因此继续浏览官方存储库和官方Kodi论坛以了解更多信息。 并继续关注该站点,因为我们希望在以后的文章中探索最好的附加组件。

Kodi add-ons are an open source ecosystem, which has pros and cons. Pro: the community often makes add-ons that streaming services themselves wouldn’t get around to making. Con: those add-ons can break when those services change their streaming providers, or basically anything else regarding how their site works.

Kodi附加组件是一个开放源码的生态系统,具有优缺点。 优点:社区通常会制作流媒体服务本身无法做到的附加组件。 缺点:当这些服务更改其流媒体提供商或有关其网站工作方式的其他任何内容时,这些附加组件可能会中断。

RELATED: Kodi Is Not a Piracy Application

相关: Kodi不是盗版应用程序

Another thing to consider: there are a lot of piracy add-ons out there on the wider web. If an add-on offers something too good to be true, it’s probably a piracy. Kodi does not endorse these add-ons, so we’re not going to link to them here. We’d ask that you don’t point them out in our comments, or ask about them—it’s been causing a lot of problems for the Kodi project, and we don’t want to see a good project suffer.

还要考虑的另一件事:在更广泛的网络上有很多盗版附件。 如果某个附件提供的东西太好了而无法实现,则可能是盗版。 Kodi不认可这些附加组件 ,因此我们不在这里链接到它们。 我们要求您不要在我们的评论中指出它们,也不要询问它们-这给Kodi项目造成了很多问题,并且我们不想看到一个好的项目受到影响。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/76240/the-how-to-geek-guide-to-xbmc-add-ons/

kodi nfs配置