
Have you ever tried to email or IM somebody a link from a site that has ridiculously long URLs, only to have the link break because it was too long or got cut off? The solution to this problem is to use a service like TinyUrl that turns a really long link into a really short link.

您是否曾经尝试通过URL太长的网站通过电子邮件或IM向某人发送链接,却只是因为链接太长或被切断而导致链接中断? 解决此问题的方法是使用TinyUrl之类的服务,该服务将一个很长的链接变成一个很短的链接。

If you find yourself using this feature all the time, then you need the TinyUrl Creator extension for Firefox, which makes it very easy to not only create TinyUrls, but access the ones that you’ve already created.

如果您一直都在使用此功能,则需要适用于Firefox的TinyUrl Creator扩展,这不仅使创建TinyUrl变得很容易,而且可以访问已经创建的TinyUrl。

Once installed, just right-click on any link, and choose “Create TinyURL for this Page”.



With the default settings you’ll get a popup confirmation that tells you the new link has been copied to your clipboard.



If you click the Save button, you can save the new TinyURL into Firefox. Note that this doesn’t save as a bookmark, it saves in the extension’s saved panel.

如果单击“保存”按钮,则可以将新的TinyURL保存到Firefox。 请注意,这不会另存为书签,而是保存在扩展程序的已保存面板中。


To view TinyURLs that you have previously saved, go to Tools \ TinyUrl Creator \ View Saved.

要查看以前保存的TinyURL,请转到工具\ TinyUrl创建器\查看已保存。


Here you can see the list of saved links, and then copy the TinyURL to your clipboard. This is extremely useful for links that you need to use often.

在这里,您可以看到已保存链接的列表,然后将TinyURL复制到剪贴板。 这对于需要经常使用的链接非常有用。


If you don’t want the confirmation dialog every time you create a link, you can go into the TinyUrl options panel and check the box for “Do not show confirmation dialog upon TinyUrl creation”. [Update: The confirmation dialog seems to pop up anyway, so this setting isn’t working for me]

如果您不想在每次创建链接时都希望确认对话框,则可以进入TinyUrl选项面板,然后选中“在创建TinyUrl时不显示确认对话框”框。 [更新:无论如何似乎都会弹出确认对话框,因此此设置对我不起作用]


With all of the features in this extension, it makes dealing with TinyUrl virtually painless.


Download TinyUrl Creator from Mozilla Add-ons

从Mozilla附加组件下载TinyUrl Creator

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/internet/firefox/create-a-tinyurl-the-easy-way-in-firefox/