hash killer_5个面向设计师的Killer Firefox附加组件

hash killer

If you compare the way you use your computer today with how you used it, let’s say 10 years ago, you will probably notice a big difference, even if you essentially still do the same tasks with it. Applications replace Software and Add-Ons replace Stand Alone Programs.

如果将十年前的计算机使用方式与今天的使用方式进行比较,即使您实际上仍在执行相同的任务,也可能会发现很大的不同。 应用程序替换软件,附加组件替换独立程序。

It’s obvious, we are doing a majority of our work in our browser. Even designers can utilize free photoshop alternatives which are completely web based, without ever leaving their beloved browser. Extensions and Add-Ons enhance this experience also, by turning your web browser into a real hub. Mozilla Firefox is one of the browsers which can offer you very powerful assets of tools, if it’s used right.

显而易见,我们正在浏览器中完成大部分工作。 甚至设计师也可以使用完全基于Web的免费photoshop替代品,而无需离开他们钟爱的浏览器。 通过将Web浏览器变成真正的集线器,扩展程序和附加组件还增强了这种体验。 如果使用正确,Mozilla Firefox是可以为您提供功能非常强大的工具资产的浏览器之一。

Whether if it’s Web Design, UX, UI, Typography or anything else; some of Mozilla’s Firefox Web Browser’s strong points lie in it’s broad selection of available add-ons. Apart from the must have add-ons as the Web Developer Toolbar by Chris Pederick , and Firebug by Joe Hewitt, there are a lot of other little tools which can make your design life a tad bit easier.

无论是网页设计,用户体验,用户界面,版式还是其他; Mozilla的Firefox Web浏览器的一些强项在于它提供了广泛的可用附件。 除了Chris Pederick的Web Developer Toolbar和Joe Hewitt的Firebug这样的必备组件外,还有许多其他小工具可以使您的设计工作变得轻松一些。

Following is a small selection of great design add-ons for Firefox, which you probably haven’t heard of, but will appreciate getting to know now.


假脂肪 (Dummy Lipsum)

  • Current Version: 3.0.0


  • No. of Users: 12.000 +

    用户数:12.000 +

  • Avg. Rating: 4 stars

    平均 评分:4星

  • Download


Lorem Ipsum: As web developers, we probably remember it better than any verse we might have learned at elementary school. First introduced in the 16th century, it is still useful for us today. It scans like proper text, reads naturally and doesn’t distract the reader (unless you are a latin-reading doctor or DaVinci Code super-fan, of course ).

洛雷姆·伊普苏姆(Lorem Ipsum):作为网络开发人员,我们可能还记得它比我们在小学中学到的任何诗歌更好。 它于16世纪首次引入,对今天的我们仍然有用。 它会像正确的文本一样进行扫描,自然地阅读并且不会分散读者的注意力(当然,除非您是拉丁文阅读医生或达芬奇密码超级粉丝)。

If you are also one of the Lipsum enthusiasts and tire of opening a Lorem Ipsum generator every time you need to insert dummy text, try out this small add-on which can be accessed very quickly in your Firefox toolbar. You can specify precisely how much text you require, and even insert HTML tags in the generated text.

如果您也是Lipsum的发烧友之一,并且每次需要插入虚拟文本时都会打开Lorem Ipsum生成器,那么请尝试使用此小插件,可以在Firefox工具栏中快速访问该插件。 您可以精确指定所需的文本量,甚至可以在生成的文本中插入HTML标签。

hash killer_5个面向设计师的Killer Firefox附加组件

If you work a lot with text and mockups, this is a must-have tool for you.


火FTP (FireFTP)

  • Current Version: 2.0.19


  • No. of Users: 775.000 +

    用户数:775.000 +

  • Avg. Rating: 4 stars

    平均 评分:4星

  • Download


Okay, this is not really designer specific, but if you work on any website and tweak and fiddle around with elements, you probably upload and update files several times. In this case, having a FTP File Manager built right into your browser really helps speed up the process.

好的,这并不是真正的设计师专用,但是如果您在任何网站上工作并进行元素的调整和摆弄,您可能会多次上传和更新文件。 在这种情况下,将FTP文件管理器直接内置到您的浏览器中确实有助于加快该过程。

If you currently use an FTP client like FileZilla, you may well prefer a faster work process, especially for quick and dirty changes.


hash killer_5个面向设计师的Killer Firefox附加组件

Once you logged into your FTP account, you can update, edit, move and copy files without leaving Firefox. You can open several files with your favourite program and update them “on the fly” directly, without the need of reuploading them manually.

登录FTP帐户后,无需离开Firefox就可以更新,编辑,移动和复制文件。 您可以使用自己喜欢的程序打开多个文件,然后直接“即时”更新它们,而无需手动重新上传它们。

字体查找器 (FontFinder)

  • Current Version: 1.1.0


  • No. of Users: 25.000 +

    用户数:25.000 +

  • Avg. Rating: 4 stars

    平均 评分:4星

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Typography maniacs, listen up. FontFinder is your new daily companion for all your font needs.

印刷狂,听着。 FontFinder是您满足所有字体需求的新日常伴侣。

hash killer_5个面向设计师的Killer Firefox附加组件

As you can see, you can copy font elements, replace them or even disable them. It also offers you to copy the Color code of any text. Really helpful if you don’t want to zoom in to inspect it with a colorpicker.

如您所见,您可以复制,替换字体元素,甚至禁用它们。 它还可让您复制任何文本的颜色代码。 如果您不想放大以使用拾色器进行检查,则非常有帮助。

The spacing and size tools are also very powerful, especially if you use it together with Firebug and Colorzilla. That way you can prototype even web pages right inside your browser.

间距和大小工具也非常强大,尤其是与Firebug和Colorzilla一起使用时。 这样,您甚至可以在浏览器中甚至制作网页原型。

If you are not Firebug devotee, or are just looking for fast, hightly-targetted, concise information on the sites you’re looking at, take FontFinder for a test drive.


光射 (Lightshot)

  • Current Version: 4.6.7


  • No. of Users: 51.000 +

    用户数:51.000 +

  • Avg. Rating: 4.5 stars

    平均 评分:4.5星

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Lightshot is quite likely the easiest and fastest (if not the best) screenshot tool for Firefox. It’s lightweight, yet very powerful. It offers you the ability to upload your images to imgur with only 1 click, so you can share it instantly.

Lightshot很可能是Firefox最简单,最快(如果不是最好的话)的截图工具。 它很轻巧,但功能非常强大。 它使您只需单击一下即可将图像上传到imgur,因此您可以立即共享它。

It even lets you search for similar images of your captured screenshot directly on Google Images, often saving you time on repetitive task processes.


After you have selected a capture area, you can add notes, arrows, shapes, scribbles, markings and similar. This all happens in a very smooth way, perfect for an optimized workflow.

选择捕获区域后,可以添加注释,箭头,形状,涂鸦,标记等。 所有这些操作都非常流畅,非常适合优化工作流程。

hash killer_5个面向设计师的Killer Firefox附加组件

简单的截图 (Easy Screenshot)

  • Current Version: 0.3.4


  • No. of Users: 128.000 +

    用户数:128.000 +

  • Avg. Rating: 4 stars

    平均 评分:4星

  • Download


Easy Screenshot is another useful screenshot tool, which offers an important feature that is missing in Lightshot: It lets you capture whole web pages at once (without windows and browser borders of course).

Easy Screenshot是另一个有用的截图工具,它提供了Lightshot所缺少的一项重要功能:它使您可以一次捕获整个网页(当然没有窗口和浏览器边界)。

It’s useful if you don’t want to stitch separate screenshots together yourself.


hash killer_5个面向设计师的Killer Firefox附加组件

Like Lightshot, it lets you also capture area selections of your screen, albeit with fewer editing options and no cloud sharing options. However, I’ve found having both Easy Screenshot and Lightshot installed covers off all my screenshot needs in Firefox.

与Lightshot一样,它还可以捕获屏幕上的区域选择,尽管编辑选项更少且没有云共享选项。 但是,我发现同时安装Easy屏幕截图和Lightshot可以满足我在Firefox中所有屏幕截图的需求。

结论 (Conclusion)

Firefox is clearly a very powerful browser, and with such a broad selection of add-ons and tweaks, it can terrifically enhance your web experience. In 2014, web browsers are no longer just the lens with which we view the web, but they have decentralized many of our working habits from our desktop to the web.

Firefox显然是一个非常强大的浏览器,并且通过如此众多的附加组件和调整选项,它可以极大地改善您的Web体验。 2014年,网络浏览器不再只是我们浏览网络的镜头,而是将我们的许多工作习惯从桌面分散到了网络上。

Customizing your experience with addons and other personalizations, can speed up your workflow immensely, regardless what kind of work you do.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/5-killer-firefox-addons-designers/

hash killer